91 rolls a year per person

>91 rolls a year per person
>7.6 rolls a month
>1.9 rolls a week

Wtf are you Americans shitting where you need 2 rolls a fucking week wtf?

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It's because Americans aren't faggots that shoot water up their asses with bidets. That's it. It has nothing to do with more or less consumption. We just don't water dildos like faggy euromen do, because we are straight in the USA, not homosexual.

the american diet is based around extracting as much profit from the herd as possible with zero regard for their health.

I use so much tp just to make sure I don’t get shit on my fingers. How do people use 1 thin ass sheet per shit and not get shit all over there fingers. Look here slick I eat chipotle bowls twice a day w the red sauce. Get on my level plebs.

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All of our food is processed garbage.
Most people don't have healthy stool.
They go out for margarita's and Taco Tuesday so they can get hammered and slam back 6 street tacos and a chimichanga.
It leaves an abstract art piece on the toilet bowl every time.
A backsplash, if you will.

>reverse image searches
yup, OP is a faggot

I recently moved out to the country, change of diet because fast food doesnt exist, shit once a day (maybe twice). Went to the city and got burger king, shit tore through my stomach and out my ass hole in 2 hours.

no wonder these countries smell like shit
learn to wipe your ass faggots

What about India?

it's your fucking diet

That can't be right. I go through 1 roll maybe every 2 weeks.

Why do you know this or care LOL

It's the women and lardasses, who spray shit.

All the mexican food is so good i cant help myself i love it! dont judge me

I dont see India on the list, why?

It's really explicitly the bidet thing. There are basically zero of them here in the USA. None. We don't EVER use them. I've never actually seen one in my life and have only a vague idea of how they work and are used. We look down on it here. Like "omg, you fucking faggots". That's really all it is. In Brazil, I know bidets are common

they use their hands, so 0 rolls

Nah not me. I use 5 squares a shit, so the roll last me month.

>smearing shit with paper = automatic chad

Sorry dude but I really do think it's weird to be getting literally assblasted by an aquadick.

getting an erection from shooting water up your ass = eurocuck

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It's the American big shart booming.

Does a bidet make your ass itchy?

i haven't lived in a home that had a bidet or anything similar since the 90s. stop giving excuses.

Roughly 1/3 a roll per day, so the copypasta wasn't that far from the truth.

why is Canada not even on the list?


>squares per wipe
glad im not the only civilized person

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So washing your ass is gay now? And you guys stereotype us about smelling lmfao.

No, it's pressurized water that cleans for a few seconds. You literally only need TP to dry, it's that good. If you're a Jew you can use a towel bin to not waste money.

2 rolls for a single amerimutt
89 rolls for the clothes they shit in

Big poop. Big country. Big ideas.
Vote American in 2020

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Highest toilet paper per capita
You guys thought pic related was a joke

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im an average fat shit american and 1 roll usually lasts me about two weeks. I buy single ply only, bigger roles and cheaper.

Im honestly shocked Brazilians
Even wipe their asses

>So washing your ass is gay now? And
You are a homosexual for literally spraying a phallic column of water up your ass and having it pound your rectum until clean.
Use a wad of toilet paper, like a normal fucking person. Like a fucking straight man.

India isn't even on the chart

not at work.

Lmfao I use 1 roll a month
Eat more fiber you fucking degenerates

I have crohn's disease

>Shit twice a day
Seek help

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

We get it; you're all dirtbags who wallow in your own shit while we wipe ours away

Burgers think needing to pass a torrent of brown liquid five times a day is normal.
Somebody on a healthy diet with shit one out about once a day, and cleaning your asshole afterwards should be quick and easy.
What goes in has the same quality as what comes out.

>Practicing good hygiene is gay in the USA

This seems to be an American disease.

Is it normal to shit only once in Japan?

I use about a roll a day, but I take all my poops while at work so it's on the boss's dime.

My cousin had chron's. Just a regular bathroom break sounds like an animal slaughter.

I don't own a bidet, but I shower after taking a shit.

Imagine a fat stack of shit fell from the sky on your arm or hands. I doubt you'd feel okay with just wiping it with paper - you'd want to wash it off completely. I don't feel clean walking around without showering afterwards. I literally don't need toilet paper.

we like to wipe thoroughly until our ass is dry, plus we use tp for other things around the bathroom. people who can't afford kleenexes use tp as well.

Once per 1-2 days.

How was this number taken?

Note that the graph uses weight rather than length or number of sheets to decide what constitutes a roll. We have triple ply quilted toilet paper. It's pretty nice but also thick and heavy. That ups the total weight of our toilet paper, which inflates the numbers when calculated using the weight of single ply tissue paper used in other countries.

To be perfectly fair, every time I see a whole roll of TP used it's fucking Africans or Indians

>once every 2 days

Yeah bud you got the problem

Cheese, beans, corn, gravy, and MEAT.

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Ha faggots I take so much kratom and Percocet that I only shit once a week and my logs come out harder and drier than a baseball bat in the Arizona sun.
So i barely use any toilet paper.
But I do buy a lot of preparation H for the grapefruit sized hemmoroids that line the rim of my asshole

One roll for the dick tip jizz you're mother forget to slurp up

>euros can't afford tp

The Japanese intestinal tract is longer and more efficient than other races user, I thought this was common knowledge.

Total weight of toilet paper produced / 140 grams = total number of rolls
Then divide that by the total population of the country to get the per capita number of rolls. But as mentioned in a previous reply, this is not a good methodology due to the fluffy luxurious toilet paper Americans use on our asses.

Their asses are so fat, thats why they use lot of paper

Cause we actually clean our asses.

Not use 1 square and make up some lame excuse.

To be fair, jew noses are too large for a single kleenex.

Yeah since I moved here I did start shitting less and feeling healthier overall, so I'm gonna chalk this one up to America's garbage tier food quality.

If you aren't jamming your fat face with food constantly you don't need to go every day. Avoiding coffee and alcohol also helps.

Yes, while there are cases in other countries, its prominent in the US. I believe European countries come in next.

Sound doctors believe it's something environmental that "activates" it if you have the gene that makes you susceptible. Weather it's something in our food such as processed meat, or the milk we drink, or hell even vaccines or the multiculturalism that is in the US, it's becoming the norm that kids are most likely to get it.

Ya it be like that sometimes

>American diet bad
>eating dogs, bats, and aborted baby girls good

>the way this study is measuring usage puts us in a bad light therefore the study's results should be discarded
>muh muh muhrican cope

On top as always!


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Why do japan have bidets yet use so much toilet paper?

>Be First world American
>Eat as much nutritious food as we want
>Shit as much as we want
Euros jelly as fuark. Don't worry we'll send you some left overs poorfags

Remind me never to go to America.

>India's not on the graph because it's zero


Not everyone has bidet. And J
Apanese are clean-freaks.

Bold, coming from the country that only uses toilet paper for beating off.
>t. Metrosexual

Only thing special here is the scenery in some parts of the country. Besides that's its shit

you ever seen 6 Big Macs make their way out of the poop chute? Huge messy log

Whats the average life expectancy of americans like this?

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This assumes the weight of toilet paper. I believe Americans have thicker, heavier toilet paper as a result of generally newer infrastructure.

>Oh you fucking americans
>The two important european countries use almost the same amount of toilet paper
America Derangement Syndrome

It's got some good nature but shit culture from what I can see.

That's like measuring kills in pounds rather than people.