Why do Slavs hate Russia? #2

All Slavs betrayed us, even Belarusians stuck a knife in the back. The betrayal by Ukrainians was especially disgusting. Even Serbs will sooner or later side with the enemy.
What do we have today? These so-called "brothers" who want to join EU and NATO will be happy to destroy our country and kill Russians, if it comes to that. Slavshits are our real enemies. Only visiting these Slavic shitholes you can encounter hateful and discrimination only on the basis of your citizenship, origin and even accent.

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first for fuck r*ssia

Suck my hairy balls

russia is a shithole

because crazy russian hacker

second for fuck r*ssia

Russians are the best warriors in Europe, so obviously they have lots of enemies. Weak little shitholes in the butthurt-belt are prime candidates for backstabs especially when used as proxies by other powers who want to get at Russia

This world would undoubtedly be better off if russia didn't exist.

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someone please explain to a humble mutt why everyone is so assmad in these threads?

Let's look, for example, why Poles have a reason to absolutely fucking despise you.
>with the help of Austria and Prussia, and their Jews bribing polish governors in the western side of the country, take it over and carve into three occupations
>violently smash all uprisings
>prohibit the language
>prohibit education
>in case of an uprising, punish random citizens en masse if rebels can't be found
>Russia taken over by Jewry
>Poles liberate themselves
>try to invade Poland again
>get BTFO
>invade Poland again, but with help of Germany
>take all of its aristocracy, intellectuals, professors, generals, officials, artists etc.
>shoot them in the back of the head in Katyn
>install a Jewish communist system and allow Jews to massacre Poles through secret police, allow massacres of Poles and Lithuanians carried out by Jews
>install a jewish communist system for 44 years
>carve the land into non-countries, such as Belarus or Ukraine
>Putin to this day shits on Poles for being anti-semitic
>Russian faggot cries about how nobody likes his country
I could write another greentext like this about what you fucking did to Lithuania. Or pretty much anyone else in central Europe

Quality bait slav thread

Eastern Europe is perma-buttmad

look up the term "butthurt belt"

Does any cute Russian wanna come over to my place and make dinner and watch movies with me?

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you destroyed our country and history

Russians are the zerg
Disgusting insectoids that die by the millions in every war

>Russia attacks or occupies or fucks over some Slav country
lol it's only interests, realpolitik, deal with it, grow up! Akshually my school propaganda told me it's your fault, you deserved it!!
>some Slav country follows their best interests


>let's take a look at poles
you mean the guys who multiple times STARTED conflicts against Russia?
does that show up in your butthurt greentext that's the same old "muh ussr" shit everyone has heard a million times from butthurt east europoors? the same east europoors who commie'd it up with everyone else?

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Bunch of seething butt mad countries that suck part 2: electric boogaloo

21. вeк

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Genetically satanic parasites aka ashkenazim HATE Slavs in general and Russians now in particular, which is why they're always starting threads like this.

There's still time to set the clock back peacefully: we must humanely sterilize their larvae as soon as possible.

Ukrainian living in Sweden here. I, and most people I know, think Russia is fine in some ways. Youre undoubtedly based in helping Assad and grilling t*rks but your involvement in Ukraine is very much unjust. Most rebels are also hardcore communists and so is the government of Donetsk and Donbas so no amount of shills can convince me to like them.

those are coping memes from piss poor drunk russians. Regular russian has no rights and no property in his own country. Instead, he's spoonfed "pride for his mighty country" from state owned media.

t. ex-russian

success breeds jealousy.

The anglos, french, germs suffer from the same syndrome.

Who cares. Slavs = Niggers

brought communism to EE, that speaks for itself

Yeah, you stupid faggot, because I'm not claiming that Poland is innocent, I'm explaining why, when we look at the last 225 years, Poles dislike Russians.

pic related is what they did to every eastern european country

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Slavs are a linguistic group you absolute autist. I can claim Americans = niggers because of your nigger population

White Russians and White Americans are the biggest baddest killers on the planet. Spin it any way you want, but the butthurt comes with the territory.

Shiit, if they blandda up tomorrow and start nuking non-whites we will have a worldwide paradise over a weekend and the best thing is that nobody could stand up to us. Goddamn it feels good to be the most powerful.

first fuck you hohol
second other slavs are irrelevant, and nobody cares what they think.

>The betrayal by Ukrainians was especially disgusting.

>starve 11 million people to death to the point of cannibalism
>wonder why they fucking hate you and want you dead

Russians are the niggers of Asia.

I never hear Russians being unironically antisemitic.
Thats not based.

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I do see Putin bashing Slavic countries for anti-Semitism though.

And of course, by "ex-russian" you mean ukrainian

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Did you just claim Russia is powerful?

Kill yourself.

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Wonder why...

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Uncontested in Eurasia

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What is the point to be an antisemite? Jews are hight IQ people unlike slav(e)shits

Why are you obsessed with Ukraine?

Not so butthurt we hide our flag

Пoтoмy чтo paшкa - этo aнти-бeлaя cтpaнa, aнтиcлaвянcкaя, кoтopaя cтoлькo злa пpинecлa coceдям, кoтopaя иcтpeбляeт ocтaтки этничecких pyccких.

Щac нaбeжит в тpeд пceвдo-пpaвoгo импepcкoгo мycopa из плюмoв, мнoгoнaциoнaлa, мeмoв для нoвиoпoв


Э, cлэйвянин, тeбe в cтoйлo к oбижeнным

Really makes you think.

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