The world could've been better if SSSR won Cold War

All the world's problems now days wouldn't exist if SSSR was still existing but nah some people's parents and grandparents fell for le Murican dream meme and in few weeks woke up they're starving and had to sell their children to westerners to survive and have a better living while the degeneracy and oligarchy was taking over their countries, I guess it was better starting revolutions and dying for your enslavement than get rid off Gandonchev.Imagine how good the world could've been now, no foreigners in Europe everybody was living in their countries, Whites were the strongest and cucking everything, no degeneracy, no power to ever overcome SSSR, cool pop cultures and having more reasons to live and be proud of than working your ass off for rich old pigs just to pay your landlord and some taxes.

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Other urls found in this thread:ł_Gan-Ganowicz

imagine blaming everyone else for your own fuck ups. well i guess thats everyone these days

What is SSSR?

Sorry Ivan, you were just propped up for the sake of a dialectic.

Oh and let's don't forget how you could've been having your own house/apartment, car and being married at 19 years old and already even have 1 or 2 kids from which you were also getting support from the state to rise them unlike now when you're still 19 years old being forced to live with your parents or in rent with some more faggots with a roastie that ends up to cheat on you with her "friends" and wants only dogs not children and once you get married you get drained of cash.

What's that? new Granblue Fantasy cards?

You sound like someone born from 1970-1980 that had a childhood in the soviet union.
You sound like a nostalgia boomer.
Coюз Coвeтcких Coциaлиcтичecких Pecпyблик
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

SSSR is USSR in Russian. They spell it as CCCP, which in the Russian language is pronounced ESS ESS ESS ERR. In Cyrillic C is S and P is R .

Commies get the rope.

We were literally handing you territories and then you fucking collapsed. What the fuck do you want from us?

Fascists get the cock.

Because they're tranny faggots who love cock.

The Soviet collapse was followed by US-backed drunkard Yeltsin, whom the (((media))) cheered on when he used tanks against actualy Russian patriots who wanted to create a functioning non-Communist society.

Then while Yeltsin was drunk all day, his whore daughter and her bodyguard boyfriend were signing the whole of Russian industry over to Jews for bribes.

There is no other reason why Warsaw Pact and USSR to fall beside people having hedonistic desires and weak leadership of Gorbachev, after all together we were biggest military power, we were achiving lots and we rose up from the ruins on our own which also shows why we were much poorer than the West when USA wasn't affected economically by the war and pumped lots of money in the West.
Yeah it's USSR but in Russian Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik

Can't argue with that. I have a feeling the vast majority of urban zoomers will never marry in the west.

Thx for explain joke i didnt get reference until you explained it and it needed to be extra wordy otherwise it would have gone over my head like those mean jokes for people who hate retards

Go to china then

You're welcome.

The right generally has a low IQ, struggles with abstraction and gets angry at ambiguity. I do my best to keep things simple for the brainlets here.

Careful user, this board isn't yet ready for the *red* pill. The McCarthyist CIA psyops working through the co-opted neo-nazi movements and especially Operation Gladio is still in full effect.

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Guess what, you lost that one. And you're about to lose the next one.

Soviet means assembly... It was going to be fully democratic before the kikes killed Stalin.

I dont care about your excuses, just please fucking make us not a superpower anymore. We dont want to be in top. Its lonely and everyone hates us. We want europe to be better than us but every time you retards just become corrupt and now it looks like china is taking the chance.


God fuck our own government hates itself and we still cant fucking lose at anything. Every time you fucks just roll over and die.

USSR's planned economy was dysfunctional shit and reforms were required, but every reform just made it more fucked up, so they decided fuck it let's go market.
Basically, USSR was dead when they allowed cooperatives, it was already 100% ideologically dead and had to be reformed entirely, but for the same reason the liberals had the power and cucked the marked retard Gorbachev out of power and went on with this fuckery. Even then, the fact that they privatized everything didn't meant that they had to fuck it all up and sell all assets for scrap metal instead of trying to repurpose it for market economy. But even that wouldn't have happened, if the КПCC wasn't a pack of rotting whoresons who couldn't hold their own ass together with both hands. They could have done limited reforms of integrating elements of market economy and building a normal state capitalism, like chinks. It would still be ideologically shallow shit, just like China today, which is held together only by total control and iron fist centralization, but at least it is economically functional, unlike shit Russia, of which everything bad, you can say about China, can be said as well, as it essentially arrived to the same state crapitalism cocksuckery, but loosing all of its potential on the way through the liberal detour.

But still, even you blame liberals for it, which you probably should, don't forget that they too, were members of КПCC, so the root reason is the same no matter what interpretation of the events you wanna pick - the entire ruling elite was comprised of faggots, traitors and retards, meaning the USSR wasn't going anywhere anyway, it would fall apart eventually even if it was the last state on Earth.

Nah Chinks are Commubist only by name meanwhile they're as degenerate as Americans

If the Russian SSR didn't act like a bunch of dindus by holding a gun to all the other SSR's head, and actually offered something of value to them, maybe it would still be around today.

Other SSRs were dogs. You cannot treat Hohols, Balts and Sand people like humans.

They should have finished those scum races with genocide.

Agreed. Would also add, that people quickly became 'easier' after ww2. Next generation had already been fucked by the comforts achieved by the state which made them more disinterested, so even if it was paradise at some point, simply the great dependency from the state would quickly result in fucking up that paradise

>He thinks the USSR didn't win the cold war

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Thanks to us they had nuclear ballistic missiles and were already in space meanwhile now they are barely armed with Soviet shit and can't even build a weather balloon.

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>get cucked by the jews
>blame america
i really think Russia and America could be great allies in returning the west to its roots, but stop with this fantasy that somehow we ruined a good thing.

(((They))) need america to be big mean enemy to take all the attention.

The girl in OP’s picture is now in her mid 40’s, at least.

>posts picture of a literal prostitute

God, I am a sucker for a woman in overalls.

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Imagine her hairy 90's muff and how sweet it smells.

And no indoor plumbing outside of the cities.
You Soviets were primitive fucks.

Returning to what roots? Don't be a faggot. Your traditional bullshit is faggotry. Also, westerner society is sociopathic and deranged. Not compatible with Eastern societies like Slavs or Byzantines.

Hello le retarded cousin.

It would likely have smelled like a half eaten can of cheap tuna

PCФCP was the ultimate donor for all the national shitholes. Russian regions were eating shit while the resources were diverted to build those countries for those subhumans from the ground up. If it weren't for the soviets, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan would be on par with Afghanistan today. And those animals returned the favot by starting an ethnic cleansing of all russians in their shitholes the moment the federal power gave in. And still there are retards who claim we should take them back and restore the USSR.
The friendship of the people is the biggest fuck up of Commie niggers' ideology. Soviets should have treated all that local wildlife like you treated indians, if the needed that territory at all, which I doubt they did. The only way nations can interact with one another are war, trade and genocide. Everything else is a meme and will eventually crumble and come to one of those, when tested by the slightest social and/or economic instability.

>Funds Anti-White rebellions in Africa
>Imports Algerian migrants to the Eastern Europe
>Destroys the hegemony of white countries over the rest of the world
>Leaders are kikes

Good fucking riddance

Attached: oycyka.png (203x203, 69.92K)

CCCP, faggit.

Western Media doesn't even knows to lie properly, before the collapse being a prostitute and also ending up to be next to the Militsiya wouldn't end up too good
Those were only some villages and that could've change also you got yourselves humiliated in space race and nuclear tests by those "primitives"

I also love the communal hot water system that didn't work then nor now.

I remember being twelve and asking what is this, too. It's OK son. You don't have to fake it among good buddies.

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The USSR surviving would be good for the white race overall as there would be 150 million more eastern Europeans, but ultimately not change much of anything in the USA as the problems derive from boomers falling for judeo-socialist propaganda.


Coюз Coвeтcких Coциaлиcтичecких Pecпyблик
Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik

Had to google that because I haven't learned to cyrillic yet.

-How does it feel to kill a human?
-I don't know, I only killed communistsł_Gan-Ganowicz

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The world would have been better if we had WW3 in the 1980's. Civilization lost the plot after the Berlin Wall came down in 1990. The Soviets were high quality bad guys.

>choosing breadlines and gulags so that you can have a roastie and a few crotch goblins
I'm laughing so hard at you that I almost choked on my breakfast.

Agreed. Trading Russians for the never ending 'War on Terror' and a bunch of goatfuckers was depressing.

This is why some Polish have enough brains to clean toilets in the west.

>Funds Anti-White rebellions in Africa
"Anti-Imperialist" movements against "allies" of the West, after all Cold War was mostly a war between proxies and also you were the biggest betrayers of South Africans and Rhodesians which brought them to lose all the power, at least they could've still own lands if they were allying with USSR because after all we were like an empire too

>Imports Algerian migrants to the
Eastern Europe
Lol no, the only foreigners were only students which were also fucking off back to their countries

>Destroys the hegemony of white countries over the rest of the world
Nah, those are you that destroyed it for corporatism and power of the banks

>Leaders are kikes
Tell me kike leaders after the 1940 that also weren't killed

who wouldn't want to live like a soviet king.

Attached: 1575667947015.jpg (1920x1080, 561.24K)

You wouldn't be posting here then. I would very much like that. Now please, may you fulfill my wish and rid this place of your presence?

I was there in 1996 having sex with their women
I’m 54 now and it was a wild time.
Their cooters weren’t the worst, but nothing special either.

The cost for them was insignificant, but the gain from them was significant to USSR. Because they served as a buffer for the Russian heartland. The Chinese during dynastic era are often very generous with the nearby smaller states and tribes, because they understand the gain from exploiting them is very insignificant compare to the heartland, while keeping from attacking China was more beneficial

If he only lived long enough to see how banks and corporations are bitching it's people enslaving them to work for western states instead for Poland and also those pics from EuroWeek I bet he would be proud for wasting years of his life as a Mercenary in a country that saw him nothing more than just cannon fodder, he would've cry instead to be in some 3rd world shitholes fighting to be in Polish People's Army striking Berlin.

I suddenly feel an urge to become the town rapist.

>onions's soviet socialist republic

The USSR was completely against Whites controlling a government in Africa, their ideology's tenet stated that the descendants of colonialism are members of the global bourgeoisie and deserve liquidation. The Soviets would never have allied with either Rhodesia or South Africa.

There were thousands of Algerians in East Germany, the East German populace killed a bunch of them in vigilante attacks and the Soviets forced the Germans to ramp up the Stasi.

You destroyed it through forced decolonization and supporting African nationalism. China and Africa would never have risen if not for you.

The USSR continued to idolize Lenin the Jew.

Breadlines were happening because they were free from the state and people didn't had to waste their money on them, they were also pretty delicious especially that they were hot.Gulag after all were good, they were putting criminals and traitors to work not to waste time fucking eachother's asses like American prisons and not only for that but the USSR could've bring me even more benefits for me to have a better live but also some loses which aren't that important.

Neat. I was there in 1987 briefly, but I was 7 and don't remember much of anything. I'm pretty sure I didn't score.

It's funny because that pic is from Hong Kong, into such cities people were living and they were also damn clean.

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> look at how terrible these people's lives are, they have apartments with windows

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They won it Trudeau style.

Shut up faggot
We had to feed Russia for a couple of years after the CCCP imploded.
Ask your parents if they remember “Bush Legs”?

make it happen

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white christian male dominated society, those roots.

The kid who had "donald duck" chewing gum (was brought by sailors to kids) was literal god in class.
Thats how shitty it was, Fuck you and your rule of retards. Never again.

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1980 (cleaned up for the Olympics) Moscow was likely the best that place ever looked.
Things were still new enough that they weren’t completely falling apart yet and everything had been given a good scrub.