Come and take them you alphabet nigger faggots

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You should take that anger and use it to push NWO

Attached: Join now.jpg (900x721, 450.9K)

Fuck off boomer you know damn well a 140lb govt basedboy with a clipboard could knock on your door and ask for your guns and you'd meekly hand them over.

>those neutered ARs
Brah they all but took them already.

Attached: _DSC9716 copy.jpg (2000x1325, 1022.32K)

try me bitch

pffft sure dude, if you had any balls those rifles would already have pistol grips

When an American writes: 'GOD I LOVE MAH GUNS!'
This is what the rest of the world reads: 'I have a very small penis.'

Easy there, slim. Nobody is untouchable.

I do love my guns and my penis is small.


Dude you have two featureless AR's. They already took them my friend.

What the fuck are those stocks?

They don’t have to get your guns they get you for doing some other crimes. they should their tactics after Oklahoma bombing

Yah and while we're all being faggots lets join twitter and Reddit too.

No pistol grip, ugly butt, you might as well let them take them

Nice OP. Very beautiful. I just bought a new revolver today


CA compliant shit. Even as a commiefornia fag I know how to bypass mod rules in minecraft.

Says a fucking donkey. Ugly butt? You dumbass

>using m14s in 2020

Attached: jocko.jpg (1280x720, 145.78K)

you call those guns? lol, I could disarm you and fuck your ass before you could even aim down the sight of those pieces of shits.

I like the composite lowers. Not as elegant as wood, but lighter and more durable


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Holy fuck. When they show up to take your guns they'll probably fucking die of laughter before a single shot is fired.

How embarrassing.

Isn't it passed your bedtime?

nice boomer joke you old piece of shit, go back to facebook

Damn there's a lot of kike shills in here

I think you're looking at it wrong, you have to bring the fight to them..look at the laws passed in CA, NY, IL, VA etc..I'm from upstate NY and can't even buy anything besides a bolt action rifle or pump shotgun because the well armed Americans are waiting in their home for the government to show up and take them..that's never going to happen, they won't disarm you, they simply prevent the next generation from being armed in the first place

Kike shill. Not a boomer or a fagbook nigger. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. You won't do shit pussy. You don't even have guns

I wish my penis was small. Having a huge cock is fucking bullshit. Sluts don't get off anywhere near as easily as it's memed and it always gets caught in things. Ever sit on your dick? It's like another circumcision every time.

Imagine doing this to your rifle instead of just donning an SKS with stripper clips.

Attached: img_eggsif_1452390179087594488.jpg (536x1200, 78.76K)

*come and take what's left of it.

low iq hardass better watch out for this guy

Dude are you a fucking idiot? Those are AKs. Pol should never ever comment on guns.

>kike shill
oh and you're a schizo too? you have to go back.

Looks like they already did, boomer.
Shut the fuck up and let the zoomers clean up the fucking mess you made in my home state.

Attached: boomer.png (918x1276, 1.75M)

What are they even supposed to accomplish? Not look as scary? You're not losing that much maneuverability by having a slightly longer stock. Looks like a typical idiotic government response in which the person that writes the laws doesn't even know anything about the topic they try to regulate.

Are seriously conflating a lower with the stocks? There are polymer lowers but jesus christ.

Thats right Jack, let me tell you back in my day all you needed was a...

user he prob meant a m4



Are those pellet guns?

they're aks you goofball

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Attached: come-and-take-what's-left-of-it.jpg (438x279, 19.69K)

>that gay ass walmart furniture

if you're going full meme tapco stock then atleast get a tapco 30 or 40 rounder for it, for fucks sake.

>come and take them
>im locked in my house anyway
lol this dumb faggot

i like your FAMAS. very based.

You're the pussy faggot in threatening the man and then try to call me crazy. That's a fucking kike move nigger

>No pistol grip
You must be in Cali, sucks to suck user.

>Compliant rifles
lmaoing at your life.

you can have my arsenal, too

nice AK. Arsenal?

>rifle grip
must be california. not even canada is this cucked.

fuck, you are stupid.
PS M14's rock. Good luck finding one.

Funny how The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to faggy cucked blue states...

>those stocks
thinly veiled homosexuality debate thread

do a bottom feeder conversion

I didn't threaten anyone you brainlet.

Yeah man, slr-106.

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if he thought those were M4's then he is still a fucktard

>get into AR meme full force
>machine my own lower
>buy vintage furniture, dress it up all classic like
>don't even dump a full mag through it before the novelty wears off

It now sits in the corner of my closet. ARs are a meme at best. Slavshit SKSs and WASRs are more fun.

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What? You can still buy ARs and AK's. Just without pistol grips. Pistol grips are held on with one screw. NYC is the only area with cucked gun laws. You can even get AR's in long island. No waiting period.

Anybody who buys one of these in California and leaves it like that once they get home is a cuck. Gun stores literally sell buttstocks and pistol grips still, and you can order them online.

jesus christ dude, get a modern keymod or mlok quad rail

>The rest of the world is thinking about America's penis
Thanks, bro.

Why dont you just get a Mini14 at that point OP. Those things are abominations

have you tried one that doesn't suck?

God why do you Democrats always think the feds are gonna outlaw abortion

Open a window to let all that pot smoke out

wipe the jizz off your camera lens

Because of your guns, I am unable to escalate this any further.

Yes, we are well aware that the rest of the world are faggots who constantly fantasize about our penises. That's why we don't care about you.


It's an M16A4gery, I have a modern AR with mlok.

Attached: DSC_1476-2.jpg (2000x1325, 479.9K)

Shot my friends various ARs a few times. He dumps retarded gobs of money into his collection.

I maintain my opinion.

Choke on horsecock, toothpaste.

Attached: it-appears-my-superiority-has-led-to-some-controversy.png (638x447, 369.39K)

And can you please stop following me

>What are they even supposed to accomplish? Not look as scary?
It's worse than that. Pic related is 100% compliant with the law.

Attached: Fingrip.jpg (1341x1080, 1.52M)

What 2 guns should I buy with muh Trumpbux?
>sub-compact handgun

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AR is a tool, not a toy, "novelty" factor is for children. The real strength of the AR is how freaking easy it is to use.

shield and a psa AR

12 individual jimenez JA-22 hooker pistols.



Just what in the fuck am I going to do with 3 rifles. I might take your food and some ammo or rape your wife. Definitely going to rape your daughter. . . Don't worry, I couldn't care less about your guns, OP.

Compliance is for faggots.

When a europoor talks about americans and guns, theyre just using it as an excuse to talk about penises.

Which home state is that, cali?


>when ever someone criticizes the Americans for loving their guns.

>you know they are jealous that they are not free to own any... unless they suck and swallow a few loads.

why not just form 1 a quality lower and have a couple different uppers to play around with? 556, 300 blk, 9mm conversion, 5.7 conversion. etc.

what about an x95. i want to get one of those next.

>shield and a psa AR
Roger that

I'm in NY. I see where my home state's headed. I hate this place. Too many boomers holding the state down. Once they die, the sudden drop in white population will at least motivate the diversity to go in full force, which might put our generation's white people on the spot finally

>Definitely going to rape your daughter
going to be a challenge with your dick shot off, nigger.

Palmetto also makes decent budget AR.

I don't see your point. Are you arguing that an AK is not easier to use? we've had the basic functionality and ergonomics of a rifle down pat for the past 60 years my man. They all might differ in their inner workings but the overall principles are the same. Anyone arguing "which gun platform is better?" is basically arguing semantics. We've reached a plateau in gun design. There's nothing new under the sun, just slightly different.

PSA = palmetto state armory

>look how tough I am with my restricted state rifle.
So you won't stand up to a bureaucrat who tells you what kind of stock you can buy but you expect us to believe that you will fight an amored truck full of SWAT guys?

what if my ass is the juiciest of the bunch?

those .22LR uppers are kinda neat. Not for the money though. and if I wanna just go out and plink I'll take out my tube fed winchester 190.

AK is also fine, but you were sperging about some "novelty" shit.
I prefer AR because most 7.62 is steel cased and can't be reloaded.
oops lel

Do you have you gun loicense?
If you did you'd know how sucked we are.