BARR: "No Basis" For FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. a 'Pattern of Events to Sabotage the Presidency'

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If only we had something similar to a department of justice that could charge all these people with a crime

Aww look! It's a shill pretending John Durham hasn't empaneled a grand jury and doesn't exist!

>tick tock

do you have any proof on that? I believe in Trump and I pray that he takes down these demons

>cop gets fake tip about crime X in guys apartment
>cop checks and finds crime Y but not X

fake news! guy shouldnt have been looked at! someone should do something!
>muhjohn derrham

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Criminal prosecutions when?

John Brennan literally admitted on Camera to being subpeonad and having to appear in front of Durham and the Grand Jury to answer questions. Do you Mossad shills contemplate killing yourselves ever?

more bluster from one of trumps errand boy lackeys.

big fucking deal. its a nothing burger, always was, always will be. and the right looks fucking stupid spinning its wheels in this shit.


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>all the obama preemptive pardons
>who was pardoned?
>google it bro
>they need to be kept in place so they commit more crimes

Don't worry friends, trust Sessions. He will fix all of this. TRUST SESSIONS WWG1WGA MAGA MIGA

Don't worry losers. Bannon and everyone else who was behind promoting your strawman psy op is fucked too. Using a 3+ year old psy op shows your desperation.

When no one mentions Q but you need to use it to attack people who are talking about corruption really says a lot about your desperation.

I dont know why you are so angry and again, please provide the proof and read my post again

All of it legal and he won't do shit to the big players. This is pablum to pacify Trump supporters. He does it every few months, along with the "Durham is looking into someone...!" stories in the press.

>ignores literally everything I was said to spam more pilpul
Nah I'm just gonna call you a kike because you're not good at your job

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Kek. Lying to courts to get surveillance warrants isn't legal.

What’s Friday?
What’s Sunday?

Have a good weekend.

What's funny is you yourself know nothing will happen.

i don't recall mentioning Q, rather mocking arguments Qtards have made to me. people have unironically told me that obama did a shitload of preemptive pardons so the criminals had to be kept in place so they could commit more crimes and then be charged.

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I hope they have "lotteries" to let the public swing the axes on necks of these commie traitors.

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>mocking a psyop means i support the psyop

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You don't actually think I like this peice of shit do you? I would think Bannon is the kind of guy who helps peddle this horseshit.


Yeah when you mock the psy op in a thread that didn't discuss it at all you're only here to associate that psy op with this thread. You're not a good shill and you're lower IQ than the average user here. That's why you're fucking failures who can't demoralize anyone.

>You don't actually think I like this peice of shit do you? I would think Bannon is the kind of guy who helps peddle this horseshit.
No. Bannon is IMPLICATED in this Spygate against Trump. Him and Mossad created the Q psy op.

These fisa warrants have been used on regular u.s. citizens and renewed over and over again,ruining the life of the person who has no leverage to fight back. They need to look into this in lower merion township,pa.

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>impyling i want to demoralize anyone but the qtards that will try to latch on to this
Qtards are cringe I want them to stop peddling their 47d underwater backgammon faggotry. Qtards should be demoralize so they can focus on real shit instead of a mongolian fingerpainting image board

Seethe more kike.

Lemme guess, former IRA?

>>cop checks and finds crime Y but not X

Biden is the answer

So you know Q is bs, but do you actuallty think Barr is going to indict someone like Comey, Clapper or Brennan? Sorry but I just see a better actor than Sessions.

>mocking a kike psyop means i am a kike

Spygate is going to be exposed whether you kikes think so or not.

Reminder that the Democrats sold America out to the Chinese decades ago.

>As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

>Unlike the administrations that preceded it, the Clinton administration accepted millions of dollars from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower.

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And yet nothing will happen

Hillary Clinton and her cronies are untouchable because she has blackmail material on too many powerful people in DC. The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate, arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to FBI security-clearance files (including SF 86 and the intrusive personal full scope lie detector tests) for Republicans and other DC Elites. The sensitive material in those files is classified because it can be used to blackmail.

>Certain types of security clearances require the individual to pass a polygraph examination, which can be extraordinarily intrusive and far exceed the subject matter of an SF-86. One former U.S. official noted that “a polygrapher once asked if he’d ever practiced bestiality.” Another said that “he was asked about what contacts he’d had with journalists, including in a social setting.

There was even an FBI and Congressional investigation, and a 14 year long lawsuit by Judicial Watch.

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Let me save you some time waiting for something to happen
>we found a horrifying pattern of awful behavior and breaches in the code of ethical conduct and breaches of public trust, however we cannot prove that beyond a reasonable doubt laws were broken and we don't want to crush our nation of laws to punish bad actors whom were not criminal, no charges will be filed but official reprimands will be delivered, bye

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so you think trump who has put (((kushner))) in charge of fucking everything will allow it to be framed as a kike operation? are you naive? if you think trump who has done nothing but suck israeli dick since he got in office is going to let this be framed as jewish foreign interference i'm not sure you understand how fucked the whole situation is

Aww you Likud shills really hate Kushner, just like Ron Dermer and Sloppy Steve. Just like Bill Kristol and Max Boot.

Hahahahah. Likud is falling apart.

you saying shit is not proof, megamind

That goes both ways kike

Welp a funny hat said it so all the knowledge authoritarians are going to accept the obvious reality now right?

post proof

Never seen a dumber mutt than this one

Rip Van Barr gonna wake up here? Miracles DO happen.

>its nothing
The investigation really happened
The probable cause has been proven to be fraudulent
The fbi has been proven to know it was fraudulent
The accusations have been proven to not be true.

Where's the nothing?

Hahahahahaha you Israelis are so bad at online manipulation. You got so angry you turned off your proxy and posted with your real flag. I can't believe Yair Netanyahu runs Hasbara operations now. You dumb fucks let that retard get power and he's making you all retarded too.


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except i hate neocons and want all foreign aid to israel pulled. i want tariffs put in place so globalist corporations don't offshore labor to give themselves a labor discount so they can pocket the difference. i would like trump to actually do the america first policies he promised but he sold all his bloodlines to the kikes, all his grand children are kikes. if you think he is going to hurt israel in a meaningful way after doing nothing about israeli stingrays being discovered spying on our people then i'm not really sure what to say. unfortunately MAGA is actually MIGA

PapaD transcript with FBI informant released. Pretty obvious now Cat Herridge moved to CBS to run point on this because they know everybody dies in the end.


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>dumb, irrational, seething libtard

Whoever was paid by FusionGPS is in deeeeep shit

>libtards want tariffs and american labor protected
ok tard

So when will lockups begin?
I heard "its happening soon" for more than a year now

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First thing this guy did was let (((rosenstein))) off the hook. Maybe he had to negotiate that for assistance in dive bombing the mueller report but still

Ok, so we keep trusting the plan, right?

You're so stupid you actually don't think that people know Rosenstein testified that the FISA warrants he signed off on weren't the ones presented to the court. They got his signature and then changed the warrant after. Hahahaha. Rosenstein told Barr and Durham everything.

You keep working for Bannon and Mossad and you'll either be in prison or 6 feet under soon enough

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Not true. Giuliani might end up his life in jail for missing a comma in some official declaration.

>believing the attorney general makes you a Q supporter



>Bannon and Mossad

what are you talking about?

>muh Mossad
ITT only idiots or kikes would imply that the Jews don't control America.

So which one are you?

Bannon is a mossad asset kike. USA and China won't ever go to war and you gotta accept that. USA and Russia won't go to war either.

>ITT only idiots or kikes would imply that the Jews don't control America.
Nah what I'm implying is that you Zionists are watching your centuries old plans collapse and you can't stop it. Zionists won't control shit when all this is over.

you're completely delusional.

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So what was the crime that you are saying the FBI uncovered?

scared CIA Brennantranny lmao

Nah what's delusional is thinking Trump will lose the election and he won't notice Israel trying to annex the west bank during the corona crisis. Fucking kek. Likud is completely retarded.

USA would've been another country today if the absolute unacceptable behavior from the left would've been suppressed.
Trump has the money and can't be bought, and that what frightened the left.
Every single day for the past 4 years the left have tried every desperate move to make Trump look bad. Every... single.. day. Almost 1500 days.

>John Brennan literally admitted on Camera to being subpeonad and having to appear in front of Durham and the Grand Jury to answer questions
Link to this?

>cops give themselves fake tip

Without economic collapse, the Jews aren't going anywhere.

>trump didn't notice trump heights in the golan heights which israel totally already legally controlled

>Dood we're totally moving from one hand of satan to the other hand! From dark to light dood! Down with the cabal! Down with the pedos! Up with enlightenment! Up with ascension!
Does noone see that power is shifting from one group to another and complete slavery follows? On the bright side the cages will be really nice and have lots of toys.

Oh boy there it is again. So this is the new go-to shill image I'll be seeing spammed 200 times a day for the next week?

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>Without economic collapse, the Jews aren't going anywhere.
Economic collapse is caused by the jews so they can buy up everything for pennies on the dollar. ZIONISM IS OVER KIKE. Your precious institutions are losing more and more US backing every day. Your liberal world order will never be completed.