That's why I hate white people
>implying Biden will even be alive by November
What kind of faggot do you have to be to post this lol.
biden will literally win any nigger-infested state because they actually think he'll make obama vice president.
no, they dont care if that's actually possible.
Its a lot closer than it was with Hillary which means landslide Trump?
>Virginia blue
>Michigan and Wisconsin blue
A new low for representative democracy.
This is what happens when the only campaign promises you keep are to israel.
Not if coronachan wipes out the Democratic electorate by November
This. Never forgetti.
Ginsburg is still around and that bitch was supposed to die 4 years ago
>trump barely won by 80k votes in key swing states
>Yas Forums actually think he has a chance now that Democrats are emboldened to vote
Very cringe, it's gonna be a huge loss
The same simulations that said Hillary had a 92% chance of winning. LOL
>After 100s of simulations in Madden ‘98, I believe the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl this year!
Literally just winning Ohio and Florida is enough to push Trump to 270
It's astounding to me that liberals would vote for someone that literally forgets his own name.
>plural vote
>Plural Vote is an independent, non-partisan, data-driven news site, run by Sean Le Van. We statistically analyze elections, current events, policy decisions, and legislation in order to get to the bottom of important issues relevant to our time.
>Sean Le Van
>Sophomore at Columbia University / Founder and Developer of Plural Vote
Fuck off Sean. Nobody cares about your faggy summer project and meme predictions.
They aren’t
Damn hillary lost after winning 98% of their simulations
Except now people have had a taste of what a Trump presidency is like. Its a bunch of chest beating and pretending you are doing stuff, but not actually getting anything done besides sucking circumcised cock.
They never learn.
It's more likely to wipe out the Republican voter base but hey who's counting.
I would have agreed with a blue virgina but I think the Dems played their cards too soon with the abortion and gun control issues. It could be a blowout.
Dude will get murdered in debates trolololo
why are trumptards in full cope mode biden is going to fuck you up so hard you will be needing ventilators to breath
>even worse than the hillary simulations
biden is going to lose every state
> 2016
It's over. Every trump voter I know is too discouraged to go out and vote because of these polls. There's no point since he will just lose.
plenty of non-essential fat diabetic niggers dropping dead in the inner cities
The higest death toll is in New York and California you fucking retard, go seethe about bernie
lmao even you precious fox news is saying bidens popular stop being a faggot
I wish these threads were fun this time around. All the dragon energy is gone, 2016 was magic.
Biden will win but there probably won't be another president
If coronachan wipes out the niggers in Michigan and Wisconsin, Dems definitely lose
>NY and Cali
Sad thing is, those places would still go blue if the death toll was in the millions
and it will bloom in republican states eventually your point
Republicans don't live in cities and I'm willing to bet last night in Wisconsin showed that people in cities stayed away from polls and the rural areas showed out big time.
Wow Biden's good as done with those odds
Thread theme
rural and suburban retards are safe
Remember the predictions for the last election? Shit is a fucking joke.
You’re pretty fucking retarded if you truly believe nothing has gotten done. Oh and let’s not mention the democrats doing literally what ever they can to stop trump. If you haven’t been up to date in what’s been going on the last 3 years, please kill yourself
>election still going ahead
As much as I would say that I would play it safe and say they may not make them as wildly incorrect as 2016, however these people aren't the smartest
So basically the same chance as Nate Silver gave Trump to win 2016? Kek.
Most of his base like sucking circumcised cock so...
It won't though because they're not nearly as densely populated, keep dreaming though
cannot wait for the first debate. they might actually arrest trump for elder abuse.
I really do think the election should happen. Make it more fun
well yeah, you have a point
It was close last time, and florida is only 53 percent non-hispanic white.
if even just 4 percent of white voters vote biden that's an issssuuue
The polls are still coming in for corona. Nate silver's models show that rural areas have not yet reported in yet and the surge is coming
Just like Hillary had a 98% chance of winning
>Biden ever winning against Trump
top jej
Nevada and AZ blue? Bahahahahahaaaa aa
There's no way Trump is losing Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Full of degenerate white trash.
>First you try to set a narrative
>Then you do illegal shit to try and make it happen
>The idiot normies accept the original narrative
Why do I think this crap is done by the same 'experts' as the CCP Virus predictions?
and then this happened
it will just because you live in a rural place doesn't mean the virus wont eventually reach there also relying on coronavirus to stop the democrats you just admitted you are going to lose you fucking retard
I don't trust anything that comes from that kike.
>implying they'll be able to keep his dementia under wraps until the election
So long as Trump keeps that Trump bux coming He's got my vote. Trump/Yang 2020.
Biden most definitely does not win North Carolina or Florida.
Not from where I’m standing.
>Blue Ohio
>Blue North Carolina
>Blue Pennsylvania
>Blue Wisconsin
>Blue Michigan
>Blue Florida
Top lel. I would consider Virginia a swing state, a lot of people are mad at the gun and abortions stuff there.
That map is some delusional shit. Biden's screen time will only increase as this goes on, and he will damn himself trying to defend from a barrage of negative ads. His team will have televised rebuttals, but he himself won't be able to memorize those defenses.
What does Nate Copper have to say about it?
as if PA would go blue right now with this dumbfuck of a governor LOL
California may end up surprising everyone. Every black market grower/employee/plug I know here in Humboldt county consistently vote Republican and/or against federal cannabis legalization to keep their profits up. White market cannabis is shitty, overpriced, and companies are typically run by fags that never gave a fuck about cannabis until it became a lucrative business.
Keep in mind, most Republicans are openly attacked and painted as racist now. Democrats are loud and obnoxious and that makes them seem like they have greater numbers. Problem is...they never show up to vote bc the loud bullshit they spew even has THEM convinced they've got more backing than they do. Republicans sit back quietly, and make sure they go vote on election day.
I imagine for every 5 Bernie bros openly saying on social media that they will support Biden, there are at least 10 that are pissed and will quietly vote Trump, or not vote at all. These "polls" are only based on the people speaking up right now. There are a lot of silent stewers that aren't going to follow suit.
>Biden will win in Arizona
Kek no not even memming nobody likes that senile idiot
Never forget!
We have seen this episode already.
>PA going blue when our governor just destroyed our economy
This time it's different your miga miga zion don moron.
>emboldened to vote?
Except cityniggers and literal niggers are the ones dropping like flies
The polls are all sampled like this
49% Dem voters
40% Rep voters
11% Independents
The actual 2016 election was
36% Dem
33% Rep
41% Independent
The polls are obviously wrong, you dumb faggot. Unless voter turnout falls to 100 million, Biden has no shot at winning.
It doesn't matter how many old people die in blue counties, dipshits.
The truth is liberals now are weaker than ever the establishment is trying to hold power with a demented pedophile at the helm, the grass roots candidates have proven themselves to be total frauds, there is nowhere to go for the few liberals who still want to hold on to their values, welcome to the DNC slave plantation. And those who will vote will be the total fringe Trump hating lunatics
About fucking time!
And it’s the first time in my life I’m proud of the president we have. Of course, the least proud I ever was with Obama.
>thinking Biden would be any different
None of this matters because Biden won't be the candidate.
1.7% is still a chance
I trust the polls
Bernie’s is going to win for sure landslide
>Biden wins in only 67.5% of the simulations
Significantly lower than Hillary. Trump has this.
>that expanding blue wall along the south west
Realistically, how long until this is all meaningless and the wetbacks breed us into eternal darkness?
>Except now people have had a taste of what a Trump presidency is like. Its a bunch of chest beating and pretending you are doing stuff, but not actually getting anything done besides sucking circumcised cock.
Wishful thinking dipshit. I voted for Bernie, Trump is now my man.
> some oven dodger on Twitter
Shit, it's totally real
She's also got elder kike super powers though.
>our simulations
larping this hard fuck off faggot Berniefags only want orangeman gone
You must not know a lot of people.
yeah but Biden is already a vegetable
Everyone who thinks that Trump doesn't win in a landslide is a brainlet.
I'll never forget that
Is this why my tranny Ben Franklin looking ass secretary of health thinks everything is fine? Are you him?
Newsflash: It's sub 80 IQ brown people in cities spreading the virus
Don't steal my insult you assmonkey.
>larping this hard fuck off faggot Berniefags only want orangeman gone
Wrong, I want the establishment gone. Other than being an idiot I like trump's tariffs, his dealing with the mexishit border etc.
>emboldened to vote by a dementia ridden water sandwich candidate
Let me know how that works out for you.
>ohio was once a swing state, always getting at least 45% vote from wither side
>obama gets all the niggers in ohio to vote for him and set a new record at 200k vote margin
>hillary promises to shut the rust belt down even further
>ohio no longer considered a swing state
yet the simulation says ohio will be blue?
>he doesn't remember 2016
fuck off britnigger
Hahahahahahahahhaahaha just like the Clinton simulations..
Who in their sane mind votes for an open pedophile and 1 dementia step away from smearing poop on the walls..
Plus they just lost support of berniebros, my fiancé says she’s not voting now..
Hahahahahaha what a joke. Thank you for making me smile.
Only 67%? They are fucked, wow
I was a die hard Trump supporter who leans libertarian. I'm just meh now. I had alot of hope for Trump, but I don't think he's a principled individual, just one hell of a salesman with a funny personality. Most of his formal speeches where he talks about nationalism and patriotism are usually scripted and pre-written for him. The man is obsessed with the stonks markets, that's it. Everything else be damned. That's just how I see it. I'm more blackpilled than anything else.
Biden isnt winning PA, NC, FL, AZ, OH, or MI. Nobody is gonna get excited to vote for a bland geriatric that forgets what state he's in.
>4 of the 5 closest states go barely blue
Yas Forums got real cocky when Trump won several states by very thin margins in 2016, it would be pottery if the reverse happened here.
>implying Trump will either
It's going to be Pence v whichever SJW Biden picks as his VP
so we vote for the guy that was perfectly fine with NAFTA and TPP and the paris fucking climate accord?
Maybe you’d have a point if Dems hadn’t cried wolf 24/7/365 for the last four years on bullshit scandals and smears that only blew up in their faces.
>Simulations for last election were so out of whack everyone literally wanted time off to mourn
>Produces same shit tier "simulations"
>T-this time for sure G-guys
Who fucking falls for this shit???
Thats not what the gambling sites say.
Bidens entire candidacy is built on Obama nostalgia. We already had that and it's why we got Trump in the first place. God help the democrats if Biden fucks up his VP pick (he will)
lol faggot
>be white supremacist
>make up fake scenarios in your head to get angry at imaginary black people in a desperate attempt to justify your pathetic views
Man you’re coping so hard that you didn’t even think this through.
You mean the same ones with incredibly low voter turnout?
Except that their simulations are probably not created by a neutral third party. Their simulations are probably made by themselves, for themselves. Meaning that they've already injected their simulations with so much bias, the results can only reflect that bias.
>winning Pennsylvania AND Florida
rural areas are not at nearly as much risk.
>less public infrastructure = less dirty shit to spread the disease
>farther from grocery store = fewer trips to shared infrastructure
>more land = more gardens and self sustaining agriculture, less dependence on specialization to survive
city fags truly do not understand rural life.
lol what is that image?
Stop projecting achmed
After C-19 you -think- we stop listening to our ai overlords...
why are britniggers making abhorrent posts as usual
>everyone literally wanted time off to mourn
I don't like Trump or Hillary (or Biden) and the Demcorat tears were the best part of that election. I don't know who will be crying this time but either way I'm sure I'll enjoy that too
>they have to simulate alternate realities to comfort themselves