Southern Europe

Why are we so chronically underdeveloped comparing to our northern neighbors?
What can be done about it?
Should we have our own club outside the EU?

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what are you talking about?
spain is one of the most developed nations on earth.

cause u are not white

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germanics are just superior

Yeah, if only Italy could be as advanced as Belarus

They stopped the production of Drina cigarettes

because we know better than wasting our lives working for the jew.
you should know this, poortuguese are poorer than our gypsies.You can't be all that hard working, can you?

You're closer to Africa

People always want what they don't have but never appreciate what they do, especially materialistic Westerners.

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are you fucking serious? there is no country more laughable than yours IN HISTORY. you never had one single moment of glory in you entire existence.

Because EU forces us to take immigrants in instead of letting us exercise our rightful role of protectors of Europe's borders and repel them.
Here an immigrant gets a 35 euro daily check for simply existing, more than the average worker.
The result is southern countries are disrespect and have economy issues while northern ones keep getting blacked by invaders who are smart enough to move to the richer areas after they get to cross our borders for free.
Every single civilization with common sense gave territories at their fringes the power and respect for dealing with invaders, the exact opposite of what EU is doing.
At least we're still trying despite their sabotage. Italy's strong Catholic background discourages mixed marriages and Greece is fighting an actual war with Turkey.

Culture of siesta and doing everything tomorrow is quite likely at the heart of it.

Couple with late industrialisation and now EU emphasis on low profit industries like tourism and agriculture and you get southern europe

Southerners are lazy motherfuckers.

Actually the north of Italy is one of the richest and economically developed areas of europe.

What don't you have that they do?

Actualy that's all the non-wester migrants inviting themselves into our countries, your people are the most materialistic things I've ever come across.

>shiny shiny object
>car, ooo, bmw, mercedes
>plastic object, shiny

We are lazy fucks, and you know it.
Look at our country. A bunch of old people who want all types of gibs from the state. Everyone else is a typical state employee doing fuck-all every day, and dreaming of doing even less the following day.

So what does the remaining young do? Are they so uninspired that they've practically given up?

Less syrian rapebabies, more whiteness would help a lot.

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Young people here fall into one of the following categories:
- No ambition and willing to work at a call-center for their whole life
- Meme degree holders, who invariably end up working alongside the above
- Overworked at multinational companies, wagecucking for €1.500 and barely saving any of it
- Smart people who use their skill to immigrate and earn 3 to 5 times as much as they would earn doing the same thing in Portugal
From a political standpoint, everything is leveled around the minimum wage of 700 per month. Dumb population will clap for an increment of this minimum to 750, ignoring how payroll taxes are absurdly high for anyone making 2.000. Also factor in that we pay taxes and fees on every little thing imaginable, which siphons away the already low salaries.

A clubhouse for retards. Good idea. Can Croatia join, we got plenty.

Same shit here, except I guess we take in high earning migrant workers.

:D funny coz it's true

Want an even better example? Look at OP. Created a thread for this shit 1h30 ago and did not bother to discuss an he apparently is interested in with anyone.
That's Portugal for you. A lot of "ideas to do X" and "let's make a plan to make a plan" but never following up on anything, or assuming responsibility for failures.
It's our own fault that we lag so behind northerners, regardless of how much Portuguese people will bitch about the EU's rules.


Let me have sex with all your women and I will gift them with the blessing of whiteness

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What do you export? Except for cork?

>are you fucking serious?
no, he was being sarcastic you bombastically retarded pepperoni covered nigger grease pie gorilla

If you are not a conservative you should know that a country doesn't "decide" to be richer or poorer.
If you are, you can just pour a bucket of blame on your culture, your religion, your race, your whatever and then extol the golden virtues of the race or religion or culture of a rich nation.

I don't even know why I bothered replying in fact.

Sometimes I think Western countries are actually over populated, even though they're low population compared to everyone else.

It's probably stupid, but I reckon if Portugal had 5-7 million it would be a higher performance population, same with Greece or Italy or Spain. Italy would be better with 40 million, Greece would be better with not much more than 5.

For some reason I reckon it's because we're actually overpopulated so we just look around at each other like meat and get lazy, the other guy can do this or that, there's people to spare for now, just let it go on.

People here are lazy as fuck. We're a 'wealthy' country...apparently, but people simply go to work and get drunk on weekends. No efforts to understand reality or the world.

Northern Europe is a bit like America. It was uncolonized land for a long time and saw a big boom as they then got developed while southern europe has been a big player for a much much longer time but it has taken its toll and as power arose to the east and north they held a weaker position and right now hasn't really recovered.

500 years of Islamic occupation.

Lower IQ

Hmm, i actually think this Spaniard is right, they are so lazy and unproductive and can barely grasp a concept, why would the Jew bother with those when there is a perfectly fine France Germany and England to fuck with

Qualified personnel it seems. About 20% of the population lives abroad (EU, USA, african countries). Myself included, I live in Angola.
Based on the information I could find, we export oils/bitumen (not crude), finished cars and pieces (we have assembly plants here, thanks to low wages), clothing/shoes and paper producs, an area in which we are well developed.

Depends. Definitely overpopulated among old people, but not amongs the young. I think we live too long for our own good, at least taking into consideration how our population is not growing like in Africa or India (nor do I think it would be reasonable for it occur). There needs to be a better balance than the entirety of the youth working to support oldfags on taxpayer money, even if they are hooked up to machines for over 10 years.

because we understood elemental principles and truths about fulfilling lives centuries ago, when barbarians north of the Alps were still bashing each other upside the heads with sticks found in the forest.

I reckon you've got it right. We support the old and prevent them from dying, and it usually comes at the expense of the young. This "Mediterranean diet" things helps I guess, but Med populations are so old, last time I was there entire towns were just old people and the remaining young were childless city dwellers running around for a dollar. It's a death kneel to have a median age above 30.

>Why are we so chronically underdeveloped comparing to our northern neighbors?
Spain, Italy, Portugal had empires ruling the world by their time.So it's not a lack of capacity.
>What can be done about it?
You're on a down moment of your history, it takes time.Get fuel, industries and produce.Not easy with china playing around i know.Be smart.
>Should we have our own club outside the EU?
Not the moment imho, EU still funds you, use it wisely.

What are you talking about? Nords always report happiness levels and self-fulfillment way above ours. Meds are the ones living miserably, which isn't helped by a constant pessimistic view of life. Portuguese peoples' favorite pastime is complaining about life.

>entire towns were just old people and the remaining young were childless city dwellers running around for a dollar
You summed it up nicely. Not much can be done, except immigrate, earn some good money and return here to retire.


Whew, doesn't sound like a bright future for Portugal/Portuguese. Dunno what to say. Study in the Internets I guess.

>1 post by this id

You have to go back.

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State economics though

that's because their idea of happiness is not saying hello to their neighbors. they find self-fulfillment in calling the police when somebody smiles at them.

Always the same non-sense. Say something else, that's quite boring.

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Southern states have decades and sometimes centuries of economic policy clusterfucks and a business-unfriendly environment. Its a circle that is hard to break because innovative, ambitious people are underpaid and if they face tons of obstacles, taxes and general derision if they want to start their own companies. The best position in states like these is some pointless state office job that will pay you 1200-1800€ for not doing anything and having a shitload of benefits. To earn 1800€ in the private sector you will have 10x more burdens than in the state job and no benefits. The good weather, excellent food and a great social life then result in young people just saying "whatever" and enjoying the daily life with no hopes for the future. Those who have ambition leave the country. Some money can be made in tourism if youre lucky (ie moreso as someone who owns apartments, or a restaurant owner rather than a waiter) but thats about it. Boomers are much better off than the young almost everywhere. To break thic state of affairs youd need a radically different multigenerational strategy and I dont think that is going to happen. If you can deal with the fact that you are poor as fuck, I think these countries are good to live in, the atmosphere, nature, social life, food are exponentially better than living in some Frankfurt dystopia. The trick is you have to mentally adapt where money doesnt matter that much to you, you focus on good things and you learn to slack off and find ways to cheat the system at work, which everyone is doing anyways to stay sane. If you are conditioned to have a good work ethic, want to get things done and see results...yeah thats not gonna happen.

In Portugal the case is more severe even on the South European spectrum.

...another retard that has no idea on anything or what's europe or the world.

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This but for all Southern Europe

Northern Europe was never a power in anything and still isnt lmao

reality fuckd you up on that my (((hollywood))) friend

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Great, 9.8% work a lot. Now what do the other 90.2% do? Fuck all, is what they do.

Quality post here. I agree 100%.

Totals, sorry
The issue is not work or not, the issue is capacity to generate gross value added, if you replaced your industries by tourism, that's the issue you dumb fuck you were payed to stop producing.

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Sometimes the truth can be harsh and disturbing.

Inbred Imbecile Incel

Also with a weak industrial power, you can´t import tons of blacks or brazilians like we have done on the past years, so our wages will fall fall just like everything.


Every Pajeet I see is driving a Mercedes or Lexus, BUT its sun faded, scratched, filthy wheels, foggy head lights.

Its poetry for their character.

Your english is poetic.


that's all I want

Corona chan solved that one for you already

No, the ones that survive will keep living here. They will never come back, never. Unless...

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