Daily reminder that the Coronavirus is God’s divine retribution for the high crimes of degeneracy, liberalism

Daily reminder that the Coronavirus is God’s divine retribution for the high crimes of degeneracy, liberalism,
Islam, and race treason. It is why the coronavirus is ravaging the boomer population, and is almost tailor made to spread amongst the festering cesspools of metropolitan degeneracy and mud races, while sparing White rural population centers. Thank God for Coronachan. Deliver us from the evil of liberalism and degeneracy.

Atheist fedoratippers and heathen kikes and mudshits need not reply.

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>Coronavirus is God’s divine retribution for the high crimes of degeneracy
>America still exists

Why is Christ-chan so fuckable?

based and Christpilled

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Don't forget about (((them)))
For (((they))) work in the shadows to undermine Christ.

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False. Yas Forums is not, never was, and never will be a Christian board. Christian posting should be a banable offence! Now fuck OFF!

Christianity is cucked to oblivion. Go sing one of your gay love songs, faggot.

> Yas Forums is not, never was, and never will be a Christian board
statistically wrong, leafy

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The people replying to that poll were only meming! Just look at the replies to your thread for proof!

Go to /christian/ at 8kun. NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!

I have literally never seen an atheist attack jews. yet I constantly see Christians doing it. for example this article, which is merely 3 days old

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Christians don't "attack" anything. They talk, and then they talk some more by saying their talking is "attacking." And then they sing songs.

You are massive pussies led by women.

Everyone who has said that Coronachan is God's divine retribution seem to die the fastest. Maybe he is as annoyed with you people as much as we are.

poor little jew boi. seeth, jew. seeth.

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this. soon it will all be clean tho.

>They talk
>fedoras on here who have literally never done anything but shitpost on Yas Forums their entire lives and probably never even seen a jew irl feel like this is a good argument



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say "I'm not a kike" three times while clicking your heels and you will magically wake up from your nightmare of being a kike.

Whatever dude. Cling to your decade old meme if you want. But your churches are dying for a reason. You're all talk, no action. The sins you talk endlessly about swirl all around you and the best you can muster is love songs and handshakes.

You. Are. Pussies. Your headwear or lack thereof won't change that.

What do I have to do to prove that I'm not a Jew?

Christians are the only ones even voting rightwing in this degenerate civilization anymore you dumb mutt. and if we had a poll of the religious affiliations of those who defended the greek borders the last weeks it would probably be 99,9% Christian.

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This conversation is going nowhere. Enjoy your circle jerk.

im not saying Christians couldnt do more. of course they could. but theyre still doing a fuck of a lot more than any other group in society, thats for sure

Poll invalid. You refused to include "BLACKED" and "Furry" so nobody voted.

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This is the last respectable Christian man.

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Attacking Jews without words is kind of difficult considering that they have the United States on their side.

>The cuck tells himself while mudslimes suffer the least from Coronachan
Like even muslim war-struck countries don't have corona deaths beyond the double digits

I guess we'll just ignore Matthew 10:28, along with every other inconvenient passage. You guys aren't even concerned that your religion has been reduced to a bunch of people, mostly women, sitting around and talking about things they are too scared actually do anything about. Sitting on your biscuit never having to risk it.

I will admit, he sounds based.

Fucking schizos always have to make up fairy tales to understand their world. Never even tried to make friends in real life. Sad!

I would have more respect for you guys if you actually DID something to reverse the decay of the USA.

I'm not afraid of dying but I'm afraid of my people being conquered by the Homocracy of America.

this is your mind on jewish death cults

You may only fuck her in the context of marriage, and only consensual to the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, preferably with the lights off. Anything more than this is degeneracy.

>Anything more than this is degeneracy
The best kind of degeneracy. I'll make a sinner out of her.

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absolutely based

I wanna anime series about her.


She needs to change her outfit more. Having a wardrobe of multiple copies of one outfit is a sign of autism.

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id prefer muslims on the board to the atheists and larpagans

except 60% of the board and all the oldfags who have grown up and are no longer larpagans

Moslems are verbotten! I'd rather have Christians on the board than Moslems!

sure but why have atheistniggers who deny the existence of a god

Well you certainly do have a point French user. Makes as much sense as any other explanation I’ve seen.

Because it doesn't make sense! None of it does. If you read my comments, you'll notice that I never mocked the Christian religion. I'm being much more polite than most people on this board. I'm only trying to warn Christians that people here are very hostile towards them.

>even if it's warm and sunny out
>everything is closed

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I want to see a flustered Christ-chan in a bikini muttering about how "indecent" it is.

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Like that, but she should be embarrassed and trying to cover herself. That'd be perfect.

Christ Chan is too goody goody. Tomoko is better.

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You like to corrupt innocence?

>Christ Chan is too goody goody
That's why she's so great. Hitting on a cute modest Christian girl and watching her blush is kino.
You don't?

Daily reminder you cannot be a Christian and a racist at the same time. If you are Christian, you must be okay with your daughter getting blacked.

I think every man does.

Imagine kissing Christ-chan, and her going wide-eyed babbling about how it's sinful to do such things outside of marriage.

She's a bit too frigid. Tomoko is also shy, but she has a raging libido waiting to come out.

>a bit too frigid
Then I'll warm her up

t. Fedorafag


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t.fucking faggot foot fetishist

>vatican on suicide watch
>sunni lands protected
>china, usa, israel, enemies of islam, all btfo
>heretic iran btfo

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