Was the MIB thread legit?

Was the MIB thread legit?

Mods, is this allowed to be discussed, original thread was deleted.

Attached: 1585129772074.png (607x5561, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's obvious trash

I'm pretty sure he was legit.

damn those digits don't lie

I was there real time
very interesting thread, seemed legit
at first the thread was deleted, then came back online. never seen that before

Well constructed LARP was entertaining 7/10

Ich kann es fast nicht glauben dass jemand so dumm sein kann.

Truth is fought everywhere.
Knowledge suppressed.
Sadly even on this board...

OPs png is illegible. Ant print blurrd


Any archive link? I’m not an ant

any intelligent person who has read enough books could larp like that. doesn't mean that he isn't legit, though


>claims to be above 150 IQ
>says there is no “air” on moon vs referring to it as oxygen
>types with that just barely palpable condescending tone

yep, it’s LARPING time.
besides, why would his all knowing organization ever be ok with him posting this shit on here. people are suckers for a good story though.

the tone isn't condescending. it's a mix of a serious man and dry humor. you're an insecure bitch, that's all

Can an user verify that ID he posted?

I remember reading this and thinking it was a larp. One of the things that clued me in was I noticed a trope common in previous larps - he claims that aliens won't reveal themselves to humans until we unite as one. I think we can all list multiple reasons as to how this belief is intellectually lazy... Also the 150 iq thing, that's not a lot of people and most of them will want to go into fields where they're actually advancing something. And I didn't buy that Mormons would get any preference. But a lot of what he wrote about physics was interesting, I liked his definition of a strange attractor. Just like how I wouldn't have known about the theory of bicameralism if I hadn't read High Level Insider's posts, I gained some small bit from reading what this guy had to say even if he's probably just some autist. Entertainment can be educational. And it beats reading the dime a dozen slide threads

Oh he was legit alright
>thread revived
>error this thread does not exist
>revived again

right. all that “we know this & we know that” shit totally isn’t condescending. why are you so mad? do you need somebody to talk to? did your girlfriend cheat on you? mother die?

Squad Goals: Become an extremely powerful technologist and make contact with our intergalactic frens.

Attached: 1584657457511.jpg (5400x7200, 2.22M)

Attached: proof.jpg (934x708, 191.53K)

Even if that turn of events occurred, why do you think it's evidence of his authenticity?

Because fuck jannies

You have to be actually retarded to believe this shit.

Yes, but is it legitimate?

idk shit about shit, but looks real

>Was the MIB thread legit?

imagine being this fucking retarded. Why don't these threads immediately get sent to where they belong?

You wanted the ID why don't you run an analysis Sherlock.

>agent recruit
It's more effort than the typical larp but surely one of you burgers will be able to determine whether RGS is a real agency

I asked if it could be verified you brainlet

no it's not legitimate mong agent recruit it's a fucking toy pass they give to children

You know shit like that is a larp if there's any indication of "time travel" to the past or aliens in reference to anything other than demons.
If it isn't a larp then they've intentionally mixed in false information.

>that pic
Nice LARP faggot, men in black are real but they're closer to the ones in The Matrix instead of like Will Smith

Why cant I be on this fucking page when something interesting happens.

nigger tier stupid mfo

>if I hadn't read High Level Insider's posts,
link or any keywords to this hig level insider guy? thx

Attached: 1573445913523.gif (244x180, 548.32K)

Holy shit wtf...

I’m gonna go read the Bible and pray for a while

>Mr. Smith not Will Smith

>thread is no longer 404
Are you happy now?? Of course "I can't verify" a US government ID or not you stupid ass thats why I posted it so others can BRAINLET

Anyone know what RGS might be? I see mission intelligence, agent recruit, and he has some red status maybe corresponding to a team

Can anyone prove that this happened with screenshots? Archive to the other thread that was displaced?

USA has cloaking, it's not aliens

I find it hard to believe when he thinks viruses are airborne. Even in a more lethal state, viruses are never airborne.

>acts more insecure and unstable

proving my assertion

You have to have a mental disease to believe this, look at the fucking font

Kek confirms....CHECKED

If you google it it's easy to find links from reddit

This badge literally looks like a kid's toy. Just look at those fonts, generic images, no picture of the person, cheap plastic coating, oversimplified overall graphic design. Compare it to actual badges of any other organization.


lol can't find anything so far, operation grudge was USAF
this site came up : rgsfederal.com/clients-partners/

Plus, the idea of giving out badges seems kinda stupid, wouldn't it increase the chances of getting caught? No human is perfect

Yeah the most I could find is Regional Government Services which works with Homeland Security. Seems fake

>Was the MIB thread legit?
Are you retarded? "The future is like star trek all life is equal". Fake and gay.

cool, anyone can design this and print it and make it look like a legitimate badge

big whoop.


Larpy LARP, obiously nothing new under the fake hologram sun.

Okay, he's absolutely right about the coronavirus, I have only recently came to that conclusion through weeks of research, including pretty lucrative in person contacts. AMA on that. >pic related
Real government ID

Attached: file.png (276x300, 148.67K)

>More general gov IDs
RGS = remote geospatial intelligence

Attached: file.png (621x415, 280.44K)

based user





Attached: hewitty.jpg (640x640, 79.16K)

nah, in order for me to take anyone serious they gotta post some jaw dropping proof. or do something. Like make the news post something etc

Well.. that's not you dude. Patrick Dunn died in the pentagon explosion

Of course it isn't me retard, I got the picture from a museum, I'm not going to dox myself

But if time travel is real and all, how come he would be afraid of the virus, since he might already know the outcome of the pandemic from his agency?

ok boomer

Attached: 1567051727173.jpg (800x800, 127.52K)


Asian concubine niggers

I guess with those digits it's confirmed