Leader of the alt-right here pol, you can tell by my posting of the Christchurch terrorist

Leader of the alt-right here pol, you can tell by my posting of the Christchurch terrorist.
Remember our previously discussed plan to spread the infection of COVID-19 to Jewish people and PoC?
I think we (the alt-right) need to accelerate this and expand it to include the targeting of LGBTQIAA+ folk.
Alt-RIght General

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this is a very good idea. We can get rid of groups of people that we hate

I agree, now is the time for us to strike and put our plans of killing PoC, queer folk, and jewish people into action

get killed jew

Yes indeed, we should kill jewish people. Don't you all agree?


You should expand upon that

aaah yes, based and red pilled

Karma exists.

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yes indeed, red pilled because i see the matrix just like the Wachowski sisters described

I like the way you "anons" think. Let's just say I represent a firm of like-minded individuals with strong anti-government, racialist views and we're looking for a few good men. The time for cheap talk is over, now it the time for action. If you think you can meet our standards and have what it takes reply to this forum post with your contact info. Come on, don't be a "cuckold" ;-)

yeah we need to do something

Black people have stronger immune system than whites for example chemotherapy doesn't work on them as well as it does whites only people that are dying are whites from this disease but you're all so inferior that you also die from being in the sun you recessive weak fucks lmao

No they don't faggot.



we invented t-shirts and sunblock, ape.

whatchu doin there journalist?

No, I'm not African-American. I am a pure Aryan, as well as my associates. Perhaps it's you who are the "darkie"


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God damnit, I thought hug a jew for peace was mine. kek

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I second, can we take it to a alt-right vote?

This thread is pretty gud.

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I just want to say that you are literally retarded If you can't tell this is a LARP.

I am in agreement with the Original Poster, I think we should go over the details again of who is going to be doing what when and where.

What you doing in Australia Richard?
I'd get the fuck out.
Scomo fucked up big time. Coronavirus is going to take off there like Italy

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Sergeant of Alt-Right reporting in, 2nd Battallion.

Good to hear from you, sir.

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this authentic thread is very authentic

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Mods if you don't take this down right now you will be charged.

I love all people samefag. Also, decent larp.

Fucks sake Richard, stop being so autistic. You know when it's happening.

I can’t see my screen from the glowiniggggggggg

you seem like a cool guy and you're giving me a lot of attention which makes me feel important. how do i join the alt-right? what do we do again? kill jews? sure whatever you want to do. i just like having a friend. i know i can rely on you to never lead me wrong friend.

holy shit there are some mouthbreathers on this site

that's the joke, they said white supremacists had plans to spread coronavirus to jews and cops

lmao quality shitpost. Thou If I do get corona I am going to spread it to niggers, jews and lgbt w/e faggots forsure lmao.

“Glowing” is hereby declared Reddit-Tier, banished alongside Yikes, Cringe, Cope, Seethe, and Sloppy job Mossad.
You will henceforth get and never return.

terrible larp, glowfag
and get detained indefinitely under RICO for conspiring to do this under the Executive's now broadened powers; fuck you FBI

>Shalom fellow Nazis! Let us partake in the misplaced hatred of minorities and The Chosen People! How about that Oprah am I right? What a fat ugly Negro! Ignore the bulge under my Pepo the frog T-shirt, Im clearly one of you and not wearing a wire!

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Yes, yes my evil Nazi brethren, and once all of the undesirables are infected, we will have the opportunity to unleash our cocktails of deadly nuclear weapons we all have meticulously fabricated in our personal underground layers. Once all of the darkies are gone, we can finally establish our pure Aryan master race utopia and begin our journey to the stars hand in hand with the Antarctic reptoids we all secretly are loyal to.

Soon, my friends. Soon.

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>Leader of the alt-right here
hello, mr. policeman.

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you know.. we all think posts like OPs are obvious jokes.. but I suspect a % of them actually aren't.
whos to say some (((journalist))) or fed/intel agent new on the job isn't this oblivious as to how to properly entrap?

Hey Lauren. What are you doing in Straya?

This thread is hilarious. This sounds like something an out of touch fed boomer would say to infiltrate this place.

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Have sex

I see ou FBI

Fuck off glowie

CIA niggers glow in the dark. You can see 'em when you are drivin'. You run them over.

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8chad was a good place. I miss it having not to deal with reddit faggots all the time.

Me too this sounds better than playing GTA and fortnite because girls ruining them.


Attached: girls-last-tour Tired.png (1024x578, 442.14K)

Awesome. Hang on, let me share my personal coordinates and credit card number to make things easier later.
By the way, would you like to fuck my wife?

we should rape the queers and give them aids

Ok OK keep down the clamour.
They might be listening.

I wish we were that organized
asymmetrical shitposting seems to cause Havoc across the world
it seems like the whole system runs on MKUltra wind-up doll shooting up schools and then having the left blame whites.

in order to keep the oppression Olympics in line they require the blood altar sacrifice of a white boy on psychotropic drugs.
This boy must kill or be killed around kids or church goings

Don't forget to buy up all the toilet paper fellow alt-righters

more than one image per post
webms with sound

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Yes, and hardly any shitposts from psyops. Although that one christain Trump nutsack licker. Forget his name. He once owned pol, but then hotwheels Made pol a open board. Not sure if that was a good idea.

Admiral ER Reporting
We need to accelerate this process even further(the previously discussed plan) and make all of Yas Forums go ER.

It’s fucking Yas Forums wtf do you expect?

Pol is a board of peace. I REPEAT. Pol is a board of peace.

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I know ASIO us shitting their pants since the arrest of the 21 year old man but damn, this is some weak effort and will be saged thusly.