Anyone that doesn't believe it is either completely naive or hasn't come out of the bubble yet.
We took our lifestyle, our luxuries and our culture for granted, some retards even shat on the culture that, even though it has it's problems has been the best culture mankind has created.
Now Chinks will take over industries and every single natural resource we have, and will enslave us to praise Winnie the Pooh. I might as well be put in jail for this post in the future. You all might be.
This is it, the end of the western man. Governments will try to use the virus in benefit for themselves (they already are) they'll prolong their periods and the ones that will try to fight back will be too weak to do so.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot, standing on the human face, forever."
This isn't a bioweapon. There is no plan. We are not in control and chaos will reign.
Sebastian Adams
>There is no plan fuck you retard, clearly infecting every single fucking country IS the plan
Leo Nguyen
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Luis Jones
You schizos may want to think its some fucking conspiracy but really it is some stupid gook that bought pangolin scales or ate bat soup. Nature is revolting and I welcome the downfall. No one is in control and our dependence on technology will destroy us.
Aiden Cox
Worshipping Winnie is actually very satisfying. You'll realize this soon, when the subhuman filth of your country are rounded up into reeducation and reculturalization camps where they'll come out productive members of society or never come out at all.
don't be a fucking retard, its not magic, someone has to physically carry the virus over into your country, its perfectly possible to completely prevent from being introduced into your population.
The choice to get all countries infected WAS a choice
James Roberts
>there is no plan >fast foward 8 months, user is being forcef to inject a microchip on his hand
Joseph Watson
>hand microchips this is how you get muggings that end with hands chopped off as a matter of course
Owen Gutierrez
you are schizo, plese take meds. thanks
Hudson Young
I work for MI5. I've posted here before about a UK UFO retrieval and as I said then I cannot provide any ID as they can basically link anything to the individual.
COVID-19 (not original name) was created in a joint effort by the UK, US & Canada. The idea was to create a virus that would take off quickly in China and be hard for them to create a treatment for. The virus would have a not-obvious treatment that we could quickly roll out ourselves with a 'miraculous' discovery by one of our paid off scientists should it ever take off in our own countries. We were contemplating using it after the next US election (so we have a stable 4 year president) and the British government even fucked around with snap elections to change how our polling cycle lines up with the planned start date so that we would also have a settled government.
Now the problem is that some traitorous cunts gave the virus to China. I don't know what the fuck they did but it changed. You will note that initially the US, UK & Canada (and some allies) didn't really seem to give a fuck about the virus, we thought we knew what we were dealing with afterall (albeit earlier than intended).
After it became apparent that something had fucked with the virus in China we've all come around to the idea that this isn't what was planned and now you see the governments actually reacting.
Nathaniel Rogers
Imagine if chinks even took some mitigation to the devaluation of their currency. They didn't, so everyone thought China was going down, they tricked us all. They devaluated everyones currency, and now they'll lie and make us believe that they have the virus controlled. And when their currency holds back up they'll buy absolutely everything. This is no joke, I truly believe these guys will win the war and noone will be able to respond to their attacks.
Ethan Bailey
why you still post, you are schizo, take meds and go
except it was you cunts who created this, as always
Brandon Hughes
>and now you see the governments actually reacting. bullshit, the actual plan is to infect all the countries, otherwise the pre-made plans for bioattack responses would've been activated and all people arriving from abroad would be isolated for observation by the bio-warfare unit no exceptions
jews did 9/11. jews brought the virus to china so they could be blamed for it.
John Martinez
fuck off chink, at least learn some english ccp faggot. kys.
David Murphy
>work for MI5 Course you do, son
Benjamin Turner
>best culture mankind has created the world has literally never been worse. people are being robbed of their humanity. the people will win.
Matthew Thomas
>mortality rate: 3% That's a great bio weapon!
Jaxon Jenkins
Google it you might find it. Some SAS in training basically captured Britain's first UFO in the 60s in Dartmoor by performing an improvised ambush on some apparent aliens. The plan was that we'd get infected some months after China had already been fucked and after taking a beating for a short while we'd come up with a very effective treatment and come out of it far better off than China. I don't really care if you believe me. It's not like I can provide my ID as evidence due to the unique patterning.
Jack Long
>There’s a biolab where the corona was held near the market >there’s a patent for the corona virus
Sry, I don’t have sources, I saw someone else post here
Aaron Miller
It's a 100% different and 92% less evil kind of biowarfare than OP thinks, hahaha.
James Davis
Coronavirus is just another phase of World War 3 (which started on 9/11). People would be horrified if they knew the truth about what is to come.
Austin Rogers
Cashless society. Social distancing means Silicon Valley front companies (for darpa which is owned by same cartel that owns the central banks) will control every aspect of your life. Chips to buy or cell. All linked to AI. One great beast.
OP confirmed schizo rarper who did not take the meds! I go sreep now, I instruct orr of you to do the same.
Camden Rodriguez
OR god banned globalism at Babel when everyone had to social distance. He’s doing it again now.
Owen Gutierrez
did you expect it to be so deadly that it eradicates everyone? if it kills you right away it cannot be transmissed
Jaxson Martin
Can't find anything on a cursory search, but I appreciate the pointer and will try to investigate further. Are there any links or other information you can provide on UFOs please? I know it's a little off topic, but as you're here I'd like to learn what I can. I want to believe!
Ian Cox
>Now Chinks will take over industries The commies make all the meds. That's why they infected everyone, so they could pretend to be the hero.
Justin Ortiz
stop thinking of bbc for a while. You don't need to kill people to buy stocks, you just need to devaluate their currency. Plus the factories and industries are much more worth with their workers alive.
Jaxon Martin
>mortality rate 3% says the MSM parrot. By official numbers on the internet it’s 7.5% right now. They take all cases INCLUDING ONGOING CASES THAT ARE NOT RESOLVED so which have neither survived or died of covid and divide by the dead to get that 3% so it is fake and gay. Go work it out it’s 7.5. The real rate was known before this, it’s ducking SARS, 10% with respirators 29% without. It’s like war they want to worry but not panic you for national security, fool, if it was ‘mild’ do you think you would even have heard of it ffs?
Tyler Barnes
It has brought most countries to their knees, it seems pretty effective to me. If this were an option in a 4X civ wargame I'd sure as hell use it.
Luke Roberts
>29% Typo meant 20%, I’m rushing because it’s bed time (6 am, been working out all night)
Leo Taylor
Bullshit, there isn't even a fucking virus more than a flu that gives you the shits this year. Find me one, ONE YouTuber or Vlogger saying anything to the likes of "oh shit, I'm coughing up my lings, I have the virus see you guys next week for calling the morgue at 3AM gone wrong", but you CAN'T because this is a massive fucking smokescreen. Props to the intelligence community, this is easily their greatest work. If I am to understand correctly, this is a coup against the deep state, but I don't wager heavily on that, for optimism does not come so easily these days.
I'm not much of a UFO nut myself, a friend from another department just showed me some files during drinks and I shared what I could remember. The post should talk about aliens being weak and it being in 1967.
Liam Turner
What if the tower was some sort of communications tower or antenna? He confused the tongues. Were the people networked, and that is how they could understand each other? Like the translator in Star Trek.
Daniel Diaz
They are fucking weak, physically frail. If they the custom engineered scouts stayed outside atmosphere and didn't say, crash their ships like fucking drunks, (perhaps assisted by military) they wouldn't need to worry about their frailty.
I answered a bunch of questions there as best I could, hope you enjoy.
Wyatt Young
Makes sense. I like thinking of biblical stories in technological terms described by low-tech societies.
Luis Gomez
Of course no one can beat Chairman Mao's record, he's the greatest leader China's ever had so it makes sense he can't be beaten. Xi is trying hard though I assure you.
Kevin Williams
To the best of my knowledge. I don't get to handle this sort of stuff first hand but information gets around.
David Gray
>Anyone that doesn't believe it is either completely naive or hasn't come out of the bubble yet.
remember where your loyalties lie for when ww3 breaks out goy
Jonathan Watson
so miraculous discovery has been tried and found not to work now, and the labfags who made the original are trying to reverse engineer the chink updates?
Hunter Nelson
>The idea was to create a virus that would take off quickly in China and be hard for them to create a treatment for.
I don't get why people get so pissed at chinese virus considering the spanish flu. I'm not ruling out that this was created in a lab, considering the ample amount of black budget shit that goes on. Also the fact chinese laws are lax as fuck on genetic engineering. I also feel like we're way overdue for a pandemic like this, its happened a fuck load of times throughout history.
Lucas Harris
The Spanish Flu came from China mate.
Nolan Turner
>chink updates We don't even know what happened in China, whether they edited it themselves or just fucked up. Hell, the fuck up may have been on the Canadian or US end. All we know for certain is that this wasn't what we had prepared for.
Jose Peterson
Fuck off, chang.
Brody Carter
The real reason we didnt give a fuck is that the weaker strain is the vaccine and it has been traveling around the West since September.
William Richardson
Was that mystery coughing virus outbreaks in the uk a year to 2 yr ago early testing of this current one? The chink one now comes across as unfinished and as a parasite biowep mimicing the symptoms of a corona vir
On the other hand it has revealed a swept under rug bioweapon no one knows how to deal with hence why heavy armor is rolling out
regardless, is the treatment confirmed for ineffective now? and are the dudes who knew it best tasked with figuring out wtf it's become?
Adrian Davis
>knew chinese were fucking with BWs and likely would fucking accidentally lose control of it >develop genetically similar but weaker strain of virus and mass release as a vaccine for the inevitable gook oops Would be next level biodefense to be honest.
Canada is also being named as a complicit party in biological and terrorism. China cant take over much when it gets glassed soon, and Canada has become such a high risk liability it is getting annexed soon also. If you are Chinese in the US or Canada you might want to leave now.
Jace Roberts
im getting sick of chinks, and their propaganda posting on Yas Forums is just making it even worse to the point where im actively avoiding buying anything chink-made and insulting them publicly
Hunter Miller
My theory:
The chinks stole the weapon or were about to develop it themselves.
The US (meaning the US, UK, and Germany) seeing this, releases the vaccine virus (IE the weaker strain) domestically.
The US then (or China does so accidentally) releases the weaponized version in China.
The US has a record "flu" season and unknown coronaviruses are detected across labs in Canada as early as August, if I remember the post correctly. ...while China has literal millions die, are welding their people into their apartments, and are burning people alive.
The US says now "oh we cant test, even though we have tons of tests!" And they allow high profile people to get tested to show how widespread "the disease" is here.
However, the "disease" in the US is actually the vaccine... so the US must hide its true numbers of infected or the chinks will catch on. Imagine if 2 million people were tested in the US were tested and 1.5 million test positive, but there had only been 100 deaths? The chinks would know...
So, for now, no you don't get tested. This will probably blow over with less than a million US deaths (and those deaths will be either the immunocompromised or the ones who unluckily were never exposed to the vaccine strain) and the US will come out ahead of China in the end.
The lockdowns and shutdowns in the US are just window dressing. Trump himself said this will just disappear... and has had to change his tune so as not to expose the truth.
This also explains the low german and UK death rate.
Don't know everything about this, it's not my department. As you might expect though corona is the talk of the office which is how I learn this sort of stuff. It's not easy for a small team to come up with an effective treatment and the people who truly understood what we created aren't many. To avoid implicating ourselves we basically have to let the scientific community work this out on their own.