How big will COVID-19 be when this is over?

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6 million

it has the potential to be in the million club.


1488 million

A dust speck. Flu season is over in about 30 days and there are allegedly no new infection reported in China. The normal flu killed more people in China than this.

Kind of a cool infographic, except yourself retarded to put HIV/AIDS in the same league at any of the others. It's different in transmission and duration.

It already is

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7 billion people
x .02 death rate
=140 million deaths if we're lucky

>flu season
oh no no no no no

Illuminati here. I hate when assholes like you put things into perspective. It was our time to rule this planet you son of a bitch!

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My money's on still pretty minute, like your wenis.

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At minimum 250 million

Digits decides total deaths, keep it realistic

7 billion deaths

>allegedly no new infection reported in China
Ah yes, a state which will do whatever it can to give the illusion of economic strength and swift recovery in order to avoid having their entire infrastructure permenantly broken by losing supplying power to the rest of the world.

Surely they, of all people, have motive to be truthful regarding the epidemic that is presently ravaging their populace and has directly collapsed both their own economy and that of the entire world.

300 million. The worst thing is that societal collapse will kill the rest. Possibly 700 million people will die.

less than 50000 people.
Half of them had prior health problems.

>societal collapse
if the world could survive losing over half its population in the black plague when people threw their shit onto the streets and thought leeches were medical, we wont go mad max over just this virus

>when it's over

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10-250 million, could be contained somewhat or get out of control

next one will be called COVID-20, they know it'll continue to circulate year over year

lol there weren't even thirty milion people alive during Justinian times


>if we're lucky
But that number seems pretty low

basically we killed the economy for nothing


the largest death toll from a disease in a single year ever is... low?

that's a stupid graphic. i thought it was supposed to represent virus size and then i realized the black death was caused by bacteria

We're probably already in the down-swing world-wide, despite the hype.

Well, chink plague is already past ebola, next stop yellow "fewer."

Yeah, if we're lucky it will kill most of the population of China, Africa and all the major cities

This, sadly.

You're assuming the majority of Earth's population gets infected. It's probably somewhere in the 60% range.
(7 billion * 62% gets infected) * 1.9% that dies
=82.5 million deaths

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you still clinging onto that "only hurts minorities" cope?

Yes yes yes. It's a mutated influenza.

50% of 8 billion = 4 billion
5% of 4 billion = 200 million
Approximately the same as black death. But with a bigger starting point. Scary times.

Can confirm, my yellow fever has killed millions.

Less than yellow fever

Read it again, it's yellow "fewer."

how many white guys have died by having a gook gf?

nigger its a coronavirus its related to the common cold not the flu, and it's been show in labs that humidity and heat do not effect its ability to spread or reproduce.

No, faggot. I don't care. If we're lucky we'll have a complete collapse and global mass mortalities.

This meme virus will die in the summer heat, and will be long forgotten

wave 2 will have 10x the mortality rate

everyone except you though
cuz u got gods protection

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rollin for black death

20 million

ah shit what did I do

he lacks the critical information LOL

"Goyim, Israel has a COVID-19 vaccine, only 666 shekels, but today, just for Jew, only 660 shekels! Such a deal!"


Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak

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at least post the new one where we pass Ebola

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I have no doubt it'll slow down in the summer and surge back with a vengeance in the fall.
Hopefully, we take the appropriate precautions.
Most respiratory illnesses spread slower in hot climates.

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How will you cope during the collapse of society, after you're assblasted by niggers perputually raping you and your mom?

i just realized it's not a volume comparison, that's going to make 1 billion absolutely dwarf everything else


its been shown in lab tests that heat does not effect its ability to survive outside the human body, or its infectiousness

No, not really. But I just don't really care that much about all the heckin precious humarinooos.


7.5 billion deaths

Neither does coronavirus. Its the SARS, which isn't a microbe, its a reaction

6 million.


>Yellow Fewer
A couple clowns short of a circus, aren't ya?

Ah, I haven't kept up.
The temperature theory has been scratched.

7 million

3 billion

Why does that chart not include Malaria?

approximately 125 nm


2 million 630 thousand

0 it's all fake

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CCP Corona Virus will go down as the spark that ended the CCP's influence on the world.
Had it been honest from the start back in December 2019 it may have managed to get away with it but too little too late now.


1 million and 1

Neglected tropical disease.

I can't imagine what it must have been like to be a survivor of the black death and witness half your fucking country die.

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>I can't imagine what it must have been like to be a survivor of the black death and witness half your fucking country die.
super high salary from the labor shortage and low housing prices from all the dead boomers

how is the black death even a think
lmao just wash yo hair nigga,

2 million 820 thousand

funny fucker

It'll come back every year shaving off the oldest and weakest in society, and mutating to be even deadlier :D

23 million


Now stick influenza in there retard

many of the death tolls you have listed are wrong. swine flue didnt even get 1k from 2009 or 2010. it was 400. corona is 8k sars was like 300 and the black death has a unknown with even historians going it could have been 100mil -200 mil. maybe 1/3 maybe 1/4 nobody knows

World population is nearly 8 billion
Death rate: 1-2%
Death toll: 70-80 million

50 - 100 million

100 thousand

Hopefully mainland China gets a 2nd deadlier wave. Those chinks started this


It actually just surpassed Ebola.

Need to update your chart.

800 million

>Asian Flu
NI HAO!?!?!

Swine Flu tier

no way there was that many people, this is like when they say a hundred milion native Indians died, it's bullshit, the world was very underpopulated back then, the whole world in 1500 didn't even reach the two hundred milion

like spanish flu, unfortunately

there will be 100 million remaining

300m, mostly in Africa and India.

Black death sounds sexy daddy. I love bbc in my ass..

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2.6 billion worldwide

Worst case scenario, 70% of the world population will contract the virus. With an average death rate of 1%, we will end up at 49 million deaths.

6.8 million

500 million survivors and that's it

3 million 430 thousand

All spicniggers

How crazy is it that every single one of us has at least 1 ancestor who made it through that black plague? Imagine how many families were completely wiped off the earth. Whole lineages.

This graph is retarded and doesn't tell you anything meaningful because it isn't expressed in proportion to the size of the affected population. Protip, there used to be a lot less people on eath.
Might as well be a clickbait "top 20 diseases of all time, number one will blow you away!" Ad-laden slideshow.

12 million 900 thousand

and kikes?

8 million.

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105 million