Lmao this is some shit only people like us would do

lmao this is some shit only people like us would do

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 7.34.17 PM.png (1038x1128, 1.08M)

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absolutely based.

voting for trump this year

Someone with a Twitter account send her the liveleak video of a Chinese chino eating a raw horse head. Also there is literally nothing wrong with gator, horse and frog. Bats are literal disease vectors like rats.

>that font size
Your president is literally retarded

open your fucking eyes.
the chinese are the ones which act in the name of satan, preparing everything for the ayy invasion aka demons that will come soon

There is also a place in China where they eat aborted human fetuses. However, aborted human fetus tissue was (possibly still is) used in vaccines throughout the West.

Attached: AF75CC56-0076-4FF2-B52F-3B007B31BC78.jpg (953x566, 117.77K)

that's a pretty normal font size for a written speech from a podium. teleprompters use even larger fonts

>french eat frog
So do the fucking chinese. Frog leg soup is a fucking delicacy in Sichuan province.


Attached: twitter.png (784x349, 19.05K)

Most people write with normal pens. Trump writes with sharpies like some sort of geriatric second grader.

font size matches penis size, it's yuge

old habit from always carrying one to sign girls tits

Based. The jews prolly put him up to it. Cause the jews hate China. That's the only reason I like China.
I would support any chinese any day over any jew.

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If the font size was smaller he'd read to quickly for the ESL majority.

>coronavirus was giving a bad name to mexicans
>shift the blame to the chinese
Um hello, based department?

he's clearly writing over plastic in that pic, sharpies work best for that

Hes right you know

Chinks are gross.

>not understanding that chad can do whatever he wants


every fucking time

lol i never have or have known a horse eater

he is saying chinese virus so he has a casus belli for coldwar 2.0 with china.

>americans eat horse
no, we don't

Yeah, Americans certainly don't eat horse. But Europeans do. I ate horse almost daily for breakfast as an exchange student in Sweden.

>lmao this is some shit only people like us would do

You realize Baron is Q right?


Yes since cowboy times

Horses are not food. Any culture that believes otherwise deserves a total reset from coronachan.

>only people like us would do


Top kek

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Horse are friends, employees, and sometimes something to bet on, not food.

I grew up with a lot of horse farms around me, the idea of eating a horse is completely insane. They're like dogs, they're smart and bond with specific people. It's like eating a toddler. Which the Chinese also do.

well now we know what angle the pic was snapped at

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-19 US President Donald Trump Tested For Coronavirus After 3rd Mar-A-Lago Guest Tests Positive.png (1028x812, 901.96K)

>only people like us would do

Based Stephen Miller make adjustments to the speech!

She's thinking of Britbongs.

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*skirt skirt*

Horse meat is fucking delicious raw

Trumpbux is happening, so he can do whatever the fuck

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Just a Cohencidence surely.

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If my blood of life can save this great man it time of need, I offer it gladly.

Anyone with recommendations for movies to watch during self isolation? Preferably about viruses. Pic unrelated its a porn AI like tempt.ai.

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Wew wew wew, so bazed, bronies.

Kushner’s dad did a big funny.

Fuck off, mutt.

guarantee those kebab shops are mixing in human meat
I will never know catharsis until these people are violently expelled from western shores

Attached: CHINK.webm (480x640, 1.91M)

Americans don't eat horse. Horse is pretty widely frowned upon here.

Gator's safe to eat, as well as frogs. Bats, pangolin, bushmeat and random rare animals aren't, and there's no reason to eat any of it, it's not even local so you can't argue "Well they had it around and were hungry"

It has nothing to do with the specific animals.
Europeans and Americans do not slaughter animals in open air markets nor splash blood and viscera on live animals in cages while doing so.
Chinese food sanitation is abhorent at all levels not only their propensity for eating bats and other rodents.

*dabs on seething chink*

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Eat shit, you cocksucking jewmutterino!

>shoop'd notes of shoop'd notes
acting like Trump's not going to call it the Chinese Virus

Every time I tune out on Trump he pulls me back in. He really is a master. He knows having a common enemy motivates people

One possibility is he knows its bioweapon that the Chinese unleashed but he knows the normies will lose their shit and stop listening if he told them now.

It's also possible that the USA created the bioweapon but in backfired so he's pissed about that

I'll add as well:
>the left picture is higher resolution than the tweet itself

that's clearly a cooked horse head though, look at the broiled skin. cooked is too civilized for china so that must be a mongol

> It's like eating a toddler. Which the Chinese also do.

Lady with shawl and camera in pin? Eeek


Ban chinks, sign now

At least Chinese people work for their money

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Fuck it. Send it

not sure she would have the angle to see that much of the book without getting his elbow in the shot. Unless she had the camera on her watch

I want mommy Birx to nurture me. To caress me with her soft motherly touch. To spoon with me and have pillow talk on those dark cold nights.

Ever stuck it into a mare?

realistically though, can the ccp manage to stamp out the selling and consumption of wild mammals? unless they arrest mammal wild animal sellers en masse and put their heads on a pike in the wet markets, it's unlikely their population will comply when they're so used to loose rule of law and paying off the police to look the other way

they're literally smart enough to consent, it's crazy
never done it but seen it done

Horse is lean and delicious

brings me back to old school rotten

I used to live in the woods near a dirt road that horses walked every day
One day a couple on horseback go by and shortly after road workers left a boulder at fork in road that went uphill for whatever reason, when the horse returned to go back up the road it saw the boulder and freaked the fuck out and almost killed the rider by bucking him off horribly and spazzing out like a retard