I have the corona best meds going, will I survive?
The best covid19 meds available. this stash cost me about 80 USD
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Disgusting foot
Do you know what it is Mietek?
At least I'm white Mohamed
Why the fuck are 3 of your toes the same length?
Meme of Christian bale pointing to top corner and bottom text that says *trips*
It's the angle of the shot
So comfy
That only decreases cytokine storm intensity but the virus can still kill you. Maybe even more.
where did you buy it from?
My understanding is it stops it from replicating
Nonsense. All of the subjects who received Chloroquine in the Chinese clinical trials survived. The average duration of the virus was 4 days, compared to 11 days for the control group. Where do you get your information?
you need Remdesivir mate too.
what site on dw ?
Also, OP, looks like dosage should be 500 mg twice a day for up to 10 days. French microbiologist says 600 mg + antibiotics was enough to cure 95% of the cohort. I'm not sure what happened to the remaining 5%, they might have been extremely old or had other underlying illnesses/medical conditions.
That foot looks inbred.
You don't 'need' Remdesivir, it's just one of the drugs that has been shown to work. Chloroquine is more effective.
It has many effects but the main one is decreasing the intensity of immune response to avoid cytokine storms. It may slow down the virus's replication (someone says) but no evidence for that.
>uk flag
Surviving doesn't mean they survived because of chloroquin lol. Population size of the biggest study?
hey, I would get both anyway.
Because that's the two drugs I've seen that have worked.
I'm not a doctor (fucking obviously)
But once you get past the incubation stage you could die in 7days.
Throw everything at it.
Self medication is usually not the best idea, but if you do get it give it a try if you feel like it
>no Kaletra
Enjoy your painful and agonizing death.
I bought it off an Indian pharma site. Believe it or not they don't charge in £, all the other countries don't use GBP you see. No pharmacy has this anywhere in UK
Btw a malaria drug (countering parasytes) acting on the immune system should not be effective against a virus. More evidence needed.
Indian pharmacy, dark web had it but too expensive
Meds are worthless. Just dont be old
which one mate?
really really need this.
You need an expectorant as well
Please can you stop being a faggot. Yes we know it's was used to treat a parasitic malaria infection. It is also used to treat arthritis in some people. Apparently it lets zinc into cells and fucks with the virus replication also.
Corona virus andHydroxy chloroquine from a Dr:
>Indian pharma site
got a link?
Kaletra was about USD 400. This is dirt cheap. I'll take my chances this is better than nothing
Not posting links. Search term:
Hydroxy chloroquine no prescription
Don't use a debit card, only a credit card
>Indian pharma site
just need to kno a legit site that sends it
been scammed b4 on dw
It seems like the biggest hydroxychloroquine study in Europe is being performed in Spain, we'll know the results will be known in 21 days.
hope it's the top result on bing?
I know that site. But you bought the wrong stuff. Good try though.
If I thought I would be able to get proper treatment when this goes parabolic, I wouldn't do this. I don't think the UK government has enough of these meds and I there is no guarantee I can into a hospital. Retards are buying toilet paper when they should be buying something that can actually save their family's life
Get some azithromycin also
The dosage should be
500mg azithro on day1, then 250mg for 5 days
600mg HCQ for 6 days
100% cure rate
Also Azithromycin is only necessary if there is pnemonia symptoms
What I am thinking is, since this virus will keep reinfecting till a good vaccine is available, one needs a constant supply of these meds for whenever problems arise.
There you go I'm probably banned for that now user
just base 64 the site's name or something.
please for a Yas Forumsack.
then no one can say you posted a link.
It raises the PH level so the virus can't bind. It's extremely effective. It's already been shown to be effective with COVID-19 and with SARS in vitro.
Take your meds schizo
virgin survivalist vs chad death cultist
Fuck jannies
you leg mush
life saver
god bless.
>no evidence for that.
read some papers
look at this pic tweeted by elon musk
Fucking savage thanks user, will get it
pharmacy2home seems to be one some westerners use
Not schizo but I will be taking these meds
why get manufactured chloroquine when you could be drinking gin and tonic instead
it's the most british way to cure yourself
14 studies came out of China from it. Only problem is that it's not peer reviewed. The French wanna go human tests, but the lab making the molecule wants a peer reviewed study first, and that takes a shitload of time but they will be protected legally.
thye honestly had good customer service
can't believe im saying that about a poo site
Chloroquine. How'd you get your hands on it?
>indian pharmacy
long ago I knew one that would sell banana flavored clonazepam.
Delicious and effective.
where do you get this?
Is this the stuff? How many pills do I need? What is the dosage?
Yeah there's nothing wrong with the product. I'm looking at aids meds as well. Best pound for pound seems to be hydroxy chloroquine
Yes you can use that
where 2 buy?
you fucking legend.
But what about the dosage? How many pills and how often and for how long?
South Korea is 500mg/day 10 days. I think it was China suggesting 10 days of 1000mg/day. See a Dr to discuss this before taking it of course