If white privilege is real, then why is this place such a fucking shithole

If white privilege is real, then why is this place such a fucking shithole

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Not Adamic.


cus meds aren't considered white.

Simple 'race' and 'whiteness' is strictly an American thing.
In Europe ethnicities and language groups really matter. The place is too diverse, too many people hate each other and would kill each other again, if they had the chance.
Study the history of the region.



All fields

This, and also communism

Croatia a shithole? Ok. Dumb fuck.

Because is filled with muslims and gypsies


kek USA is much worse than Slovenia mate

What are you?

also gypsies.

Take a guess

Sorry, ignoring the Dalmatian tourist trap.


Remember like barely 25 years ago when you yanks went and destroyed the whole place because some Serbs decided that enough was enough and that turks should fuck off so they started to remove kebab? Remember how you bombed entire villages of unarmed civilians so you could make sure that Bosnian mujahideen would be able to continie beheading Christians? Remember NATO was supplying muslim rebels in Christian counties with weapons and encouraging them to make an independance movement based entirely on hating Jesus? Remember how you fuckers did that?
Because we all fucking remember.



Because there are no whites east of France, and therefore there is no privelage. What are you even asking? OP is a pic of the Balkans, not Europe. Italy doesn’t even count and they’re further west.

Idk does light brown hair and green eyes qualify?

balkan niggers love war too much.

Two reasons
> It was not left for the Ottomans
> When taken away from Ottomans, it was not left for the Greeks.


are you me lol

slovenia is fine.
croatia is ok, would be fine if not for the war.
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo bc mooslims
Serbia and Montenegro bc slavs
Romania and Bulgaria bc slavs, gypsies, and backwards mindsets.
Northern Macedonia bc it is a meme.

imbecile. we didn't do it out of nefarious reasons.
we did bc Bill needed to take some press coverage off the Lewinksy scandal.

unironically it is islam though

literally every single thing wrong with the balkans can be traced back to islamic culture osmosis onto local culture

nepotism, clientelism, corruption, laziness - all imported from shitslam

>geographical location
>cultural differences
>constant wars

in that order

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*stamps official document*

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fuck off you repulsive t*rkish worm
the moment when the flag of Christendom flies over Constantinopole draws closer by the day

Those subhumans should be gassed

being raped by empires for thousands of years should do the job

>the moment when the flag of Christendom flies over Constantinopole draws closer by the day

As if there are whites there.

fuck whitey and fuck americans.

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Why is this the case in Romania faggot? Lol there goes your theory Gypsy niglet

I am waiting Croatian gypsy niglet

The line you posted is literally the antidote to the nigger problem. It triggers their dissonance because they cannot put the EVIL WYPIPO label on us as we were both enslaved for 500 years and outright genocided, yet still earn less money than an american nigger on welfare. We never ever got into slave trade either in all of our existence. We're the only ones immune from their nigger victim mentality.

You can't complain about empires when you were the Roman Empire.


it was controlled by the Ottomans for centuries.

Low iq

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we wheren't the founders.....
most of the empire except italy was other races being subjugated

True except Romania and Slovenia. Slovenia being close to Western Standards while Romania being Russo-Nigerian tier shithole.


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Just leach of it like the S*rbs do. Most emperors were from Serbia you know...

romania was also under t*rkish tyranny you repulsive t*rkish maggot

if only Rome eradicated the fucking kikes way back when, you t*rkish trash would be confined to the steppes of Asia where you fucking belong

its only thanks to kikes and their puppets in england and france that you continue to exist to this day so you better lick the feet of your local rabbi mehmed for without the rabbi you wouldnt even exist

> Many ethnic groups that had some old glory days and greater lands in the past, coincidentally everyone else experienced the same, so if one group wants to expand it has to do so on the behalf of others, thus genocide is unavoidable
> Turkish occupation, that occurred because in-fighting of Serbian leaders, the Serbian Empire which at that time encompassed the whole of the Balkans fell to ruins even before the Turks attacked due to selfish rulers and all the Turks had to do is use their own weakness against them, so 1M Turks was enough to rule over 30M people for 500 years
> After the Turks left we now have Islam and people with the same roach parasitic minset
> Gypsies and Khazars
> WW1
> Communism
> Independent state of Croatia
> Civil wars
> Migrants
> Road between East and West

This place can only truly ever be free of problems if one group prevails and genocides all the others, until then it's never gonna be good and since no one is ever going to do such atrocities it will never be peaceful, but whatever we can live with that.

some where from old romania too , yeah i guess just leech dat shit

This is a jewish d and c thread againat the frontline caucausians

Burn in hell you fucking heathens

>giving a effortpost to these r*dditor niggers
user, I...

Consider going to Yas Forums or /his/ for effort posting, Yas Forums is for cheap ad hominem attacks and baiting niggers.

Romania was under their own rule you Croatian niglet. You can't be Mutt tier dumbass.

I miss Corneliu >___

For a start, we haven't colonized other continents and we also didn't enslave niggers to do our work. While the (((West))) was busy doing all that and getting rich, we were fighting hords of turks or each other ocasionally.

You can't call rulers selfish when they actually assembled armies before Maritsa (1371) and Kosovo (1389). Blame it on incompetence of your own armies. Like... drinking.

imagine beeing this based
i'm jealous

>Turkish occupation, that occurred because in-fighting of Serbian leaders, the Serbian Empire which at that time encompassed the whole of the Balkans fell to ruins even before the Turks attacked due to selfish rulers and all the Turks had to do is use their own weakness against them
lmao what the FUCK was Tito doing with your education

they were t*rkoid vassals for a good long while

in any case, once corona-chan collapses the decadent west, we can finally eliminate all you filthy mudslimes from sacred European soil with the application of genocide

Me? I'm gonna reopen Jasenovac concentration camp and inter at least 10 thousand mudslimes where they will be subjected to tortures and atrocities beyond even what Japs did to Chinks in WW2

The fucking IQ thing is a real pain though, you can see the difference in how conversations flow and what priorities the youth has if you hang out with people in Croatia and in the UK. I might be biased since I've only hung out with british university students compared to local Croat villagers, but shit's quite different in peoples attitudes and way of "thinking".

islam? what a bunch of fucking retards you are. only one who needs to be gassed are dumbasses like you 2

I dunno. Maybe creating a Macedonian identity to piss of Greece and make sure Bulgaria never gets Macedonia ever again.

Again, no direct rule. They had own schooling and laws and whatever. The only Jew action the Ottomans did was bringing Phanariots to Romania. All other incompetence is theirs to blame Croatoid Niglet.

White privilege is a myth. Only Jews get spoonfed money and privilege.

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>and make sure Bulgaria never gets Macedonia ever again.
Macedonia is a useless region and Serbia can have them for all I care if they want them so much. Now Dobruja on the other hand

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Husshhh... don't say that... Macedonia is pure Bulgaria...

Yes, It is painful to see Dobruja in Romanian hands. Not because of my dislike of Romanians but because the border looks horrible. Couldn't they get Bessarabia and Moldova in exchange for Dobruja? Nobody is going to miss "lower than Rwanda tier" Moldova

We just want Skopje which was our historic capital, you can have the other half.

communism. ironically for people who believe in white privilege theories that came from, communism.

>Remember like barely 25 years ago when you yanks went and destroyed the whole place because some Serbs decided that enough was enough and that turks should fuck off so they started to remove kebab?
1. The bombings didn't destroy Serbia
2. The Serbs weren't fighting Turks (as if), they were killing Muslim Balkanian women and children who spoke their language

Based Karaboga. Croats are biggest cucks. We wuz kidnapping them as children to make them fight their brethren in Croazia and Hungary.

Not white, just like the rest of Europe

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literally this
this whole white vs non-white shit is 100% rooted in amerimutts having "cultures" only based on skin color

baltics and most of east europe is similar to balkans and we have never had any islam


fucking ameritards

Interracial is a fetish. White girls don’t even like blacks.

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Dude, what are you even talking about? We fought literal shitskins sent here by the CIA.

These aren't Meds you fucking idiot.

> We just want Skopje

Go back to Serbia S*rboid.

If Bulgar does not want it take the whole thing. I hate Albanians and I am afraid they will get the entire thing.



no. they destroyed themselves.


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>Slovenia being close to Western Standards
How so, if they are poorer than Poland, Hungary and Czechia combined?

>Yes, It is painful to see Dobruja in Romanian hands
It really is. I actually like Romania but the fact that they hold Dobruja triggers me quite a bit.

Nah just give it to Greece then. It seems that they want it (I think).

>white privilege
This shit works in the context of a country itself. And it's actually true, the natives (whites) have much higher status and opportunities than the gypsies (non-whites).

Dude don't worry when the circumcised muttman lose their grip on this region there will be Albanians kek

It's fine here would live here over America 100%

Keeping seething faggot. You can’t argue with facts.

Keep dreaming slav(e).

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You were raping Slav women who in revenge married shitskins and gave the worlds generations of mutts. Nice move S*rb.

Based as fuck

race, american thing.

muslim retarded logic.

islam will never have free democratic societies like christian west, your religion is not compatible with the type of individual sovereign worth and value because your worth and value are from islam books that is not compatibly with the value from christian/buddhist books.

Slovenia is still better than the rest of the Balkans... maybe except Greece. Their mistake was to join Yugoslavia.

Ottomans fucked them up

>Dude, what are you even talking about? We fought literal shitskins sent here by the CIA.
Did they "destroyed the whole place"? It's absolutely ridiculous to say the 90s wars in Yugoslavia were some WWII Eastern front kind of thing. You're all deluded.

how is Sofia?

>Nah just give it to Greece then. It seems that they want it (I think).
Full of Albos and South Slavs, we have no interest thank you
I thought Bulgarians and Serbs wanted to split it

Demoracy is like the worst thing that ever happened to Europe after Communism

> Lives in Latvia

Why the fuck do you think he is a Muslim Pajeet??

Like Atlanta minus Africans and mutts.

BBC doesn't need your faggot facts

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Went there once, not sure, seems a little too hipster-ish

he talks about the history of religion and blames american whities for all their problems.

put 1 and 1 together user.

In what sense? Not that I deny it, Albania was Medieval by 1912. But how?

Based Aussie

The war was planned and orchestrated by the West, our commanders were shooting at random targets and not the enemy soldiers and our own complained about it, they told them to shut up and not think about it. Btw, why do Bulgarians hate us Serbs so much?

>I thought Bulgarians and Serbs wanted to split it
I thought that some Macedonians want to return to Bulgaria, some don't, and that we are indifferent on this subject. There's about zero movements here calling for an Anschluss

qualifies you to be a kike