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Is Italy a 3rd world country?

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Mama mia that's a spicy meatball

the fuck is going on. fucking mental

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Unironically praying for italy. A beautiful country i hope this doesnt hurt their economy too much in the long run.
Why are things so bad there?

>less than 10% death rate

nigga Ebola has 70% and look how that went

They imported a million chinks

Why are swarthy moorish rape babies so unhealthy lads?

Most people there are old as fuck, italy is like THE tourist spot so loads of fags from different countries visit and they're pretty dirty at times.

You think that's bad? Check out what happened in vatican city.

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user their economy is already fucked beyond repair. They actually rely on tourism because it's a top destination.

It’s easier to transmit COVID-19 though. Ebola is easier to keep contained because it requires you basically bleeding onto another humans direct wound or touching somebody’s poop that has Ebola.

>Be Coronavirus
>Kill mostly old people

>Be Italy
>Have one of the oldest average age in the Europe
>Introduce virus that kills mostly old people
I wonder why so many people are dying in Italy guys


Just proves that the numbers from china are full of shit.

Yeah but it mostly affects old people. So if you're 60+ stay the fuck inside the majority of us will be fine.

South italy is. A bunch of charcoal briquette faggots.

oy vey 56 gorillion

Hey guys any stats about the age of the dead people in italy?

Do they has killed all the children sexual slaves?!

i am italian and im 21

China is just fucking lying

But, most of the Coronavirus pockets devastating Italy is in the north?

implying China's numbers are trustworthy


Food and fashion are also major industries here and both were completely fucked by this.

I would really like to know what China's real death toll is

baha all the model dykes lesbos catch corona

What a load of fucking shite, the Corona hoax is starting to take on 9/11 levels of absurdity

Im sure those 60 thousand who “recovered” are doing just fine

rip in spaghettis

>If you get the kung flu in Italy you have 1/3 chance of dying

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Milan alone generates 80% of our GDP.

Tourism is like 5% of our GDP, but ok...

Over half of those deaths were in the last 4 days.

Not true, mathnigger

Bullshit. Official data clearly shows that 99% of victims were 80+ with severe conditions.
We just have a lot of them.

Well there is no chance of reinfection that's for sure

Big retard energy!!!!!

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Congrats on the cheap real estate

Not funny dumbass. Only arabs and africans laugh at this

>slash pol slash asks for happening
>happenings happens
>slash pol slash doesn't want happening to happen anymore

Look it up. There's a reason Lega Nord wants to get rid of all centeral and south regions.


Tens of thousands. Trump called it the "Chinese Virus" today and in the same breath activated the Defense Production Act. He's getting us ready for war.

>all these mutts celebrating and talking shit
I'm just waiting for the moment Kung Flu fucking explodes in the states, you mutts will drop like flies
>m-muh 8% death rate
We're getting rid of 80yo fucks that have been eating their gov bucks since they retired at 30yo, courtesy of the kiked postwar government

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>>slash pol slash doesn't want happening to happen anymore
speak for yourself I say let em coof

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chinese medicine better then italian?

Go get your shine box you ditsoon lol

during roman empire era

your data are made up and you are fake and gay

The US pharma is sitting on a cure for every virus on earth, because of the profits involved.
Check the image, this molecule works, it works perfectly, with no side effects. The scariest thing about it is the fucking name, which the creator thought was clever, but he underestimated the scared niggers who can't into Greek Law.

Almost every virus uses a dsRNA replication stage (not the virus genome, one of the steps in the creation of the virus). DRACO targets this replication stage and shuts down the cells (that will already be exploding from the virus) before more copies are made. No more copies means that once your blood captures any viruses remaining, you're cured.
The US industry is still based on fighting WW2 and Vietnam.
>check this list of cured viruses, look at the variety of genome types, Corona is curable, right now, with technology that is already almost a decade old.
The cure for herpes alone would spike the US IQ by 15 points, as children are born without the disease damage in their neural pathways.

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Yes. I also believe chinas reported numbers fellow Yas Forums browser.
Everyone should.

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I especially liked the addition of 'top destination' and how that somehow makes the economy rely on it. Idiot.

Should have adopted the China model.

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Go die for your kike masters first

This just in - China fakes their numbers

Please show stats luigi

I will not believe for 1 second that Italy, a country with 60 mil residents has almost the same amount of deaths as China, a country with 1,5 bil residents. Thanks to Italians for being at least believable with their numbers.

yes, it is the worst country in the eu

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CCP is hiding their real numbers to the point of making journalists dissapear and shutting down internet in wuhan completely. The outbreak isn't over in chinkland, censorship and propaganda leveled up. Italy has the balls to publish real numbers, which countries are actually doing the same?

Things were worse in China. They have a cultural compulsion to "save face". They would never admit the real number of cases or deaths.

In a few weeks terronia will be absolutely BTFO by Corona-Chan. Southrons can't follow rules for the life of them.

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Notice how, excluding china, the more swarthoid shitskin is a country the more the deaths? In my facebook feed Ive only seen swarthoid shitskins going full panic mode over this flu.

Seems like apollo got angry that you WE WUZed as his children and is sending you a plague special delivery just for you

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Everyone bookmark this.


Median age was slightly over 80yo.
Some people who died at over 100 are also counted as covid deaths.
Only 0.8% didn’t have pre existing conditions.

It’s a nothing pizza.


Help (north) Italy!

13% in 2019 but ok

Nice memeflag shlomo
Yas Forums fucking celebrates every single time something happens to us, let them do their own thing
When the virus will reach the peak in their own countries they will desperately try to hide their death rate, like the fucking inferior shills they are

CCP numbers are totally fine it’s us that we’re blowing up our covid deaths by 100x. Only 0.8% cases are exclusive covid deaths.


POL is always wrong.

it is the definition of shithole, italians are brown manlets

You fags keep saying this, but the rural regions are fine.
>population density is low
>warm weather and sun help against infections
>there isn't the huge international traffic Milan has
>every city doesn't have a fucking Chinatown in it
>PC and SJW "hug a chink" bullshit doesn't take much here, as racism is still common
>southern regions were warned in time and started enacting measures before the official lockdown

There is a reason almost all the infections are concentrated in Milan.

With those numbers,i think the traitors lombards will wiped out and the terroni too,roman master race here btw

in figura 5, they mention most people who die spent 5 days in the hospital total.

Is there a similar figure for people who recover?

That is an important number to know the cut off in terms of beds, ventilators, etc that are needed.

Thanks for sharing the link btw

North italians pretending to be germans while looking like johnny the mutt always makes me laugh

>Germany: 27 deaths 11000 cases
>South Korea: 84 deaths 8400 cases
It's as if testing everyone and not just critical patients reveals the disease isn't nearly as bad as everyone thinks.

Jesus Italy, what are you doing? Are you still giving each other hugs and kisses to say hello and goodbye in the middle of a pandemic or some shit?

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Don't worry, I'll continue to buy Barilla, Mario.

I-Italy ?! Are you OK ?

Only first world countries have lots of old people to kill

3000 "people" with no verifiable identities that no one knew.