What is the real reason for the worldwide governmental over reaction...

What is the real reason for the worldwide governmental over reaction? I can't tell if it's because boomers worldwide are panicking or because the whole thing is some kind of massive NWO psyop.

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they need martial law so america will rise up and kill it's own military so china can swoop in and take our nukes.

Me on the left

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Boomers freaking out.

Can women do anything without being sluts at the same time?

>meme gets so big retards demand action
>if you're perceived as having not done enough you could be ousted in the next election
its really as simple as that, everyone is trying to do the absolute minimum while making it seem like they went to extremes
the public demands the extreme, the economy demands the minimum

also jews did this

Remember when mooning people wasn't a sex crime, but an innocent prank

We need to SHUT IT DOWN for several weeks.


Are you one of those 'The total number of deaths is nothing compared to the common flu' idiots that doesn't understand what a false comparison is?

I'm going to make this short.
You don't understand. STFU.

Fuck Marry Kill.
Also, to get back on topic, we are living in the information age and therefore everyone is glued to the propaganda machine 24/7. If you are any sort of government leader, you are pretty much required to implement these measures to soothe the misinformed masses' panic.

this is pol now.

Pol is basically Yas Forums

Boomers in my experience are still in the it's just a flu bro stage.

you know what faggot? I don't mind if OP posts TnA, I happen to like TnA. If you want to argue in some assless wasteland you can fuck off to r/assless

so sick of you spamming this shit everywhere like you're going to change hearts and minds in your tireless crusade against ass

Not many people are willing to let their elderly and sick die.

Economically its very pragmatic to just keep going. But most people have someone theyd rather keep around who is elderly or sick.

You fucked all of the didn't you?

Are you one of those morons who flips out because 4ch had posts about something?


kek nice argument retard

Well then I should be allowed to r@p3 them


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Really old people are freaking out.

boomers feel personally threatened

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gotta be from an earth weather event, something to want to get everyone at home alone during it. maybe emp from sun or asteroid. idk but all the threads on earth changes are deleted and banned instantly. these shills are literally on computers in bunkers already but they are fucking idiots. the people in the bunkers die ... its in all the old books

Fuck > Marry > Kill

why did you think to do this? i also thought to do this. it makes perfect sense. but why? help

What is the real reason you have a computer? I can't tell if you're blogposting your shitty internal monologues on a political board because you're 12 or because you're just a massive retard.

take the dog. leave the skeezers.

girl on the left


I think his point is that anonymous people on here don't realize the way they are acting is extremely cringe. But, like, forreal forreal cringe.Ya get me?

— Have a good one.

those rumps look scrumptious

you're a good boy

I feel that the whole thing is preparedness drill.


You are still 20,000 times more likely to contract the regular flu. Not something you'll hear on CNN.

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Kek no way that's her

You are the cancer killing this board. This board is all proxy fags posting whores

Fuck, Kill, Marry.

In that order left to right

There isn't an overreaction, stop being a dumb fuck.

A percentage of people get a bad case of the illness. If that number goes beyond the intensive case capacity of a country, those people are essentially dead.

If the virus was let to run wild you'd have the majority of the country infected and a 10-15% death rate.

every time I see a pic like this, my first thought is how much I want to lick the bunghole.

It’s an under reaction. Everyone had their head in the sand the last two months and are only now realizing the gravity of the situation.

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Fuck off subhuman east euro trash. It's a legit question.

>anglo-american bio weapon deployed on chinks
>managed financial collapse (dont worry rich are fine)
>nuclear false flag by pakistan
>ww3 with chinks + russia

lmao jesus christos feet I get but like anything else like nose to waste is just not my thing I don't get it

to each his own lmao

How are the masses misinformed?

It's Globohomo flexing on us plebes
Orange Man bad
Did you not expect something pretty bad from Globohomo if they don't have their way?
Biden pffft

Pic unrelate

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Imagine if they suddenly started plopping out poop onto the ground. Like really casually like"nothing out of the ordinary happening here". Hhahah that would be weird?

Thank god that Yas Forums is just an auxiliary community and most people aren't capable of producing such ,, meme-deas ''

>FREE mandatory vaccine from our pals in Israel

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The important thing to note is not how many are dying, but which demographics are. It's almost exclusively the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions. Even if 10 times more die to corona than to seasonal flu, it still should be viewed as an old and unhealthy person's disease. It sounds callous to say, but it is cleansing the population. It isn't the virus most of us need to fear, but rather government power grabs during this orchestrated "crisis".

If current growth rates continue that will change by May.

What is this nature background from? New Zealand? Alaska? Norway?

>worldwide governmental over reaction
Its a virus targetting and killing boomers - all while crashing the stock market seperating boomers from their precious money.
Why wouldnt they try and stop it agressively?

Goddamn you're dumb. The deaths are of the old and those with pre-existing health conditions. Lots of them will die. But most people will be fine.

I remember someone on Reddit saying they went to school with the grills and it's in Europe

Nearly everyone in the world fell for China's propaganda

all the people in actual power in the world can die from this disease

>boomer ender
this is the only hope for US demographics moving forward.
unfortunately we will be turning brownbut at least tech innovation will be for the youth again instead of fucking spoiled boomers.

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>Killing Boomers

It's killed like 5 people

>stock market seperating boomers from their precious money.

Fucking boomers closed everything that's why the stock market crashed.

>1000000000 cases
>30000000 deaths
>1000000000 cases
>600000 deaths


I presume this is going hard so that when (((they))) come out with the vaccine, they can force everyone to have it, including medical workers, teachers, the elderly, and newborns. And they win, they double down on the TAKE YOU VACCINES, GOY! with a brand new poison to fuck with the whole world going forward. Mark my words, the COVID-19 vaccine will fuck us all.

Masses are misinformed in the sense that they are acting as if the world is ending and therefore they need enough TP to last a lifetime.
When in fact this is a relatively simple issue solved by:
>washing hands and not picking your nose
>use a mask if you have a cough/sneeze (which asians already do)
>do shopping on behalf of your grandparents >wait until this tapers off and is forgotten within 3 months, due to the virus mutating into a harmless flu (as all the other panics in the past)
Look at China and South Korea. The issue is close to being solved over there, and the same thing will happen in Europe/USA, albeit with a higher death-rate considering the older population pyramids in these areas.

Why do so many girls take pictures mooning now

>What is the real reason for the worldwide governmental over reaction?

They've been encouraging us to become pod people for a while now. It makes us easier to manipulate and slowly kill off.
The reaction to this problem will be more pod infrastructure.

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At least one of those women has had sexual relations with that dog. Possibly all of them.

How many died from it last year? And the year before that? And the year before that?

Oh that's right nobody noticed it because nobody was tested then their death is called due what ever technicality like COPD or heart attack.

I'm sure if the virus killed only millennial, then the governments wouldn't do shit

Did I say otherwise? What did I say that was dumb?
And over half of America has a preexisting health condition you dumb.

this exactly

>stone's throw from china
>shittons of chinese tourists and business travel
>prolly had whuflu fuckers all over tokyo for months
>ultra cramped public transport, ideal for transmission
>nothing happens
>school's out for three weeks
>trains basically just as crowded
>nothing happens
>restaurants crowded
>few large events canceled cuz of meme power
>above situation continues for weeks

Having fun watching burgers and eurofags freak out. Sheeple not people kek

I guess this board shilling is HillDaBeast 's 50 million propaganda dollars in action

Womp womp

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because all the other girls are doing it

It’s not the end of the world but it’s a global pandemic that’s goig to kill tens of thousands of Americans (at least) and bring us into a recession similar to 08.

This is happening

Litcherally made for BBC. LUL

>oh no! Not the fatties!

Get fucked. Should have put down the Twinkies earlier. Now it is too late, fat boy.