Video shows Australian SAS soldier shooting and killing unarmed man

hur dur why did they fly planes into the buildings for...
*drools in western fucktard*

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-17 Shocking video of an Australian soldier shooting dead an unarmed man.png (700x467, 926.51K)

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Aussies aren't human

its just bant m8

Aussies really are the strongest race. I admit that as a Florida man

the problem is this guy was in diapers when 9/11 happened

He should've been in the ground after 9/11 happened

Wurl stah! Wurl stah! Behaviour to be honest brah

anyone got full video?

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>you want me to drop this cunt???
No answer
Still no answer
>guess that means yes POP POP POP

Why do Australians have the best bants?

This webm's for you straya, ya mad cunts

Attached: mad.cunt.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Psychopath, simple.

What the fuck are you getting at? The American government dropped those 3 towers faggot

Based and tarrantpilled

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>"you want me to drop this cunt?"
we really are a nation of bogans

Quake is a bad dog

Kill every shitskin. I don't have a problem with this.

Good, kill them all.


imagine watching the news

Funny that irish bastards never do dick to defend the west, just parasite on taxes, drink, and speak english.

Why didn't the article mention why they apprehended him?

Probably broke the law.

Good goy

That and maybe 800k muzz goin back to the 89 Kuwait beef.

Were banging out muzz day in day out from Algeria to Afghanistan while rage Europe gets cucked by every freakshow poc with a sobstory.
# mass immigration

Why the fuck should celts give a flying toss about anglos or any other germanics. White invading niggers the lot of them

Funny that retards love to share their awful opinions with everyone on the internet

You mean like you're doing right now?

He blasphemed the Saint of Christchurch.

Had to be whacked for such insolence.

it does, sort of, they were looking for a bombmaker, no indication of why they thought there was a bomb maker there.

If they had a good reason to believe there was a bombmaker there he would have had protectors and lookouts... so either this guy is the bombmaker himself or he is a snitch or worse he'll attack the SAS team first chance he gets.

Killing him seems to be the only choice.


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To avoid being known as parasites. That doesn't work among northern peoples.

>Braden Chapman was a signals intelligence officer with 3 Squadron SAS on that 2012 deployment, but was not a witness to the killing.
>Four Corners showed him the footage.
>"It's just a straight-up execution really," he said.
Nothing like 3rd party opinions. Is this the koala version of CNN?

who fucking cares

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(((American Government)))


checked, irish are satanic people

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Hunting primates for sport is perfectly fine.

They're all good dogs bront

Trump is more pure race than you could dream mongrel. Mother was born near the arctic circle where no jew has ever tresd.

Nah, you're just a pussy. We have a cure for Corona as well. Now, who's your REAL greatest ally?

SAS doesnt select retards, he likely had a very strong reason. I deduce that you are a smelly goatlover.

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Top bantz

What did that shitskins do?

I will not blame our boys in the shit for taking action. Fuck the kikes for trying to twist us against our soldiers.

get the fuck out of here

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So many kikes in Ireland. That corporate tax exemption must make you feel that it is safe harbor. Yet st. Patrick is their hope in the past and the car bomb in your future


That wasn't an opinion dipshit

>19 years old

you're wrong and you're worthless

It’s an ongoing attack on our special forces because this country is full of traitors and their pet migrants just waiting to take over and our spec ops guys are a key figure of resistance.

Actually what this shows is that the Irish along with Poles are among the last godfearing nations left on earth. Perhaps they will literally be the last two witnesses at the end of days. Meanwhile it's clearly an agent of Satan shitting on one of the last of God's countries

Not like you'd know anything about that, Abdullah.

They try to make it sound like another SAS operator giving his opinion but it's just a fucking sig nerd.

Ignore the meme flags. The creature you are quoting is not Irish.

You dumb mutts really have been kiked to the exteme. If the Irish are parasites, anglos/germans are a virus no better than niggers.

Idiots, no one will care thanks to the global pandemic. ABC should be defunded

>So many kikes in Ireland.

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Didn't they have pics of your roo fucker SAS with Nazi flags in Iraq kek. Who the fuck keeps releasing these vids and pics. Must be other SAS or faggots like that sig guy they interviewed.


If you get shot close up by a SAS soldier you definately did something bad lol.

in during congruent triangles

This. Wait til the social unrest starts & the military are needed to crack heads - lefties are gonna shut their fucking mouths again.

This thread is scurrying with shabbos and kike creature. The Irish are called niggers by the anglos because they were the last nation to kick out the kikes while their nation was ruled by the Rothschilds.

The Irish are the last to resist the kike. And they will be the first to fight against them.

the Irish, English, and Germans are perfect examples of settlers in the United States, ignore the shills
Also, show your flag lol

There's a large amount of SJWs that infiltrated the military & government agencies over the last decade or 2. I doubt its in the SAS themselves, but some other fuckwits can easily leak it.

You think that the troubles was over religion? Are you a follower of d&c Anglo Cromwell tactics?

>You want me to drop this cunt!?
What a sick cunt aye!

That's what they get for flying planes into buildings. You have your cause and effect mixed up fellow Bruce.

>be Afghan goat herder
>Taliban gives you radio
>tells you to follow soldier men and report their movements
>soldier men spot you
>soldier men kill you for trying to get them killed


Deport yourself.


"You want me to drop this cunt?"

Hahahaha I love how our special forces are indistinguishable from every other Australian male

>doing his job professionally

What kind of shit government goes after their fucking special forces operators

I want reddit to leave

Why would I ever do that when it triggers you paranoid schizoid mutts

some snitch who's gonna get it.

Fuck this shit. Anyone That tries defending the Afghan are fucked.
Mate, back in 2012 in Afghan regular grunts had fucking ridiculous rules of engagement. They could slot a cunt that was a bomb maker all the way up until he reached his home before he wasn't considered a combatant. This guy who is a mad cunt might I add totally adhered to the rules of armed conflict and all the shitty conventions with it.

It's easy to make an assumption off of a short clip. You can't see any knife or rifle in that tall as fuck grass.

The mad cunt SAS had choppers above and they probably even had drones all the while he was being told what to do through his radio. He even yelled out to old matey for confirmation and obviously got the thumbs up so he dropped him.

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It's either non combat soldiers getting their hands on it or journalists. Nobody else cares.

>Let me tell you what country is religious or not mohamad
so many amerimutt larping as irish in this thread

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Cheers cob.
Good to see I'm not the only one who's dog doesn't listen to orders properly.

Anyway war is hell.

ABC is a far left progressive parasite on tax payers

its just a prank bro relax

He wasn't apprehended. He was a downed fighter, still calling in comms on his radio.

This is a battle in a war, not a traffic stop by the police. That's what the SAS do. Even back to the famous Iranian Embassy raid days. Don't put them into use if you don't want people killed. The guy was cleared by the way. Some butthurt diversity hire leaked this to the ABC because they're mad the Chads in the SAS aren't being punished for doing their jobs.

Wait, so like, can citizens of any commonwealth country join the British SAS, or does Australia have it's own special forces group that shares the name? I'm confused.

I can guarantee there mostly is a good fucking reason they shot him. Fuck the abc dirty sioboy commie scum.

lol you kangaroons are a hoot

It's our version of BBC or PBS. They have a hard on for the SAS because our version of the FBI raided their homes to find out which tranny was leaking classified information about the SAS to the media.


Based Ozzie killing mudshits!

>as a Florida man

Hello fren

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who snitched on him?

>that pic
ah haha holy shit

The sandnigger is not uniformed soldier subject to the Geneva conventions. He thought he could hide behind being a civilian (which puts real civilians in danger), but he got caught and got what he deserved.


Based australians

>this country is full of traitors
Cunt's already on the ground, how much further can he drop
>about 6'

yeah, these sandinduds routinely surrender then have a bomb switch or surrender as the pretext of an ambush.

Really dont care that a guy killed someone during a way. This is inevtable in war.

you cant send men to hunt kill and murder for years at a time and not expect a small percentage wont kill an "extra" here and there.

What's the matter ya poofter, got ants in ya pants of a little bit of silly buggers.

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More like what the Democrats were trying to turn CNN into. State run broadcaster with a very much left wing bent. UK's BBC is a closer example.

>drop weapon
>don't shoot! Me reformed now!

This has never worked on the battlefield, and never will

It's our own group. SASR, r for "regiment". NZ has their own too

Dude, we're Australia's tutorial level. The crocodiles aren't quite as big, the snakes aren't quite as venomous, the giant spiders aren't quite as...everywhere, we're just Australia with the difficulty scaled down. Floridaman isn't a failed American, he's an aspiring strayacunt doing crazy shit to level-grind until he reaches Aussie-tier.

let's just admit it: catholics are basically kikes.

Agreed. Yellow journalism is trying to twist the public away from their military in Australia. These fucking kikes that are pushing such treason need a rope.

This man should be asked to serve on the Greek/European border.

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What a jerk, he should've just let the poor innocent Afghan call in positions so his brothers can die. If you kill your enemies they win

Stand up you fucking pussy

>He wasn't apprehended. He was a downed fighter, still calling in comms on his radio.
There was no radio spotted or found you dumb cunt

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SASR (reccy).
It's separate, based on the British ones.

Not that I give a fuck about some idiot getting shot at the other side of this planet, but you prolly sent their sons in a boat to greece. They are probably living a comfy neet live in merkel's land, enjoying our taxes.
All while we are locked up for some chink virus that they lied about, couldn't contain but was created in some american lab.
Instead those taxes could have been spent in protecting our borders and having resources for an event like this one.
Your soldiers are a bunch of anglonigger faggots only good for killing unarmed civilians, retarded kids that wanted to play cod irl.

What's an ISIS moderate ? A guy who runs out of bullets.

You guys still have dangerous fauna. Difference is most of ours sneak in everywhere

Basically some diversity hire fags put in lots of complaints about the methods used by the SAS. Army said "nah, looks good to me" and thus they started leaking. Feds tried to find leaker, made leftist China backed media more obsessive. Pic related - they really want this guy's scalp. Received our version of the Medal Of Honour. When they couldn't pin war crimes on him, they went after his personal life, repeating gossip about him fucking some woman behind his wife's back etc.

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fuck em all. glad he dropped that piece of shit.

I don't understand why everyone has to be a bunch of God damned gays all the time. Aussies can't even produce decent banter in afg without Jews getting all pissy. Bunch of Chinese communist niggers if you ask me.

And yet they gave up their guns
Australians wish they were us because we defeated the kike multiple times and made England our vassel state.

If you are white do not shit on the United States.

If it moves, kill it.