How much did he make today?

How much did he make today?

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About tree fidy.

Let's just say "enough". Imbecile.

Who is he?

Maybe he'll buy how to get rich from me.


3 Big Black Cocks in his a*ab asshole


I hope that libtard douchebag Ray Dalio blows up

This is Taleb's goat herding protege. He runs a billion $ + black swan fund. Fan of Mises and Rothbard.

Attached: spitznagel.jpg (512x621, 86.1K)

Taleb, thanks, I'll check him out.

Is he considered uber smart?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 7.08.41 AM.png (1014x748, 1.27M)

Easily 100s of millions and possibly billions.

Sweet, this guy and I are nearly the same age. I'll ring his office up.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 8.21.07 AM.png (926x1232, 548.88K)

spitznagel's fund made $1bn a few years ago when the VIX spiked a bit. the last few weeks they made a ton more

>spitznagel's fund made $1bn a few years ago when the VIX spiked a bit. the last few weeks they made a ton more

awesome for those guys.

>Who is he?
Mr. Blackswan

Is this the middle eastern version of Bogdanoff? Redpill me about Talib.

Polymath on par with Leonardo


his AUM is now in billions. 08 he had like 200 million.

read Dao of Capital

100% phoenician phenotype

Last time I tried, Akinator guessed Taleb in 48 questions. Seems like a lot, I wonder if that pisses him off.

>Polymath on par with Leonardo
Wow, that's top tier. Thank you.

>Mr. Blackswan
Thank you.

>read Dao of Capital
OK, I will. I'll put it on my library list.

>Redpill me about Talib.
Better to let him redpill you on everything,

>Fan of Mises and Rothbard.
based, hes smart

Who is this Arab looking guy?

So a chad version of Jordan Peterson?


I'm already benefiting. Thank you.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 8.40.14 AM.png (2646x2700, 1.44M)

why does he hate being called an arab so much?

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Quick rundown?
Is he pro-NEET?

He called Jordan Peterson a charlatan before the benzo breakdown. Right in the beginning.

Damn I’ll probably see if my library has his book. Looks interesting.

Not enough to be white. Though he will continue his larping.

Yes. He praises mafia lifestyle--- sitting around sipping cappuccino and making money using wit. He hates wagecuck empty suits. He also praises artisans

Basically its like calling a spanish speaking Maya a latin

no worries he will write an essay why akinator is a fraud

No, he's pretty mainstream and a damned good economist and even better statistician.

He has written quite a few NYT Bestsellers. Despite this, he remains grade-a based.

Taleb has a seething hatred/envy of Whites. He claims that ancient Rome and Greece were not White, but "Mediterranean" (which is of course a member of)
In fact I suspect he is the user always posting Nord vs Med threads.

He's right about how irrational paranoia is a rational response to existentialism.
Eventually the 1 out of 1,000,000 chance will wipe you out, so it shouldn't be ignored regardless of how improbable it is.

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Big fan of Taleb. I'm not sure if Taleb is still part of some fund. Maybe he is invested in Universia, but he is not a decision maker. Spitznagel is handling the business and the fund is restricted to a few customers. Buy in is at least 25 million I think.

what a good-looking arab fella. who dis?

You don't think he actually saw this coming? He talks about shit, he's just like every other historian and thinker, he reports on what real men do.

I dunno he’s some Arab dude from an Arab country who speaks Arabic

He's a corrupted man.

Based. That is a great book.

He's also a gigantic cuck Race/IQ denier.

The underboss runs day to day operations

Unironically one of the (if not the) smartest men living today

He's got a lot of envy towards Whites. In not so many words he has tried to claim Rome and Greece as Brown and smear Northern Euros as backward savages. He doesn't like IQ because it has inconvenient things to say about his part of the world.

Greece was shifted more southeastwards during thier glory years if I'm not mistaken! Clustering with modern European Jews, thank you very much!

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Same thing genius

Yes ancient Greece was east mediterranean and Rome was west mediterranean, all the phoenicians I know are meds to with an orientalid influence (like north italians having a nordic influence), he's not wrong at all

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>he's not wrong at all
Yes he is, meme poster.
Ancient Greeks and Romans were White. Romans especially we know had light skin, eyes and hair. Alexander had light skin and hair.

Average IQ in Greece is now 92... Does that sound like a place that would produce an Aristotle or Socrates?
Sicilians are now 10% mixed.



I work one hour a day, every day.
enough for a beer, two cigarettes and $2 bucks for my old lady.

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Really? I still haven't read his Incerto series but I've followed him on Twitter for a while + heard about him from Naval Ravikant like 1-2 years ago.
My impression was he's amazing with Statistics/Math for the most part, which has helped him when he was a Trader/Quant in the old days.
Is he god-tier at other disciplines? Somewhat doubt it, still a great guy and love his attitudes against academics and IYIs.

North Europe were a shithole while arabs, chinese and persians were by far much more advanced societies that give birth to a lot of alchemists, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers and writers, so hell yeah, greek people produced a the best philosophers of history (not forger that byzantine philosophers, artists and scientists going to Italy after the fall of Constantinople, helped to produce the Renaissance), apart of that, yes, the modern Greece is a shithole unable of anything, their culture is terrible, lazy and envy people conform modern South European countries.

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