It's only dangerous to very old people who are already sick and weak.
It basically doesn't do anything to anyone younger than 60.
It's only dangerous to very old people who are already sick and weak.
It basically doesn't do anything to anyone younger than 60.
Other urls found in this thread:
JIDF is sending all units here to make Corona-panic threads, user. They have been doing to for days. See pic-related for the reason.
it's a pretty severe illness nonetheless
Only for as long as younger people have access to intensive care. When intensive care is crowded, younger people start dying too. It's how it works. Once again we have a chance to learn the hard way.
Best case scenario is that they have a cure in 18 months, imagine how bad things are going to get before then.
>world goes on lockdown mode
nice try kike.
>2 regions on lockdown
>whole world
Do you have a brain? Why is everyone on here trying to pin this to Trump not doing anything? Why are all the fuckers trying to hurt western economies with this panicking? Why is China already doing fine and promoting their image around the world? Why have mostly old people died so far?
what the fuck are you talking about Trump. Italy just locked down 16 million people.
thats not the whole fucking planet, quit swallowing the doom porn
you'd be a dumb cunt not to be taking precautions. I'm not saying it's the end of the world but to think it's just flu is pretty stupid if you ask me.
>for days
They started mid January with 30+ threads running at all times.
I have used the filters to track them basically every day.
It's the peak amount of shill ever on this board hands down.
Trump gets his interest rates lowered like he wanted.
The trade war is won.
China set back a decade at least as companies make contingencies for everything.
Iranian leaders dying.
Stock market correction (badly needed) with ZERO blame on Trump.
Ok riddle me this nigger. She's 36, no underlying conditions afaik.
Spanish flu also only killed old people at first... and then one day, for no reason at all....
>Trump wins
>Same Jews apparently trying to stop him still making $
Based. I hope all the geriatric prudes in Japan die so I can get uncensored anime pusy
>zero blame on Trump
For certain fans of his maybe. But he’s owning the response and crash amongst everyone else. Real life isn’t Q twitter.
Because you had exceptional circumstances called ww1
We aren't living in muddy trenches anymore
yeah it didn't mention underlying conditions, wonder what it is that makes it go bad.
I've literally never followed Q.
Show me a single instance of someone blaming Trump for this crash. NPR is even giving him a pass.
Pay attention.
> id: tits
>the markets are in a complete freefall (and that's a good thing)
Why are Trump dicksuckers like this?
all that plastic isn't to treat her
it's to contain here because she's the first case in the area and they're at least trying to prevent more spread
i haven't even seen you shills blame corona on trump, which we were expecting
So is the flu.
younger people can get a nasty pneumonia, you'll survive it but you won't like it. also imagine the economy when the workforce gets almost a month of free time.
Boomers finally getting taken down.
This is what they get for selling the West to China.
I’m talking about normal, IRL people. People who watch the news for 10 minutes a day if they have time. They’re also known as voters.
>"Locked down"
>Allowed people to leave area after they announced it and still haven't shut down airlines
Wasn’t his fault. His response has been comically inept though.
Its also way more likely than the flu to kill young people
OK Joomer
Oh god yes, coronachan is the hero that will finally kill off the eternal boomer menace.
I kind of realized the panic was all just a shill to sell medical supplies and get more money allocated to healthcare.
>Desperate to try to pin the market correction on trump
>No signs of actual economic slowdown
You guys should try to make it less obvious that you're just spamming Corona threads in hopes it damages Trump.
I'm saying this is staged by Trump and the gang. How does that even start to be a positive?
None of them blame Trump for the market coming down. Go ask someone.
What are the long term health effects??
how many strains are there now?
this shit is spooky OP, I think the initial "flu" isn't too bad but there's so much we don't even know yet. I appreciate trying to calm people's nerves but the more we learn about this, the more questions I have.
Yeah, who cares about the literal millions going through cancer treatment and are vulnerable. Just don't be weak lmao
Death rate is over 30 times higher.
And we don't know enough about long term effects yet or how full recovery works.
We don't know how fast it will mutate and whether we will be stuck with it forever either.
It's kind of weird how just yesterday the board was in a state of panic about Corona, and today it seems like nobody is worried anymore. I had been trying to calm people down but they wouldn't listen to me. Did they run out of funding or what?
Lol. Pol isn’t one person senpai. Trump has had his detractors here for years. It’s going to damage Trump heavily when his largest voter base is coofing to death because of his obsession with muh economy.
I know right?
I have loved ones that may die because of this. If it burns through the population half as fast as it did in Wuhan you won't get proper treatment.
Nothing was done to prevent it from coming here. And nothing is being done to even slow the burn down.
I'm sickened by how inept the US has been.
Do people really think this isn't a big deal? The entire world is essentially in full panic and there's no cure in sight - not even close. China was just reported by whistleblowers that they were lying about recovery rates (surprise surprise)
What evidence is there that this is just going to blow over? Why so many people in denial? Is it because you have no hope to actually prepare for it being in a major metro area?
The scariest part isn't dying, its the fact that it causes irreparable lung damage that could significantly limit your lifespan.
25% is what i calculated from your charts. Wheres the rest 75%
“Bro it’s just 60 and up bro. I know they’re your parents and grandparents and loved ones and they have a shitload of knowledge and experience we need passed down, but fuck it bro. The world will be tinder and dreams after bro. Me work an electric line fixing shit? Lol no way bro I’m an app dev.”
We have a brand new virus we still know very little about that is inevitably going to burn through the population, possibly very quickly. There are serious implications of this, we don't know how serious yet, but serious none the less.
It's like humanity forgot that hard times can actually happen. Spoiled by decades of being comfy and watching movies of bad things happening with good endings.
Hoax of the century? That was the Halohoax.
Our entire Gov has dropped the ball, It's so bad that I think allowing this to spread like it has already was intentional. That being said I don't place all the blame on Trump but the general public always needs a scapegoat. This is going to spiral out of control and It doesn't help Trump politically when he's essentially advocating the position of burying our heads in the sand, talk up the stock markets and some how, by miracle, this all goes away. It's a horrible strategy
Those who were paying attention either went dark or reached the acceptance stage.
Why not side by side to the Flu you stupid faggot?
In the short term, the economic fallout and public panicking poses the greatest threat.
Wasn't a 20 year old Jap in intensive care?
Did you miss the videos of young people collapsing in China and Iran?
Just because THEY dont tell you..doesn't mean it isn't the case.
Time will tell.
I’m honesty just sick of people taking no precautions whatsoever. They either think they won’t get sick or they think getting sick isn’t a big deal AND only affects them. None of these faggots consider how they may spread it to our elderly or those already in need of care. I don’t give one flying fuck if anyone thinks I’m a soft faggot for caring about that, I want my kids to have more years with their grandparents.
Trump is fucked, he's like 80 years old
Sure does, what’s your point?
Hard times can happen but this isn't where they begin. It's a virus, not a horrible killer super virus, just a virus. Most of us live in first world countries with sanitation and plenty of resources to fight it. There's literally nothing to worry about. What's happening is that the internet exaggerates the happening and it becomes a trend or a meme. People are acting like they must do everything in their power to avoid getting this virus, when it's really not that dangerous. Why are you so scared of getting sick? You've never had the flu before? Never had strep throat or pneumonia? It's not the end of the world, unless you have a seriously compromised immune system you'll be fine.
0.2 % for young people is X2 as dangerous as flu is for the sick and elderly being a 0.1%, refute this point you lizard.
The government spreading propaganda to stop a panic from happening is going to make the inevitable panic even worse when it finally happens since it will happen all at once at worse and later date when the virus is burning through the population.
The panic is inevitable. It just is. It would have been better to have it earlier so we could draw this out over a longer stretch of time. It also would have slowed the virus down.
I want economic fallout.
>It basically doesn't do anything to anyone younger than 60.
Thats not true though
>The man in his 20s was found positive for the coronavirus on March 7 and is unconscious with a fever, pneumonia and meningitis
Flu has a vaccine. This as yet...does not.
Ever had Pneumonia m8? Its fucking fun.
When I say fun I mean its fucking not.
Those are threats, but actually the bigger threat is hospitals being overrun. It hospitalizes atleast 10X the amount that the flu does, and in flu season, hospitals are at capacity. If this infects as many people as the flu does, or fuck, even half as many, we're in big trouble. Not only is there no enough equipment/beds to treat the people who have the virus, but now all those people with other emergency conditions are fucked as well. Pray nothing goes wrong with you for the next few years. There's going to be a lot of dead people if it keeps spreading. We'll most likely end up in a situation where if you're 80+, they'll wish you good luck and you'll die at home/nursing home, because they simply can't spare any beds/equipment for you when you already don't have a great rate of survival.
Personally I've already begun preparing mentally for my dad to die. 71, heavy smoker with COPD. He's unlikely to survive if he gets corona. I suggest everyone with grandparents or older parents, make peace with them sooner than later.
That’s a good point. For clarification this certainly isn’t remotely all Trump’s fault. Every boomer elite played a role, starting years ago with globohomo. Trump will own it because he’s president, for better or worse, but he’s certainly not the only retard on the short bus. If he had hit the panic button sooner, he would have been ridiculed as racist. My concern though is his lack of leadership and his insistence that money will solve all. We have decaying medical infrastructure along with roads , airports, etc. his Chinese ban wasn’t properly disseminated to all CBP guys due to disunity of command.
We also have hospitals cut to bare bones years ago and a medical culture of “prescribe a pill for symptoms, don’t go to core disease.”
Liability and malpractice suits created defensive medicine that often under treats some and over treats vocal minorities (often literal minorities).
We have 45k ish ICU beds that are needed for a variety of treatements beyond corona Chan. We have ballpark 10k ventilators. (That’s tough time get a firm number on).
People focus on mortality and that’s understandable but only a sliver of the whole pie. 1. How did they die? Was it instantly where it’s sadly just meat to dispose of, or was it a month of resource sapping? 2. What do those deaths do to the morale of a populace?
Yep, this is a catch 22 situation.
Trump's main concern right now is to instill economic confidence not to just the US, but the global economy. So his strategy is downplay the virus, talk up stocks and avoid economic pain for his re-election. The problem is that it will soon become apparent that this virus is in our backyards, panic sets in, AND we take the economic hit. So it'll be the worst of both worlds.
Should've shut down travel, quarantined, flood the US with tests, take the economic hit on the chin early on. The problem is people like Mnuchin and Kudlow are on the taskforce and their priority is not public health.
>it’s like humanity forgot hard times can happen
You nailed it there fren.
> Most of us live in first world countries with sanitation and plenty of resources to fight it.
Since nothing was done to at least slow the spread down once the spread was inevitable, so many people could potentially be effected at the same time that when it happens you won't get first world treatment.
This virus specifically attacks the lower respiratory system rather than the upper, it skips the upper and goes right for the lungs. That means a lot of pneumonia in a lot of people all at the same time. And that's all we actually know about it. We still know little about long term effects and full recovery and whether or not it's starting to mutate. This could become the third common infectious disease alongside the common cold and influenza if it mutates fast enough.
Flu doesn't put 50% of the infected into a hospital and 10% on a respirator.
I can't even get the old man to quit bringing the mail back and dropping it directly on his kitchen table. Absolutely willfully oblivious, and he used to be a "remember Ruby Ridge" sort.
>It basically doesn't do anything to anyone younger than 60.
What is 0.2% of 700 million?
my theory is the Western media decided it was a big deal only after China handled it (to some degree, they are still fucked and lying about it) so that they could run with a new narrative that Trump handled Corona poorly.
>It basically doesn't do anything to anyone younger than 60
it makes them shit their pants and by tons of toilet paper
>The problem was, Fauci's sober assessment of the threat from the virus was at odds with the official White House party line: that within a couple of days the number of cases in the United States would be "down to close to zero" and that "we're rapidly developing a vaccine" that will come to the rescue if the virus breaks out. So Fauci soon got word that he could not speak with the public unless authorized by the White House. Five scheduled appearances on Sunday shows: cancelled.
>Why are all the fuckers trying to hurt western economies with this panicking
It is real you dumb faggot.
shit guys I'm a retarded neet living with my grand parents. I'll be absolutely fucked if they die.
>could run with a new narrative that Trump handled Corona poorly.
Being this retarded.