He's supposed to have been at the front row on the left: youtube.com
The TOOL concert in Auckland where the Coronavirus infected guy went
Other urls found in this thread:
>star of david projected on screen during the entire concert
Their last album is the worst album I've ever heard by far. It was hilarious watching r/Tool struggling to defend it after it hit iTunes. They even began to admit it wasn't good eventually.
Just extremely long, boring songs with no choruses and short boring instrumentals. The most pretentious, bloated, excruciating piece of garbage ever recorded. Just terrible.
Good, TOOL is pretentious shit, never liked them, never will.
No, it is an upside down star of Babalon. Worse!
tool sucks, they only have a couple good songs
Tool fans deserve to die anyway. Spiral out fags.
The drummer is big into esoteric stuff, I don't think it's a Jewish conspiracy
Even Lateralus?
It's a good album.
Their music videos are pretty cool too. It's just the singer who is an annoying fag.
What a tool
Sure let it take as many as possible.
coof coof.. " you don't get it maaaahn, only plebs get the corona chan.. us big brain intellectual tool fans are immune to it.. pickle rick! tee hee hee " coof coof
I hope Maynard dies desu
I have yet to see a band that knows when to quit.
Lateralus was a masterpiece
Aenima was 9.5/10
10k days was great
Undertow was good
Fear inoculum was crap
A Perfect Circle is better.
>kys tool nigger
clutch is better
What a fucking tool
imagine going with intent to a mass event like the concert or yeah whatever a conference and afterwards telling anyone that you have corona and b have been anywhere else in the olast two weeks than at home and to the grocery store...
What a tool...
Maynard kicks ass.. he is still going to hell when he dies though because of all his anti-god lyrics.
Tool are an incredible band. The faggots on here saying otherwise are probably plowing their own arseholes with life sized Billy Ray Cyrus dildo's as we fucking speak.
Stick to being fucking mongo's. Instead of trying to review genius music way above your head. Try reviewing some window flavours instead!?
If superspreaders are real. I wanna be one. I never could stand having other people around me. As a superspreader, they will finally get out of my fucking way.
Learn to swim!
We're any of you faggots alive when Opiate dropped?
But was it good? I would love to see Tool live
Have you listened to this song? It sounds alot like it describes a pandemic/sickness process in the body/mind.
Immunity, long overdue
Contagion, I exhale you
Naive, I opened up to you
Venom and mania
Now, contagion, I exhale you
Millennial detected. Kill yourself
Saw them at the hellfest. Best concert I've been to.
really maps my 4D meta-layer
I was. I prefer Undertow though. I miss their old dirtier sound.
Conta-gion, I exhale you
Bless this immunity :^)
Exhale exhale
We, are, all, one spark with eyes full of wonder.
>he doesnt know about unicursal hexagrams and dannys OTO connection
Millenials because I like tool or because I said fear innoculum was shit?
Meant for
My mistake, can you kill yourself anyway?
Only band coming into mind is ISIS.
Saw them earlier this year and in 2016 as well. People can shit on them if they want to, but they are objectively one of the tightest, best sounding live bands. The stage production is pretty slick as well. I’d you get a chance to see them, definitely go at least once. There’s a reason they are considered to be one of the best live bands in this day and age.
>satanic music
>degenerate people
>band named TOOL
>literally spreads the pestilence
>progressive rock album has long songs wtf
I wouldn’t say Tool itself is pretentious. The fucking insufferable fanbase is. The band regularly mocks their fanbase’s need to attach some deep, spiritual meaning to the music. There’s a reason the Maynard never interacts with fans and hates them. The other dudes seem pretty down to earth though man. If you’ve ever observed how they act they’re just some old dudes who play music and seem pretty chill.
Tool is loot backwards. They want to loot the possessions of their dead fans. Free shit!
tool had two or three good records in the 90's and were considered mainstream pop music in that era.
Lol that’s opposite Aldi in bedminster, Bristol.
I was there when they were doing it, state of Bristol cucks
My wife doesn't even like their music but she said she was glad she went because the show was so cool
Where the fuck did you live where Tool was pop music? I live in rural Kansas was in high school from 90-93. They were never on the radio on the local kike station.
You fell for the bait, friend
Anyone who willingly listens to Tool probably deserves to get infected
105.7 Central PA. Can't turn it on without hearing Sober. Tool is total pop rocks. Bad gothesque alternative in the 120 mins days.
checked. seein them 3rd time this year in nyc april 25th. will fly to tel aviv after
That’s what my 58 year old dad said. He appreciated how good they sounded.
Hey retard, is there a news story on this? Why did you start this thread? How do you know an infected person went there?
Can't have anything good in life with this corona shit. I was hoping tool might be safe
Why do you care that much about them? The only people I want safe are my children
I was gonna go to a concert, only reason why I 'care so much about them'
Honestly I just don't enjoy their music. I think it's overrated
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the concert halls, then the schools and the streets. In the end, they will beg us for a cure. Then we can put them back into slavery.
Rush. Clockwork Angels was kino
Pretty sure the lead singer admires Aleister Crowley
I disagree, tool are gay
Is anyone ITT smart enough to know why their latest album is named “Fear Inoculum” and why the lyrics “Bless this immunity” are repeated throughout the album? What is Maynard talking about? Go.
Based Finn knows whats up.
they're not even trying to hide it anymore, in a few years they'll openly give sacrifices to moloch and people will be ok because "it's just like ironically bro and it sounds good it don't even listen to the lyrics lmao"
7empest is about Drumpf
dillinger escape plan
Easily one of the worst tracks on the album. I’m grateful they aren’t playing that trash live.
tool was/is a literal marketing ploy based on making people believe they are smart by hearing their music during a time were music was oversimplified as hell
they are legit overrated garbage full of edge and 2deep4u imaginery
Tool is complete onions trash now. Their current DRUMPF hating format is a far cry from the edgelords they were in the 90s
Adam’s visual art is pretty meh. He was wise to bring in Alex Grey.
This. TOOL kicks ass.