Are white Americans the ultimate Aryan racial stock?

Whenever I’m in flyover country and see an average white American family like pic related, I can’t help but notice how strikingly pure their Nordic features and fair colouration is compared the the dark-haired and swarthy “whites” one typically sees in Britain, Germany, and France these days.. Why is this? Is it because they are descendent of all by strongest, purest, and bravest stock of Europe who ventured to conquer the new world while the mutt stock with residual Hunnic, Jewish, and Moorish blood remained to be raped by Soviet soldiers and Muslim refugees?

Is it because the United States for most of its history practiced eugenics and had a strict Nordicist immigration policy while European nations like France constantly brought in africans and arabs from their colonies to dilute Europe? Why are white Americans so pristine genetically compared to Euro mutts?

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Imagine unironically choosing to mate with a white woman

They ugly as hell user. The older son looks like he stomps on frogs for fun. What's wrong with you?

Cope, you don’t get to choose, no white woman would have you

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Imagine not being able to get one

Yes. I've lived in both Europe and America and Americans are by far the best stock. It's too bad so many are fat.

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White Americans are usually not as Nordic as they are stereotyped as, by foreigners. That's like the Japanese manga and anime artists portraying so many Westerners with blond hair and blue or green eyes much of the time. Prevailing phenotypes among European Americans, particularly of the usual English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and German sorts, are the Atlantid, Alanto-Mediterranean, Sub-Nordid, and Alpinid phenotypes, with some Dinarid or Norid looking ones, as well as the Nordid phenotype to be found especially among Scandinavian Americans, as well as Germans, and to a lesser extent, British and Irish Americans. Slavic immigrants can also look Nordid, but more frequently Norid and Sub-Nordid, in my opinion. Southern European immigrants, such as Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese, and perhaps arguably the southern Occitan French, could be rarely seen with genuinely blond hair, and lighter eyes are somewhat more common than lighter hair, usually.


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shush, let the tards keep their memes

Yes, Aryan. What you used to be before you were raped by Negro-Arab muslim invaders and adopted their Semitic death cult.

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That dad has brown hair

Still purer Nordic than Europeans. Pic related is the leader of the Swedish far-right.

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>Semitic death cult.
They're not Sunnis

Exhibit B: The leader of the European nationalist movement “Generation Identity”

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Nobody gives a fuck. Even "cultural" moslems are moslems and should be exterminated.

And finally the leader of British Nationalism, Sargon of Akkad

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Ok, mr. kike mossad. Hows false assimilation helping you in the nazi party?

Yes. There have been studies showing that 95% of those that identify as white in the US have 0% non-white admixture.

Most are waspjews thats different

Americans should be brutally starved

hitler believed that america was stealing the best racial stock from germany and europe. Which we really do. We buy up the best scientists and bring them here. We convince their most attractive people to come here to be movie stars and models. We buy up the best atheletes etc.

they don't really look "nordic" faced but yeah they look like normal northern Europeans.

white Americans definitely have a look to them, especially the old anglo stock in utah/new england. German immigrants onwards look more "white mutt" and nondescript, though still white.

>Americans that call themselves white aryans don't know the meaning of the words nor the science and history behind it.

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Every time I connect with European relatives on a dna site, I have more European dna than they do.

this is why I've never had an issue with miscegenation. Assortative mating is real.

Even if shitskins marry into our race, chances are always one of two things: 1) the white individual is damaged 2) the shitskin is individually of very high quality (intellect/wealth, looks, physicality, etc)

In the former case, white trash can be safely cast off--it's a non issue. In the latter case, the few shitskins who attain such caliber will have their negative features diluted out within just 2 generations, while providing novel gene variants for desirable traits.

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non-white ancestry can be traced back up to 2000 years.

Do the curtains match the drapes?
She's a bleached blond.

I don't even consider Mormons White, or anything other than just "the Mormons," anymore. They are so divorced from Christianity, and the relative camaraderie with others that entailed, that they deserve to be called by their title of apostasy.

Sounds a lot like projection to me, Ahmed

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She’s probably a dark blonde who bleached lighter. It would be impossible for the children to be that fair otherwise.

I find it a strange fashion, that so many women in America (and probably Europe) like to bleach their hair so light. Why not go for dark blond, or medium blond? The hair of the children's heads looks legitimate, though. Children often have noticeably fairer hair than at later stages of life.

hiding behind a memeflag, jew

Nah from Mexico gringo, don't worry senpai you're 56%. Good thing my family fucked yours and i'll be sleeping with your mom and your sister next.

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>Are white Americans the ultimate Aryan racial stock?


Even if you wipe us out and take over the world you will still have to live as the stunted backwash of the Spanish Empire’s jungle nigger rape babies, and that is a fate worse than extinction. I am white and you are not, and nothing you can do, nothing you can say, will ever change that. You will always be an inferior stock that cannot create higher civilization. Crawl back into your taco shell.

>I'm going to dilute my race and have retarded and hideous children
Imagine being pro-miscegenation

No it can't.
Even Native North American ancestry is diluted to near-zero levels now, though there was plenty of race mixing with them.

It's because they were a small population. First generation is 50%, third generation is 12%. A generation is roughly 30 years. So in just 2 centuries, all the ancestry gets washed out.

Not that that even matters, since it's a collection of phenotype traits, and not ancestry, that matter for whiteness.

>Even if you wipe us out and take over the world...
Good i'm glad you've acknowledged you're a cuck
Don't be mad once we own US too. Don't forget to raise my half spic kids too gringo

The biological component is only half. To be incarnated as Aryan, halfway between human and divine, you must be of superior spiritual stock. This has been recognized since the Vedic Caste was put into place. If you are born non-white it is because you fucked up and have to earn the upgrade in the next life.

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We are the bread basket to the world. If we chose to keep it for ourselves, the rest of the world would be in the shit.

There's that keyword again! Good to see the US education actually paying off.

>non-white ancestry can be traced back up to 2000 years.
Also, if anybody has a European royal family genealogical and genetic connection of any sort, even going back to centuries ago, these people to this day are more than likely descended in small part from Cumans, Bolghars, Magyars, Avars, and Huns, as well as other ethnicities of historically Eastern Asiatic or North Eurasian origins. It is like how most modern Europeans descend in small part from Emperor Charlemagne. Supposedly, members of the Russian Rurikid royal family acquired descent from the Mongols, by way of intermarriage. This is not even getting into Finno-Ugric eastern origins, or Semitic descendants living in the countries of Portugal, Spain, Italy, and elsewhere of Europe. Even the Indo-Europeans mixed with pre-European groups of people that lived in the continent now known after the Indo-Europeans, as Europe. To say one is pure Norwegian is only applicable in the sense of saying they were Norwegians ever since the Kingdom of Norway had formed, by historical date. In reality, they may be a mix of mostly North Germanic plus some very minor Finnish or Sami type of descent. Likewise, Scottish people of today are, depending upon where they are from in the country, more likely to have predominantly Norse-Norwegian roots, Pictish or pre-Pictish majority genetics, or even having maintained mostly Gaelic Irish ancestry, as the original Scots had come from Ireland. Despite these mixes, I do believe in the formation of the European race, as it presently exists, with perhaps varying amounts of extremely minor non-European descendent within the different populations of the nations. It is to be expected that those living along border countries, and their border regions, are more likely to have some traces of non-European ancestries, such as Middle Eastern, North African, Central Asian, East Asian, or North Asian origins.

Bullshit. All white Europeans can trace their origins to the original Aryan Scythians/Yamnaya stock. All else is mongoloid, negroid, semitic and various subhuman races mixing to varying degrees. All civilization arises from the creative type alone, being the Aryan.

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Study haplogroups and the cultures that the Indo-Europeans encountered throughout the continent now named after them. There were people here before, and their genetics still persist among the Europeans. These pre-Europeans have effectively fused to become part of the European race, ever since even ancient times, going to the native people of today.

Is the mother and father brother and sister? Jesus.

Jesus Christ those are some ugly motherfuckers

I lived in Iowa for 12 years and pic related is real

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>It is to be expected that those living along border countries, and their border regions, are more likely to have some traces of non-European ancestries, such as Middle Eastern, North African, Central Asian, East Asian, or North Asian origins.
You do realize the Caspian sea (where anthropologists and other scientists confirmed where the Caucasian descent are) is located in the middle east. This was proven through a dna test.

Shut up Wang.

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Whiter than any sporting event audience you will EVER find anywhere in Europe

>They ugly
Why do you people talk like this?

Fuck me, you mutts are delusional. Show me the unprocessed picture so I can tell wtf I'm looking at.

Pic related, look at the Uber-Nordic Aryan phenotypes bro! Europe cannot be saved (and the JQ finally solved) as long as a single self-identified "white" american still lives.

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wow it's so unexpected an American would make this thread
most of the "European" stock here is niggerized either biologically and/or culturally. speaking up against that is either a cope or proving a point.

You're a retard. And not white.

It's a women's workplace. Of course it's a picture of degenerate scum

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Thank you for those insights.

Np fren.