>There are anons who think the first half is boring and overly drawn out filler.

Please tell me it isn't true Yas Forums, how could possibly be pleb enough to not see it's perfection? We're all in agreement that it's slow paced and character driven first half is what made Okabes trails and tribulations so emotionally engaging and organic right? Without that ""boring"" first half the true ending wouldn't have been so insanely satisfying like it is now.

Attached: steinsgate.jpg (1280x669, 270.74K)

I remember I was watching this in bed at night and I literally fell asleep.

You've been doing this since March 3rd, stop.

What's your fucking problem?
Why should I? Maybe don't come into a thread just to complain and sperg like some catty bitch.

>NOOOOO stop trying to have discussion about Anime!
Remember, don't make yourself look like an idiot and try to accuse him of spamming like last time. Remember when I had to tell you that making on topic threads using the same image every day isn't spamming?

Big agree on this. Steins;Gate is actually brilliant because its first half filters spergs who aren't capable of understanding the brilliant narrative nuances that are within the second half.

Was it a good nap user?

You're so fucking obsessed, a whiny and obsessed faggot with nothing important to say.

Why would anyone be dumb enough to not understand the narrative messages of S;G? Sure, plenty of hole brained retards got filtered because they have no attentionspan but it's themes are not out of grasp and hard to understand. Are you the obsessed user who always angry in these threads by any chance?

Yeah I'm thinking based

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Yeah, all those maid caife visits and banana scenes were so important in the long run..

Give me a fucking break

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>an user likes something
>"HE mUsT BE OBseSSEd"
The themes aren't hard to grasp if you're able to sit through it retard. That's why it's a filter.

He's got serious issues,he shits himself and starts crying whenever some dares to start a thread on Steins Gate.

Don't forget the "brilliant and nuanced' tranny subplot!!

>I don't know what character development is
>I don't know what setting a tone is
>I don't know what slice of life is
Absolutely filtered

Yes, the banana scenes are very important.

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This is pretty based, don't really understanding what all the seething is about though.

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Well Ruka isn't a tranny. Ruka is a gay man, who thought he would have a chance with Okabe if he was a woman, turns out his chances were the same and willingly went reversed his d-mail. It's not nuance and or brilliant, but I do think it's a good example to show trannies that it's okay to be a faggot.

Go fuck yourself user

Because you always start your thread the same, stupid way. Calling Steins;Gate a masterpiece, filters idiots. It has the same signs of the fire punch falseflag spam. I actually do love Steins;Gate, one of my favorite VNs. But your threads are gonna give it the same shit fire punch gets.

Very smart fanbase huh.

Well said, I feel like most "criticisms" on this show are desperate reaching at times.

>If I'm a complete autist who's childish enough to change my opinion on a medium because of others behavior then everyone must be! I want you to stop making threads so stop!

How self important of you, how assumptious of you to assume everyone shares your extreme form of autism.

Also, there is still a chance that I've convinced someone to watch it and that's all that matters to me.

No, I want you to stop repeating the same shit over and over for each thread. Come up with a discussion point from the story or something else for the OP.

>"No, I want you to stop..."
Where do you think you are?

Not him but don't start pretending to be diligent now after being so crass OP did start an original point of discussion, the first half of the show and it's responses. All you've done is try to derail a thread for no reason with metafagging.

>I actually love Steins Gate
You make it hard to believe, at first it was unapologetic and meaningless seethe. Now you just "want" me to make more original posts"? That would make sense if I didn't give this one specific topic point, please fuck off

>Calling Steins;Gate a masterpiece, filters idiots
No matter how many of these threads are made, the truth spoken in the OP does not change.

>pleb filtered
>low IQ
Done, saved you all your precious time.

thanks user.


Spoken like a true creature with no self awareness,a master of doublethink and narcissism

What's with this angry user that's still shitting all over the thread anyways? What exactly is so bad about OPs thread?

>You're done
No you're finished with embarrassing yourself this much, all I see is someone STILL trying to derail conversation. Have some dignity and show yourself out

I get the point, that doesn't make it very good.


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I don't like it honestly neither the first SoL half neither the other half, sorry man.

First half is actually better because while boring and generic it set a good build up and set of rules that would had been interesting to explore, except that in the second half the series just shit all over its own setting and things just happen because lmao.

>When you're so worried about acting like "anime elitist" and not liking something normalfags like you let that cloud your judgment on something.


I also got mad when Steins Gate became too popular at my highschool, I had to stop liking it

Absolutely based

Attached: Electric_Pepe.jpg (2000x2000, 974.05K)

I liked 0

S;G is literally custom-made for the normalfags incapable of critical thinking to believe it's a masterpiece.
>Very good production values.
>Meme-ready humor designed to be mindlessly shouted out of context. I am mad scientisto, tuturu and other shit that is a guaranteed success with idiots.
>"Not set in high school" and gritty aesthetic that distracts retards from realizing it's a cliched as fuck otaku-pandering date-sim.
>Zero-dimensional wikipedia-description-of-an-anime-cliche “characters” that impress people who’ve never seen anime before.
>"le sci-fi" that only consists of a bunch of buzzwords and lets a normalfag pretend they are very smart for consuming such content. At the same time, completely devoid of any actual substance that will make retards' head hurt and scare them away.
>Soapy melodramatic bullshit that checks the "it has FEELS so it's a masterpiece" checkbox in the NPC's operating systems.

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Is that how you cope?

I was interested til about episode 3 when I started to see the seams unfold and knew that it was just trash written a retarded person

One logical fallacy after the other kek.

Mostly strawman and appealing to ignorance, he thinks greentexting whatever comes into his mind makes him look smart.
>>Zero dimensional characters
He must want everyone to thinks he's stupid kek

I'm smart because all of my opinions and decisions are the opposite of normalfags

They're not the ones coping.

Intellectual referee here, S;Gchads won again

Fucking unreal, he's so mad he made a thread. Why does op make people so mad?

It was comfy desu

>Please reply

The VN is a masterpiece.

Yes it is

i will never understand how this story manages to switch between serious science fiction & pointless harem/ecchi shit so often & randomly yet still be fucking amazing

I love Moeka!

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We know everyone

It has mostly awful routes though.
Though, that one where okabe is reaching insanity and just looping that cycling shit over and over was the only good one other than the actual true end.

There are lots of plebs in the world, OP.

The first episodes of S;G are what makes it a 10/10. Without them the show wouldn't be one of the greats.