I'd just like to take a second to remind everyone that Triela, is in fact best girl

I'd just like to take a second to remind everyone that Triela, is in fact best girl.

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In truth there is no better place to be
Than falling out of darkness still to see

Without a premonition
Could you tell me where we stand?
I'd hate to lose this light
Before we land

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

Attached: gunslinger girl.webm (800x448, 2.76M)

should i continue and read the manga. also post more cute gun girls

If you want to see the girls die in horrific manner

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that pic of triela in bed, with the shotgun and the bear gave me a brown fetish.

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>dark skin
>blonde hair
>long trenchcoat
>badass personality
>works with an over-serious German who can't help but make things difficult with his gruff personality
Checks out, she is best girl.

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>>Triela, is in fact best girl
Actually true. Still, my favourite is Claes...

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I've always loved this opening. Still to this day I have the same mp3 file I download years ago.

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It's not hard to find a flac, you know...

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Meh if it isn't broken why fix it. It plays fine on my phone.

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I really felt sorry for Beatrice, even though we knew her so little at the time..

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Triela's design is a 10/10 but I've always been particularly fond of Claes
Her episode in S2 where we follow her everyday life that had Scarborough Fair was the only good episode of Il Teatrino because it didn't need a budget.

>>fond of Claes
Me too.
>>Her episode in S2 where we follow her everyday life that had Scarborough Fair was the only good episode of Il Teatrino
That was also good in the manga.
Claes was just different from the other girls, as a character. Makes really sense she was the last one to die.

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Yas Forums used to be super mad at Angelica not dying after this episode.

What about Rico?


I always overlooked Claes but she was so fucking cool during the last arc

Rico also makes a lot of sense being the second last to die from the first generation's cyborgs.
Jean is adamant in treating her like a tool, in a very cold way, and I think this is the main reason she managed to last till the end, and being the one sent to kill the son of a bitch - image related.
I see her like the paradigm of the whole cyborg project: (re)born and driven by the madness and fixation (of her handler Jean).
Quite sad, but so are all the other girls, and their handlers.

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Thanks I guess.

don't they all die at the end ?

Best part is, she was actually fighting for herself, for her own garden.

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Do you really want to know? Yes, they ALL do. Some violently killed in action, some dying on an hospital bed.
Image not really related, I just like to post Claes.

Attached: Claes.jpg (1864x1506, 677.98K)


Just for a moment can we take a little time
Just stop for a moment can we make this moment mine
I've tried to let go but I've never had much to say
Take a day take them all now

Just for a moment can we take a little time
Just stop for a moment can we look inside this mind
We try to control but we never quite know what's there
We will kill if we need to

Just for a moment can we take a little time
Just stop for a moment can we make this moment mine
I've tried to let go but I've never had much to say
Take a day take them all now

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No, I meant I thought Rico was well last.

I see, my bad!
But no, Rico dies before Claes. After they move on to the ship, the order is Rico, then Petrushka (but she's not from first generation) and finally Claes. Image related are pages 188-190 last volume.

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Huh, I don't remember that from the version I read. Is that the official one? Iirc I downloaded a copy of that sometime later, not the one I read though.

What was the stated reason for the child soldiers again? Espionage?
Why was Claes the best?

Is the second QUALITY season worth watching? Didn't they also change the voice actors or am I remembering wrong from years ago?

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Animation was never great and S2's was outright bad, but all the character songs and the OST are excellent.

Children can take the conditioning and their muscles and bones were better at being reconstructed into cyborgs because they were still developing.

They did in fact change VA
As to its QUALITY, it's really up to you: episode 1 is abysmal on every front, but the action scenes become fewer and more focused as the series goes on so the QUALITY is not as evident. Honestly, if you really need more Gunslinger Girl in your life and can stomach bad animation, power through episodes 1 and 2 and you'll get a somewhat decent adaptation of the Pinocchio vs Triela arc.

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>the shotgun has more detail than the loli
Every time.

isn't she a not virgin?

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GG is a gunservice series, baka.
Are you blind?


because how else would they have cute girls doing cute things?


any opinions on S2 compared to S1, I watched this ages ago and remember dropping it mid S2 cause it didn't feel the same
should I read the manga?

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I just read the manga but everyone says s2 is a straight adaption of the manga, so if you don't like watching it you probably won't like reading it either

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I'm stil mad that the italian publisher at the time never published the last two volume.

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The last *five. And they're finally coming out soon, at least when the corona meme dies out.

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Why was Elsa so shit? She ruined the entire episode.

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