New thread
>watching feminist garbage
user ..
>blue-eyed blonde
Peak european thanks japan very cool
Cant believe she gets kidnapped by a yandere noble boy who she was suppose to marry, but her art only makes him go even more yandere for her!
wake up
>get to drawing
wake up
>get to painting
>As if the first place she went wouldn't have accepted her, got her to suck their dicks to be able to paint
More like what Europeans want to be.
Sorry, user, I have low standards.
Female MC =/= feminism though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>blue-eyed blonde
It already unrealistic
>Being intentionally ignorant
Wow, haven't seen this before.
I can't believe best girl is long haired Arte.
I haven't read all of the manga but it doesn’t seem feminist, i.e. perfect female characters, putting down men to prop up women, making all male characters evil, etc. It just seems like a standard historical romance with a female MC who isn’t perfect or arrogant.
This got an anime? She ever fuck her master?
It's 16th century Italy. If they want their dicks sucked and more they just need to get a cheap prostitute. No need to cater to and share some sheltered noble girl for a bad blowjob.
I could have sworn she was thiccer in early promos.
You're not a guy are you if you can't see what the appeal is in that situation.
She's thicc enough.
This isn't the Saint Fiore Festival.
My wife Arte is so attractive!
Great first episode.
>implying based renaissance Italians would allow a female to suck their dick
>LOL let's just sexually abuse a noble what could go wrong?
You people really have no idea how world worked back then.
Not yet from what’s been translated, not sure if the raws are further. It’s clear that she’s in love with him and he has some sort of feelings for her, so it’s only a matter of time
What makes it feminist? They ridiculously mean men? The mother was even more over the top mean. And the mc didn't get to show up any of them.
If all you're after is a corruption/debasement fantasy then you might as well just kidnap and rape her instead of jumping through all the hoops of providing her room and board and painting practice. If you're just desperate for easy sex then there are cheap prostitutes everywhere.
Maybe it should.
Her female role model in this series is a literal prostitute.
I guess this is the result of allowing Funi to sit on animation production committees. Ahistorical feminist drivel, just like actual western productions.
Is Leo not-da Vinci?
>that exposed back
how improper
They make a point in the manga that Leonardo da Vinci has already died.
>It's 16th century Italy. If they want their dicks sucked and more they just need to get a cheap prostitute.
How is that exclusive to 16th century Italy?
>Leonardo da Vinci has already died
he met kenshiro?
This pairs well with book loli.
finally watched it. decent first episode. quite a few flashbacks were the same so possibly QUALITY-fest later on.
Don't shit this thread.
Leo is just a small-time painter, he's not da Vinci.
He's too grouchy and sullen to have much business for his workshop and can't actually provide much opportunity to network his rapidly-growing apprentice to bigger and more prestigious employers.
More of them and cheaper than today.
Everyone's talking about feminism, but Leo's backstory makes no sense.
>I don't want to starve.
>I'll become an artist.
>can't actually provide much opportunity to network his rapidly-growing apprentice to bigger and more prestigious employers.
Which is why currently in the manga she's leaving his studio for a bigger one.
This anime is leagues better than western female empowerment nonsense from Funimation, Crunchyroll, Cartoon Network, et al. This girl isn’t trying to smash the patriarchy or show up men. She is an MC with a passion/obsession with art, but she also who falls in love with a man and doesn’t have a chip on her shoulder for the whole series.
Back then artisans were trained professionals and the Church and nobles threw plenty of solid work at the workshops. Honest work, not like being a member of the beggar guild
Portrait painting actually made good money back then as long as you were decent and apprenticed to a decent workshop at some point.
This is true, but the entire premise of "being a wife=bad" is cancerous
Saturdays are going to be good this season
Different times, different places.
Art was thriving, and it was all around one of the best moment in history until then to get individual capabilities recognized.
Also, most shoujo would probably be considered sexist by western feminist critics. The female characters are feminine, the male characters are aloof and even abusive at times, and the girls are driven by the desire to fall in love, get married, start families, etc. All of these themes would be considered old-fashioned in the west.
>read wikipedia about painters
>can't really tell the styles apart until I read the descriptions
Guess I'm an uncultured swine.
ok boomer
>"being a wife=bad"
That's just Arte. There are multiple women she meets throughout the series who are happy to be wives or depend on men and part of her character development is learning to stop being so stuck up and picky about thinking that being a painter means she can't also be a girl too.
>Italian Eizouken in old times
>I have no argument
You probably think real life back then was like GoT or something.
Why do you keep posting this? That art's basic as fuck, no one's gonna buy that its from this beautiful manga.
ok boomer
>Ponte Vecchio without a swarm of people
I wonder if it really was like that back then.
does she and Leonardo fuck?