Don't you feel bad talking shit about MHA so much? It feels like punching down
Don't you feel bad talking shit about MHA so much? It feels like punching down
No fuck off Narutard
Why would I?
No. Hero academy could have been excellent. But Akira Horiyama dropped the ball hard.
The premise is excellent, and in 5-20 years someone will come along and do it properly. I want to see juxtaposition between how nipland, chink land, sub-85 land, sub-65 land, nordland, commieland, and freedomland all handle quirks. It is impossible for something like quirks to happen and for there to be no meaningful political impacts beyond "yeah dude, a law was passed saying no powers in public". Shit writing.
Basically, the better story is crawler, and that is a dead side-mango.
Good points.
Yeah the premise and setting are cool and had tones of potential but it feels like it was all flushed away. Nothing fucking happens and there are no stakes, the heroes might as well all operate on an island since none of what happens has a wider impact on the world
I mean for fucks sake, the simple existence of brainwash-o in class C would be enough for a 100 chapter manga dealing solely with the societal impacts alone. Instead it is passed off as "wah, people assume my power that ELIMINATES FREE WILL will be abused. I don't intend to abuse it, therefore their legitimate worries are illegitimate".
>no military applications
>criminal applications of quirks are limited to thugerry
>no service industries (service meaning intangible as opposed to tangible goods)
>no service industries (service as in sex)
>Industrial applications are limited to "I have a permit to use my quirk instead of a forklift"
>societal striation is limited to school bullying
>no commentary on celebrity worship, hero worship is regarded as a 100% good thing with no counter arguments or opposition
>stain's arguments are dismissed and have no lasting impact because because because allmight revealed he was a lanklet
>quirk marriages are a thing of the past becuase because
>quirk marriages are bad because icyhot's mom was a psychopath
The series is so bad that it seems deliberate. It's enjoyable garbage, but garbage nonetheless.
How (specifically) would anons fix BNHA?
Less younger shitters. More pro hero screentime
But that only makes the show more entertaining (and allows for more world building possibilities), it doesn't solve any of the underlining problems with the writing.
>Naruto's VA voiced Hapu
>Deku's VA voices Go
What did Pokemon mean by this
No MHAfags deserve it.
I see the mistake user. That isn't steam, it's dirt/dust being kicked up from the takedown.
It is steam. Kacchan is sizzling and Deku is wet for him.
What do you get from posting this?
It's a beautiful love and I just want to share it with the world.
Faggots feel validated by pretending their degeneracy is legitimate in fiction.
>question asked
>question answered
Sorry you don't like reality faggot.
Sorry I'm not too familiar with the rock paper scissors game. I'm supposed to say dilate now, right?
Make Deku grow a spine
thank you
a boner
You know what, you make a solid point.
>make deku realize he's not helping himself by constantly trying to be AM, the kicking was a good start but he needs to get off using X% of OfA
>flesh out the side characters. There's no reason to have a large cast of characters if you're never going to use them. I know Japan only cares about the main 5 but fuck em
>better worldbuilding, right now it seems like it's just the world we live in but with mutants
>following that, have deeper conflicts. Man vs Society kind of deal. Seems like everyone just accepts that pro heroes have basically total unchecked power. follow up more on what Stain was preaching because he was totally right
>i know it's manga but tone down the overreactions from Deku, Bakugo, Iida, etc. having one oer-the-top sperg lord is fine, but the whole class does it
>more creative quirks. having crazy Jojo powers is probably off the table bu there's nothing new here. Strength, speed, elemental powers etc. are the most basic of basic powers in comics
>visit other parts of the world, not just two cities in Japan. Show the US, Russia, EU and such to show how other cultures dealt with the quirks
>something about how a normal person with no powers or desire to be a hero is affected and goes about living
>either the villains are too OP or the pro heroes seem too weak. One of those has to change, either would be cool
>overall, more important than anything else, characters need to really change and grow. As they are, everyone is just as two dimensional now as they were at the beginning. Nobody has changed their opinion on justice or hero society and everyone acts like little kids when they're completely capable young adults with real powers.
Is Naruto going to fuck him? please say yes
I think it is deliberate, Hori doesn't trust himself to write complex stories enough and his editors certainly don't
>stain's arguments are dismissed and have no lasting impact because allmight revealed he was a lanket
Stain could've been the best antagonist for this series but they tossed him aside like a common bank robber. truly a waste, we really do live in a society
As someone who just started trying to get into this series, I'm fighting to watch Anymore and I'm at the sports festival arc. But like you said the vigilantes side manga is much better. I blame most of it on the main character, I'm not as interested in him so the lack of good world building is even more obvious
>a shiny baby exploded a hundred years ago and now 80% of the world has X-Men powers
Hori makes me appreciate a ninja space bunny planting a tree 1000 years ago.
Reminder that at least 7 generations have gone by, with it being implied that dozens have gone by. Genghis Khan was only 800 years ago, and that's like 25 generations. One man is the ancestor of at least 20% of mongolia. That's without the clear advantage that quirks present.
Assuming that the genetics are Xmen genetics were the carriers genes were spread for hundreds/thousands of years, but it's only in recent times that the activation genes were spread.
It's my favorite anime, it's not without flaws but they're few and far between and heavily outweighed by the amount of absolute feel good in the show. Fuck anyone of you retarded loli loving nigger faggots who doesn't like it, you'll die a virgin.
>Sonicfags are allso MHAfags
Makes sense
The main character only gets worse. I recommend dropping it.
>Make Deku grow a spine
Honestly it is too late for it. Even if you do it now I would still hate the little shit
This was the point of no return
>This was the point of no return
>random panel
Tel me the arc faggot.
The arc is joint training but it really doesn't matter. Its him completely falling in love with his bully while the bully still treats him like shit
Its too spineless
But why is a secondary character having weird interactions with main character bakugo a signifier for the story only being downhill?
Secondary character Deku?
There can't be multiple main characters in a story like BNHA, and Bakugo is the main character. Also, Cucku is featured too prominently to be a tertiary character, so he has to be a secondary character.
Deku is into OP blonde dudes, so maybe.
I fucking love My Hero Academia and it is by far my favorite shonen. I don't give a fuck what you faggots say. Deku is the fucking man.
Fuck the nords.
I want Coronormies to leave
>Deku is the fucking man.
Exactly. Deku is a good boy who loves his Kacchan and there is nothing wrong with that.
this is cute.
The posters are landwhales
>my faggot academia
kys fag
you too
>My Faggot Fagadamia