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>nakamura cut
imagine being this much of an idiot though

This was supposed to break the internet? At this point nothing will ever surpass KnY 19.

holy shit lmao

Great post, Endeavor.

wtf was up with that? it was held so long it seemed intentional. i rationalized it as some technique, but still... wtf?


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>This bird keeps itself in the air by sheer force of anger alone.

>struggling against a random Nomu

This show can't do anything right can it?

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same energy

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>a random nomu
Up to that point in the story it's the strongest antagonist to show up after All for one.
Not necessarily the most destructive but definitely the toughest to fight after AFO

Could AM have wiped the floor with it?

>At this point nothing will ever surpass KnY 19.
Thanks for the laugh

Considering AM was having troubles with a regular nomu, no.
AM would have beaten it but it would have taken a lot just like endeavor.

Depends how quickly it's brain can regenerate. And if all might could even figure out he needed to destroy the brain.

>leaving the kyoani studio


I see he learned from Shibukawa-sensei how to fly.

It broke the internet for being funny.

imagine unironically liking that shit fest, never gonna make it

Fire Force surpassed KnY like 20 times though.

The abuser won!
This is a story about heroes!

oh shut up faggot, before i start abusing you too

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>bad man is not allowed to be less bad

Why is the darkening of the sakuga moments in MHA so fucking bad? It wasn't a problem in fire force.

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>heroes are all perfect human beings without any flaws
Dumb nigger

Based KNYBro

Based Kimetsuchad



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Because of the time slot. FF air on midnight no one what it on TV while MHA is on prime time 5~7pm.

Choose love not hate.

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>1 min difference

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In a scale to Niagara fall to the universal deluge, how wet did Rei got when she find out he won? I bet she bit her pillows for a week straight itching for another """rape""" session.

>bad man is completely unapologetic
>isn't made to answer for what he's done
kill yourself

sahara desert

he did nothing wrong, stop being a cunt user

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Peak All Might would have slaughtered it in minutes. U.A. All Might wouldn't have been able to defeat it.

Ah yes I also don't follow stories and then bitch about them.

It'll be fixed in the blu Ray

I'm an expert animator and i can tell it's intentional, just like in the pain vs naruto fight

It's almost like he's prioritizing apologizing through actions, not empty words. And even then he does go on to sincerely apologize the moment he recovers from his battle with High End, and then again later and buys his family their own house so they don't have to stay with the person who's wronged them. Only person he's yet to apologize to is Rei because she's too scared of him and he's respecting her boundaries. Neck yourself.

>I'm sorry I probably just sought you out because your powers compensated for my limitations, then proceeded to treat you as my brood bitch for years and abused/ousted/neglected our other children until you gave me the genetic heir I really wanted that I could probably live vicariously through one day when he surpasses my rival. I'm also sorry that I then abused him and you until your mind snapped and you burned our child thinking it was me and so you subsequently had to spend the rest of your life gathering your marbles in a loony bin. Got you some flowers though

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We're talking about Rei though, not how much sand there's in your gash wound of a neo-vagina.


I was sure the stupid show would kill him off, but I’m glad it didn’t. I’m ready for more flame kino!

>people still thinking that anyone gives a shit about Endeavor beating his wife

Obviously they never thought the flowers were an apology to start with except in your head. They're just something he sends. And Rei already said he's come many times before already but she was too scared to meet with him and Enji respected that, Rei is also the one whose decided to stay in the hospital she could have returned anytime she felt like it but didn't due to her guilt, fear, and recommendation from her doctor. What else could he do? Inflict more fear on her by dragging her out of her room so he can apologize to her? Also they literally spelled out the point of the flowers in that they're symbolic that he hasn't forgotten anything and isn't just trying to move on without facing anything. They're a simple way of saying 'I remember'. They spoonfeed this to you and you still managed to miss the point. Congrats user you are officially too dumb to follow basic story-telling in a fucking shonen of all thing.


I too haven't watched this show and enjoy blurting out objectively incorrect statements. did your dad beat you too?

Nothing will ever be this bad, thankfully

Yeah... sorry.

>tumblr art
Opinion discarded.

literal tumblr refugee

>I too haven't watched this show and enjoy blurting out objectively incorrect statements
That's exactly what happened, you abusive husband apologist. You think Endeavor just randomly ended up with a partner with an ice quirk?

>Google search image
Stay mad, incel

i don't even follow this series and i can tell you use tumblr and have daddy issues

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Sure you don't, MHAfag. I'd actually enjoy Endeavor if he was still an unapologetic asshole, now he's a completely different character who wants to be like his All Might senpai. His "I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT MY FAMILY NOW THAT I FOUGHT A SYMBIOTE" angle is the faggiest shit ever and just another example of Hori's inconsistent writing.

>Better than All Might vs All for One
>Better than Deku vs Overhaul
Bones secretly loves Endeavor?

I honestly don't get the hype for MHA sakuga, if there's a city sprawling shot then it looks cool but for the most part the lines on the character's face just get thicker for like 5 seconds. The money shot in Heroes Rising was Dekugo punching the fucking sky, for fuck's sake.

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