What’s your favorite body part on an anime girl?

What’s your favorite body part on an anime girl?

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I fucking love anime tiddies.

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the tummy

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Lolicons use every part of the loli.

in these hard times delicious anime tiddy meat keeps me going

Why are these coomer threads allowed


>what's your faorite body part on an anime girl?
Everything, but most of all, personality.

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Post more personalities

Team Thighs reporting in.

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I would say breasts and hips, both small and big.

Holy mother of God, user please post more.


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The vagina bones

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"vagina bones" and not their proper term,
"Cum gutters"

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Wow no one has said this yet?

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Ironic ferish

I want to break that choker


Their cunny

based armpit user

Honestly, the face. It's what distinguishes them from real hot girls.

I was pretty sure he meant the tummy. The armpit looks awful there.


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the space behind the knee, whatever that is called

I like butts

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Neck and clavicles.

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Of course not.

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Go back to Discord


It's all good as long as she isn't an old hag and isn't fat

This, the longer the better too.

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Of all the parts of the body, I never got clavicles.

the puff

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Thighs > Tits > Tummy > the rest

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Post more to prove your point

What is there not to get?

The twintails

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Pits feet and tummy
Big tits and nice ass are a given

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Patrician taste

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I don't care about her tits. That smile is gorgeous.

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Akeno > Rias

There is not a single part of an anime girl that I don't want to rub my dick on

I like how fragile they are. They have to hold up the entire arm bits since they're the only bony connection to the rest of the body that the arms have. Everything else us just sliding muscle. Also the clavicles are between two intimate spots

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Thighs, tummy, lips


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Anyone who denies tummies are great is probably gay.


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But what if I deny male tummies?

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Tummy & Cunny