Blue Ball Run

Killing off characters prematurely into their arc is extremely bad writing.

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Gyro died in the end of the series, what are you smoking ?

Read jojo
turn off your brain
simple as

Araki is a hack.

Why should anyone give a fuck about what fags like (You) say when you never gives examples of good writing in the first place.

Araki forgot

>Baron Zeppeli
>Avdol and Kakyoin
>Shigechi and Aya
>every main character besides Giorni, Trish, and Mista
>Foo Fighters
>Hot Pants
Is this your first Jojo rodeo, cowboy?

I wouldn't list Aya with the others, she was a one-off character who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

>Gyro dies at the end after passing his wisdom on to Johnny and putting the greater good over his desire for victory
>Diego dies at the end after going against Valentine and teaming up with best girl, redeeming himself well enough from his old ways of being a cunt
>Hot Pants dies at the end after forgiving herself for her sins and finally getting her tit copped by based Johnny boi
What the fuck are you even on about?

Yeah you're right, I forgot that it was the animu moved Aya around so her death could have more direct plot relevance. Still, I love how Araki will just kill off a character immediately without the typical sad shonen monologue sendoff.

How did Kira know anything about her anyway?

your entire life is bad writing

Did you fucking speed read. There are examples of bad writing in the manga yet you speed read and act like characters are dying off quickly.

I'd rather Gyro died sooner and Johnny wasn't Jonathan level of boring despite starting off with an interesting backstory that actually had potential for decent character growth.
The only good thing about part 7 was Funny Valentine.

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Gyuuro died for the sake of Johnny. It's what all zeppeli do.

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The red indian and gyros rival

Sandman/aka his alt universe replacement soundman?
Those were minor characters who served a purpose to the actual characters. Most enemies were a villain of the week, Sandman's arc was resolved because Valentine swapped him out with a stand user.

It wasn't resolved.
>Valentine swapped him out with a stand user
This is a fanfic.

>literal 180 personality and character change
>Valentine's power is literally that
It's not fanfic it's fact you fucking retard, Sandman=/=Soundman

>literal 180 personality and character change
Araki retardation.
>Valentine's power is literally that
That was not his power until it got retconned after the first third of D4C.

sure thing speed reading retard

>no argument

There is no discussion? You're an actual fucking retard, that's the end of it lmao
this isn't a debate stage you autist

He just did.

not an argument

>after passing his wisdom on to Johnny
But we're not gonna bond with them or anything to achieve that...
What exactly did Johnny learn at the end of his journey from Gyro other than becoming slightly less of an asshole?
His whole daddy issues thing was resolved by...flashbacks? And his dad suddenly turning up at the end to cheer for him for absolutely no reason?
He's boring as dirt, and people who constantly praise him are just parroting each other.

>Shigechi and Aya
Literally who.

Hot pants got plenty of screentime though. There's literally no reason to give everyone some grim backstory and shit. They knew her as another rider/spy and that's it.

Well duh, Jojo is just dumb fun and it knows it.

and still full fledged autism on your part lmao

I know that the inability to discern human emotions and connections within people is a sign of a certain mental dysfunction which is no fault of your own from birth, so I won't explicitly say it but, c'mon're embarrassing yourself

seething sbretard

>Oh yeah, the kid you've been fighting for this whole time died from a cold, but who cares lol

Clearly the ending was rushed, but this bugged me more than Gyros death isteld. For me, SBR started to get weaker from about the time Lucy got pregnant. I did like Diego, and both his deaths.

I have no idea what any of that means but thanks for proving that you have a genuine diagnosis of fucking autism

absolute state of sbretards

who the fuck shot Johnny Joestar?

Explain why Johnny is a good character.

can you please try a little bit less to sound like a redditor. jojo fans already have a hard enough time surviving on Yas Forums

>Valentine's power is literally that
No it isn't, a huge deal is made out of how the universes are the same other than the corpse parts only being in one universe

Why did Diego have a different stand?

are you talking about gyro specifically? because he literally got killed off at the end after we completely know his backstory and see his development as a person.

If you read Jojolion it implys the kid died because Johnny learned to walk, equivalent exchange.

He breaks away from a ton of Jojo tropes that subvert our expectations.

I mean I would love for JoJo to break away from Araki's insistence of having unengaging MC's but SBR wasn't it. Seems more like him repeating the same shit for so long has been so beaten into people's heads that a small change now suddenly means something huge.

Because of the corpse part

>Every single manga or semi popular anime falls under "reddit"
God, I hate you election fags

t. Nega-Hori

>he takes jojo seriously
Jojo has always been about who pulls the best asspull in order to win while acting like the coolest motherfucker in town. It's also incredibly original in it's dumb powers for the most part so it works well with the asspull theme.

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Ringo was the best fight in SBR. It was better than every single fight in part 6.

prove me wrong

>not liking Miami dolphins coming out of a bush
Not gonna make it

Sounds like he's too deep for you.

Florida is shit.

You need to go back.

Every Jojo Character were died in the end of Stone Ocean ending except the baseball kid (forgot his name)

I accept your concession

Go back where?

While never 100% confirmed, why is the fact that Soundman being AU Sandman completely retarded? Considering Valentine introduced him as he came through a door lying flat on the ground, considering D4C is it really that improbable that it could be AU Sandman? Not like Valentine didn't hire AU Diego, or interact with AU Hot Pants

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Sandman and soundman sound the same to a Japanese audience. This is a Japanese story made by a Japanese man. This sadly got loss in translation

>While never 100% confirmed, why is the fact that Soundman being AU Sandman completely retarded?
Because that's not how D4C works, you don't go to different universes where people have different names. If AU Diego was named Diogo then maybe the theory would hold some water.

Ignore the name facet then, Araki is a hack. Couldn't it still be an AU copy?


nigga u dumb

>But we're not gonna bond with them or anything to achieve that...
Bonding? I mean Johnny and Slow Dancer didn't get along at the beginning of SBR and soon enough got along just fine before the race even started
>What exactly did Johnny learn at the end of his journey from Gyro other than becoming slightly less of an asshole?
Aside from the literal Lessons of the Spin there's tennis balls
>His whole daddy issues thing was resolved by...flashbacks? And his dad suddenly turning up at the end to cheer for him for absolutely no reason?
>He's boring as dirt, and people who constantly praise him are just parroting each other.