Love Live

Who is your favorite Love Live girl?

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the fat one

and Eli

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If you look at group shots of Emma with other LL girls, she has noticeably paler skin then they do. I found it interesting that they went out of their way to make sure she was truly a white ass bitch. I mean, they didn't have to do that so it's nice that they did.

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I expected a booming mezzo-soprano vocal from the thiccest raibu yet (and one dressed as a yodeler to boot), but Emma having a generic chipmunk voice disappoints me.

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I wish her freckles were more visible and covered her limbs as well.


>generic chipmunk voice disappoints me
any proof?

Maybe I'm just blind but I don't see any difference in skin color between white and asians.

Asian people are like, one shade slighter darker than white people are. It's not a huge difference but it's enough difference to make them inferior creatures.


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For me it's me, closely followed by You.

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Literally who?



Listen to her single, Evergreen.

She's fully voiced in All Stars so just play that.

I don't remember being that busty.

Meds are darker than Nords even though they're clearly superior, though.


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First we started with a bunch of hafus, now we've allowed a full white devil into Love Live.

What's next, Shaniqua and Maria?

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>you will never fuck Chika on her roof
Just kill me now.

I, for one, would be okay with a cute Latina Love Live girl, or a cute brown Love Live in general.

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I want to stick my peeny in Shizuku.

She sounds like what I expected, good thing Karin exist.

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School Idol Festival already has a pajeet idol.

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Shizuku is so cute.

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>her name is rakshata and she talks about curry all the time
I don't know whether to laugh or not.

Incredibly based.

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I will fuck you user

Can someone explain the meme about this being you? I'm out of the loop.

They ought to have a Love Live with JS idols.

She is the self-insert protagonist of Love Live All Stars.

In other words, she's you.

Love Live will never do anything other than JK idols.

I think even Japan realizes that idolizing 11-12 year olds is kind of weird.

Nope, she has a canon name which disqualifies her from being a self-insert.

Dressing up little girls half-naked on stage is an American thing.

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Male self-inserts in harem anime still get their own names.


It's not that weird. There are both fictional and real life JS idols. Some JS idols are in some of those groups out there which have their members graduate when they finish middle school, and those groups do admit JSes as well.

I mean, plenty of self-inserts have canon names. They usually just allow you to change the name in the actual game though. Red from Pokemon is a self-insert character, you play as him and project yourself onto him. His journey is your journey. But he's still known as Red officially and technically has his own backstory in canon.

If they have canon names then they cannot be self-inserts. Examples of actual self-inserts include the Producer from im@s.

>no true Scotsman

>If they have canon names then they cannot be self-inserts.
That's not true though, for reasons already stated.

My beautiful and lovely wife Maki-chan.

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Self-inserts are blank templates, yes? But having a canon name means that the template is no longer blank, that they're their own characters. It's not possible to project yourself into something like that.

Names don't really mean anything. People adopt pseudonyms and sobriquets all the time.

Anata-chan's canon name will be decided by fan suggestion/poll.

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she has lines in the game. thus. she is not a completely blank template from the start

>It's not possible to project yourself into something like that.
People do though so clearly it is possible.

i'm pretty cute

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Anta-chan a cute

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I didn't know I was Nico, just better in every single way.

Yes, but even then they still have a canon original real name. Only if they lack one then can they be considered self-inserts. The Witch Weapon mobage's player character is an example of that; there is no canon original name but whatever it was it got changed to Ren due to some database fuckery, so that is a self-insert.

I'm aware of that. The moment they allowed that to happen was the moment she ceased to be a self-insert.

Then every character is a self-insert making the term pointless.

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>Yes, but even then they still have a canon original real name.
That proves nothing. Self-inserts can have canon names, too.

And I am saying that once they have canon names they cease to be self-inserts.

your childhood friend ayumu will keep you safe during these times

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>Then every character is a self-insert making the term pointless.
Well no, because there's clearly a difference with how some characters are designed. In Persona 4, the main character is meant to be a self-insert because you make his decisions, he doesn't talk or have any personality but he still has a canon name and backstory. It's not a black and white thing.

>And I am saying that once they have canon names they cease to be self-inserts.
Not really. Plenty of harem self-inserts have canon names.

If this doesn't end with anata-chan peeing herself then this isn't worth bothering with. And why the fuck did she not have any spare masks at home?