Shingeki no Kyojin

Spoilers soon.

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Annie deserves all the sweets!

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Hi :)

will Eren have a daughter or a son?
what would he name her/him?

Never ever

Where is the damn cover?

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>Would genocide the world for

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>will Eren have a daughter or a son?
He'll have his wife's son.

Take care of each other please.

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No it doesn't, a Förster is someone who protects and takes care of forests.

Why hello there, good sir

>Floch doesn't want to leave the forest and will make sure nobody does
That's even worse

Manlet is bonded to Hanji

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>It's Floch's sole purpose to ensure the forest nature of the world is maintained

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Don't wake Hansi up.

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ER is the true OTP.

The only thing that's left for Eren is death. He won't be rewarded after stepping into this hell.


>cucked by a nameless faceless npc farmer

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And MAKE PARADIS a paradise

Dead threads
Dead manga
Dead spoilers

Serves you shipperniggers right

Is there even a hunter thread up


I don't think he is ackerbonded with Hans though his feelings I don't know

AAfat seething as always

If he actually cared for her, he would have stopped her from going on this suicide mission.

The funny thing is Förster(forest rangers) and Jäeger(hunters/gamekeepers) often appear together as part of german stories, fairytales or myths. Not sure if they are still working together irl though.

He actually supports her because he cares about her

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They are the type to die for the mission plus they are already fugitives


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Manlet actually values his comrades a lot

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What you guys gonna do after the manga ends?

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I don't know if he is smiling here or not


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Start reading better manga

>Reiner panic buying
Accurate kek

If he cares about her, why is he sending her to her death for no reason?
They could have much more easily worked on not becoming fugitives by working with jean and mikasa to overthrow Floch instead of trying to stop Eren.

Will we live to see the end?

Are you saying Levi never cared about his squad and the soldiers who were sent to Zeke in that suicidal mission?

>stay in the forest where sooner or later they will be shot to death
>move on and fight for a goal
I guess manlet hates everyone. Are you the same faggot who said Kenny didn't love manlet?

phew I did it, I've read it to the ongoing

EMbros...why does Isayama hate us so much?

They both put their duty first, feelings come second.

We are the plot, user. Stay strong

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Rewatch LoGH.

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No, because in those cases, they weren't dying for no reason, and usually, the risky move was a desperate attempt to try and avoid getting wiped out themselves. Right now, Levi and Hange have no reason and nothing to gain by pursuing Eren.

Unironically this, you have to be autistic if you didn't understand the conversation

At least we have cute moments :^)

They are just moralfags

I want to bake pies for Annie.

Manlet also had nothing to gain and everything to lose when he saved Mehmet

Annie is...


Post underrated pages.

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For me, its Armin/Astrid. The purest Shingeki ship.

Read the whole post. Opposing Floch is perfectly valid and also possible
They've actually completely abandoned their duty at this point.

Reiner's future wife

Best Girl

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True, but at least that was low risk, compared to their current goal, which means certain death.

They don't want to destroy the world and feel responsible for everything.

The bestest girl in the world

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you mean eren's

That has nothing to do with manlet not caring about his comrades.

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I do think Levi and Hanji plot should have been to run in a low profile investigating Historia/other yeagerists. I really don't think this whole alliance benefit these characters at all

Eren being a hypocrite is part of his growth. It takes him a long time to understand WHY RBA did what they did. He no longer holds it against them since they were children who were used. They've done terrible things, but they were forced into that hell. Eren chooses to become the very thing he hated because he also sees it as necessary.


people change you faggot

I want Fatnnie to step on me

Well they aren't, and it isn't. It wasn't even within their power to do this, nor is it within their power to change course. Almost more importantly, they have no reason to give a shit.
It really doesn't. It's a second climax that the manga doesn't need. It almost makes me buy into the publisher meddling meme.


Key line
>who'd done nothing wrong
The rest of the world tormented his people for a century and declared a war of extermination against his country. Don't start fight you can't finish, faggot.

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Not him and this answer won't satisfy you but they are just there to shill you the Avenger shit.

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Annie and MIkasa
gay sex

In my opinion I would have just put the alliance vs Eren already and let your imagination of how they met fly. They are fucking awful together


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>tfw no Detective Hange and Watsonlet
>Watson is a war veteran like Levi
>Holmes is autistic like Hange
The kino was there and Isayama didn't to see it

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You are a man of culture as well I see.

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We see only 8 titans here. Who is the alopecia titan next to the protoFemale Titan? The Founder or the Shingeki?

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Very based.

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mikasa is a man tho

Isayamer is a capeshitfag.