
We just can't seem to stay alive
Buyfag thread

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Made this thread so I could say this, but didn't want to post it in the OP
Maybe it's time we move to another slower board (jp) if the threads can't even last overnight. I hate the shitposters spamming as much as the rest of you but buyfag on Yas Forums genuinely seems to be dying.

>he fucked up the subject again
And isn't interested in anything that doesn't have joints.
Anything remotely nsfw is also not tolerated.

I know, that's why I suggested jp

Has it been slow of late or has it been a running thing? I usually only visit to post new purchases and the last time I did a month ago, it was near the bump limit. If it's just been of late, just chalk it up to corona-chan and keep going as per usual.

It's been a bit slow, but we can usually get to/close enough to bump limit when the threads die. But with all this corona stuff going on, it's pretty much disrupting the flow of releases and boxes. This year, and probably longer, is going to be a wash.

Threads will still sometimes hit the bump limit, but since last year I've noticed that the threads are dying prematurely much much more often. Corona is likely just exacerbating the issue, but I don't think it's brought on only by that. Back when I started buyfagging ~4 years ago there was basically always a thread up. Thrice in the past week I've searched for a thread only to find that none were up.
If other anons think that it's just a corona thing though, then I guess we don't need to talk about it.

You don't have to make a thread just because there isn't one.
Wait until there's something worth posting.

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Are there any guides to buying imported manga?

>Wait until there's something worth posting.
What would that be?

You may say this, but once a thread is started faggots will start shitting it up under the pretext of "bumping the thread so it doesn't die".

So don't make a thread.
OP is a faggot and couldn't be bothered to post it as the first reply.

I think there were some but generally it sums up as "if there isn't an option to ship to you directly, use one of the proxy shippers and order enough bulk for it to be worth it for you".

What are my options for getting a custom figure made? Are there any artists or services that do this kind of thing?

selling these 3 figs.
all for 100 each
mfc auggy

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>3 packages in transit
>EMS: Stuck in Tokyo after being collected 14 days ago
>Air Parcel: Stuck in Tokyo after being collected 10 days ago
>DHL: Left Osaka today after being collected yesterday
When in doubt, the germans always have a solution.
Combined with what other anons have posted recently, I guess currently DHL is the safest option.

Ive gotten 2 things with dhl since everything got coofed on
One in 4days one in 2
Sucks to pay that much for shipping but id rather not have something get stuck for 3 weeks in limbo

I'd be tempted to buy one bu
>No ads
>No collection
>No activity
>Joined 11 months ago
Maybe some user will try to but I'll pass on something so suspicious.

I tried using 2YOU4 to buy from amazon japan and after filling out a transfer request it didn't ask for payment info nor did the website say the order is actually being processed. What do I do after this?

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I'm marrying Belfast.

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my reddit is auggy24 I've been trading there for years

So I imagine that it's normal that another user is selling the exact same thing as you

its my 2nd account. I know it sounds to good, but I just want to sell these for something, msg for timestamps

It's been like what 2 years? And still not painted

>My delivery got delayed until sometime in april due to corona-chan
>Shit's not slowing down
I'm never gonna get my boy, aren't I?

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The threads were starting to get slow a while before corona-chan arrived, but corona-chan delaying everything made the threads 100% times worse.

Maybe some of our fellow buyfags are dead

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Everything will be off pace/out of place for easily a year or so when it comes to getting back to normal. And that's if the virus gets curbed at some point and the peaks/drop offs happen sooner. Even after the peak, the drop off of cases is going to be slow, especially with how people are acting during all this.
I've just accepted most of my shipments will be delayed or stuck in shipping hell. Can't do much with what I already had ordered/ready for shipment, so I'll just take some time and look to find some of the rarer things I want to collect.

Now that 90% of shipping options are banned even more so

I'd say buyfags are fine but the board got more active while buyfag threads didn't so they reach the last page a lot faster

just marry her tits instead

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I think this is the best Momo

You know we're in a crisis when the shittiest option becomes the best one.

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Belfast is for Enty

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essex is the obvious better choice

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Inevitable delay incoming

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Wew lad
How is 2day shipping the shittiest option?

More like shittiest option becomes the only one.

I never used DHL but dont they charge a shitload?

Thanks, but I did look over the guide before. There are sections for h-manga, doujin, and artbooks that might be applicable, but I was wondering if there was a guide for just mainstream manga.

I'm mostly wondering what the best place bulk buy manga and save on shipping is.

And the AL anime is for no one.

I love some Momo

I wonder how Japan will handle international mail getting backed-up for weeks.

Packages get shot out of a laser cannon but the downside is the handling of the package can be pretty rough. It's generally only recommended for small but heavy packages like books. Their cost is more volumetric than weight so using it for figures is typically uneconomical.

For manga, are you looking to by buying English releases or raws?
and for raws, as tankobon or magazines?

2you4 is a forwarder, not a proxy. They're not buying your things for you. That's your job.
The transfer request is more of a "hey I've got some things coming your way, here's my info for international shipping" form.

I'm looking to buy raw tankobon.

Please respond

>find a 3D artist on deviant art
>pay 2 grand for a 3D model that can be 3D printed
>print it
>you'll never find someone willing to paint it

So I will get my packages punched then

which ship girl is that? I dont play azur lane will often have entire runs of pre-owned manga for sale, which you can get via proxy of forwarder (as most don't ship internationally). You can also get new manga from the same place, obviously, but you'll probably want to use a forwarder that will re-pack for you before shipping out of Japan.

You can also use BookOff for bulk manga (again, with a proxy or forwarder), and both manda and Y!JP sometimes will have entire runs if you're looking to buy in bulk.

HMS Belfast

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Shut the fuck up sipfag. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

read the thread

What's a good proxy/forwarder for books? Tenso charges per weight which adds up. ZenMarket is 300 per item which is fuck for a bunch of small doujins. I can order the books myself if the website accepts paypal/american cc.

I kind of want to support my favorite mangaka, so buying new would probably be more ideal.

Would it still probably make more sense to use a proxy service?

Was an april fool for some boat with big tits, this one is belfast but there was the same scene with other boat

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If you're buying new just buy it normally from or CDJapan or some other site that sells new. His advice was more for getting what you want for the best price which 99% of the time means buying second hand.

Is international shipping costs generally the same among these sites?

Books are heavy. Amazon is going to be cheaper because of being the biggest company in the world and the negotiating power that comes with that. An independent site is going to have more options for shipping. The problem is right now and until the foreseeable future DHL is the monopoly in town due to apocalypse. That's what uses internationally so they're pretty much you're only game in town. Sorry for the long explanation but that's the facts.