SEVENS is out, reviews some good. OP is lackluster but assume it's funny so far, the voices are not annoying and the duels' animation is good.
Episode 01 subs anticipation thread

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>still no subs
lmao sevens is done if the biggest ygo autists dont even bother to sub this shitshow

i feel pain from just the Opening

Man there are times you'd have to wait for months for Yugioh subs back in the day. I forget there are people here who never experienced fansubbing before.

shit anime

Kek, that's nothing. For some anime you had to wait until the DVDs came out

People are freaking out because at least back then the dubs came out faster than over a year after the show started

She should be Dueling sooner than expected. That's good.

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Where can I watch it?

Episode was fine. My only gripe with the show is that Sevens Road Magician has such a shit design. It does not have the feel of a Ace monster.

Didn't an user said that he's going to sub it? He said it's gonna take a week though.

Everyone complaining about no subs yet clearly haven't had to wait for fansubs before.

Raw is Nyaa.si, subs not out yet.
That would be cool

I remember when ZEXAL subs were taking so long they were like 10 or so episodes behind so I just watched it all raw.

It's not like you need to be fluent to understand 'ore no taan', 'kouka hatsudo' and 'kougeki'

>mfw remembering fansub days
>tehe, episode won't be out for a week because I was lazy lol
>episode comes out one month later
>getting the whole show was sometimes a matter of years
>an anime you like might no be translated because no one decided to pick it up

I just realized the script was released six hours ago and am chucking it through Aegisub. Should take 30 minutes or so to time.

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Based user.

Doro! Monsuta shoukan! Ekuseed shoukan! Direkuto ataku! Tan endo...
Based, keep up the good work user. Post the torrent here when you're done, I'll help seed.

Godspeed man.

you're the hero we don't deserve, user

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Look at this exciting duel!

My wife Romin is so cute

>get around to watching vrains because of the quarrantine
>7 episodes in is just playmaker losing until he can cheat out a card with his skill

It is just more obvious than some previous seasons, but not any different.

Well, of course someone is going to abuse the chance to farm free new monsters every Duel. Just you wait until the end of Season 2.

Expectations have changed. I'd rather people complain about subs not being out in a day than going back to have literate Windows movie maker effects text shit.

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Sorry, this is taking longer than I thought and I have some personal stuff I need to take care of. They'll be up in about a week.

>mfw fansubs not doing karaoke anymore and official subs are shit
What a sad time for anime, where you can't even sing along your favourite OP

For me it's jaden top decking bubblechad and his broken effect the best asspull.

F. Good luck, user.

Take care, user.

>topdeck bubbleman
>draw into pot of greed
>draw into hope of fifth
>draws into polymerization to make situational fusion monster for whatever he needs
>this happened like 50 fucking times
Jaden honestly wasn't that good at the game.

This guys bullshitting but it is taking longer than I thought. I subbed Battle Beast and Blue Angel getting vineraped but otherwise have no experience.
>tfw yurifag beats me to it by five minutes again

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That's just game-ifying what previous protags could do anyway. Same ol' heart of the cards skill.

>Legend of Heart
>Super Polymerization
>Majestic Dragon
>Re-Contract Universe
>Re-Contract Universe 2.0
>Neo Storm Access
Top asspulls of each series.

Doing god's work, user

Attached: BROTHER.png (766x808, 837.85K)

>t. heart of the cardlet

Ganbare user. I used to do subs for fun, though I subbed songs so half the time was spent matching the ori funky text effects.
For long lines like that, either break it up according to the rate the characters say it, or do a line break for easier reading.

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>200 damage
Damn too OP pls nerf

Did you cut the CMs from the raw?

I love meme cards, I want to see someone in the anime with a whole strategy based on this card.

Okay, new mc is pretty cute.

Thanks for the tip on line breaks. I'll add them throughout whenever the dialogue's too fast to chop down. Doing karaoke effects sounds pretty fun.

Nah, but I probably shoud've. Too late now unless they can be shifted easily.

>unless they can be shifted easily.
I think ffmpeg shifts it when you cut out stuff, but I might be mistaken.

No prob, and thanks for doing this.

>Too late now unless they can be shifted easily.
It's been a while but this should be the one

Where can I buy you a coffee?

Was Ayu that old?
>So many background cuties

Roboppi is next.

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I've tried to watch 5Ds for the fourth time and I cant. The motorcycle thing is too stupid.

>Still no subs
Fuck it, where do I find the raw?


Nobody is subbing kodomo anime.


kek, cute

>going fast not making you feel alive

there's the guy in the thread

>Playing a card game to save the world is fine
>Adding motorcycles is crossing the line

5Ds first came out when I went to college and I thought it was stupid then. The older I get the worse it becomes.

>King of Duel
Can't it be Duel King or like the old King of Duelists? King of Duel sounds a stiff.

It just showcases the process of you becoming more immature. Don't worry, most people are like that.

Thinking it's stupid is fine, but you should have thought DM was stupid from the start.

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I don't think I did because I was in high school when DM came out. I also really like Camp. DM is great Camp, the GX dub is perfect Camp, and 5Ds takes itself too seriously for my tastes.

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>actually hating card games on motorcycles
Duel runners and riding duels are awesome, you are literally having a duel while moving through various places at dangerous speeds. You have bad taste.

Thank you very much

>no subs

And thus, there goes the only chances of me watching this

I know it seems really stupid until you watch it.

>>I remember when ZEXAL subs were taking so long they were like 10 or so episodes behind so I just watched it all raw.
I remember it being way more than 10 episodes behind, I'd check once a month and often there'd only be a single episode subbed.

I think the original line is literally "dueru no ou". imo King of Duels sound slightly better but oh well, that's up to whoever's doing the script.