Why did he sleep in the bathtub?

Why did he sleep in the bathtub?

Attached: bathtubs german shepherd will smith i am legend 4550x1923 wallpaper_www.wallpapername.com_13.jpg (4550x1923, 3.48M)

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women will never understand this scene

Because it's safer.


wanted to be safe

Sleeping with a rifle in your arms is quite stupid.

Surviving the blast if he triggered the house explosion.

This guy CIAs.

Because the bathtub provides more cover than his bed.

This and also doing that dumb movie shit where he wants to return to the womb


This flick had a chance to actually be decent if it wasn’t for the garbage schlock third act

No it's not, if a round isnt chambered its harmless

I think this was also the only scene where all the monsters were outside his house at night. All the other scenes he was sleeping in his own bed. Probably because there was no noise outside.

Monsters can only grab you if your arm or leg is hanging over the side of the bed

Cgi aged pretty badly

That's not true, hang your leg over the bed all you want

>This flick had a chance to actually be decent if it wasn’t for the garbage schlock third act

Top soi. It's a film, retard

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nice try monster

Black people love it.

The original ending was better than the focus tested suicide bomb ending. All the hints throughout the movie that the monsters were intelligent had no pay off when the movie just ends with him just blowing them up.

probably ptsd and his instincts tell him its safer

That's monsta to you human, drop that hard R

russian bots are out in full force today



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Who hurt you?

Anybody else cried when the dog died?


Your argument falls apart once you remember this is all anonymous and no one gets anything from these posts

Yes you do, you are able to make Reddit -tier shit more acceptable to the site. Leave nigger.

Those are the exact types of posts you'd see on Reddit, STFU faggot.

You sure know a lot about that shit site faggot. Go back

How would you know what posts on Reddit look like?

>muh sekrit club
yikes... grow up


Because of you.

they understand it all too well

That doesn't make sense you mong

reminder that the alternate ending was actually built towards, with multiple shots in the movie moving towards the vampire zombies trying to find the female one. this is all thrown out the window in the theatrical version

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Imagine discussing this version when kino version exist youtube.com/watch?v=feQIhzNpBLQ

His neck is going to hurt in the morning.

oh it looked shit in theaters, user. The kicker is they had rubber masks made, they just didn’t use em.

Felt like a call back to the book when his dead neighbors were calling him to come outside

>sleeping with gun and dog

Attached: polar_madsmikkelsen.jpg (1431x805, 283.96K)

Зaткни пacть pyccкaя швaль.

>implying screencaps from reddit have never been posted on this site before
Go back

stop shilling your site holy fuck nobody cares

he was tired

why the fuck was fred there?

They're intelligent in the original Charleton Heston version, The Omega Man

kek, no being cordial around these parts

it's a high IQ thing you wouldn't get it

Attached: 110474-kyle-reflechit-dans-sa-baignoire.jpg (750x484, 188.74K)

>he doesn't sleep in every room of his home to get the most out of what he owns

that was a remake of the Vincent Price version, The Last Man on Earth

Why is there always cases where movies had the real props made and then some fucking studio exec plays the "Just CGI everything" card last minute so it looks shit

god the book is so much better

won't it just break and maim him like toilets?

In reality, yes. But Hollywood seems to like to rate all tubs like they're old cast iron ones.

I saw this in theaters in '07 the year after we bought our puppy. Came home and hugged him hard, he died last year after a stroke. Bought a new 4lbs puppy yesterday and am playing with him now

I mean they even rendered the CGI for the ending properly. Was it test audiences denying us a proper kino, or was it Will Smith?

>weighs his dog
Are you chinese?

My dog Molly passed away April last year. Still not ready for a new animal. Damn feels...

Because it's the exec's or his buddy's CGI studio.

It's very well known it was test audiences, the movie was completely finished and had the ending redone very late because test audiences wanted the standard hero ending.

You weigh him to control his ideal weight to adjust the diet.

So you can fatten him up, eh Chang?

I’m sure they lived a very happy life with you
May this next one also live happy
I’m going to hug my Doberman pup now