>Still in poverty edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I am Asian
Entire room for a fucking dog
Huh, never seen Šnipiškės from this angle, interesting
We can see, user :)
This board provides a flag indicator.
Looks like some fucking slum
imagine if everyone lived in such houses instead of commie blocks, would be kino, also doesnt look soulless like american suburbs
He really doesn't. The average zoomer can't even properly communicate in fucking Lithuanian, much less English.
It is.
That entire city is the most overrated dump in our beautiful country.
She can annex my Klaipėda any time she wants.
maybe I live in a bubble but I hear obviously Lithuanian kids conversing in decent English amongst themselves all the time. perhaps if you go for fyfos on tinder you'll have a bad time
Gypsies live there, dont they?
uh, no
>no windows were broken
>no lamps were broken
2/10 for the skill
I wish I were dead.
>tfw torrented butterlord
>its just warband with facelift
>and shitton of bugs
>and it crashes like every 20 minutes
it gets patches everyday
Still feels more like a demo than a game 8 years in the making.
my PC barely runs it on low even tho i have i5 and 1060, i got the 50 GB version, maybe its bugged or bloated, gonna wait for a bit, maybe there are versions that run better
let's be dead together
so was mountain blade when it launched
then warband came out
its a slow process
what city is that
Then they should have learned from their mistakes, instead of repeating them.
Essex (also know as Little Lithuania)
Already got gulag'd for posting Mashinka
Are you a girl?
I've been in this website since 2015. I was 18 then. I wonder when I will finally leave.
I don't want to continue having autistic arguments with underage schizophrenics when I'm married with children.
>maybe I live in a bubble
This. It's easy to lose perspective.
Only on tinder, to bait unsuspecting foreigners
as if thats an option
julay.world > 8kun > Yas Forums > reddit
we will miss him
roll, if this is an even number, I will do something I shouldn't
>when I'm married with children.
Good one, user.
never. I've been here since 2003. be warned.
Not him, but why foreigners? Traps belong to local dik!
17 years bruh. As long as it takes for a kid to grow up to an adult essentially. Think about that, Estanon.
match with me so i can have at least a short ego boost
hehe you're like our internet grandpa
literal datamine chan
also lainchan > everything
>I hear obviously Lithuanian kids conversing in decent English amongst themselves all the time.
What the fuck?
Going to Kėdainiai, lads
You will post feet at last?
why the fuck would you go to Kėdainiai
He ain't the only one.
Iš Kauno? Į Yas Forumsą atėjai per LNK forumus ir anime?
Want to go on an honourable killing spree with a suicide finish?
dude I will not be doing that, get over it >:(
No. She's definitely a Volga.
I liked that guy.
If you don't need a trans-siberian train ride to do it - can you ask him if gulag is not too bad?
I could have asked my great grandfather from my mother's side, but he actually managed to jump out of the train when it was on it's way and got away and found his way back.
So I haz no info :/
Also prob. gulags are much nicer nowadays anyway.
Maybe I should go there for work
even my mom has started speaking English sometimes, when you spend all your time on the internet bombarded by western media some things are just easier to express that way.
maybe "zoomers don't english" faggots live in a ghetto or a village.
Stop being so obvious :^)
LNK forumai? what the fuck is that? ne, ne ir ne.
My grandfather didn't have time to jump out and now I live in Siberia :^)
I'm not always that obvious
>maybe "zoomers don't english" faggots live in a ghetto or a village.
Sweety, try holding a conversation with them about anything other than reddit memes. My friends wife is an english teacher in a gynmasium in Kaunas.
Just for a drive
Sharing is caring.
Will do. City 2 search in?
He means on vocaroo on 4ch, otherwise he wouldn't know.
Err... No, VDD. I don't do such things. Obviously... Why would you suggest such a thing? :}
Buvo toks forumas, kur nemažai anime mėgėjų rinkdavosi, būtent kažkodėl LNK TV hostinamas.
I myself plan on going for a drive this tuesday.
anyone want to play minecraft ? im bored out of my mind
Golfukas lives
Kaunas ofcourse. Joking though, disabled my tinder few weeks ago since i need to focus on uni
post pics of Kėdainiai
ai jo, prisiminiau dabar. nah, lurkinau labiau tam normaliam anime forume ir whatever the fuck the lithuanian imageboard was for a hot minute
achan.net? buvo po to kažkoks ir su lt galūne,
bet čia turėjo būt 2004-2005, ne '03, man atrodo.
whatever, man alzheimeris ir alkoholinė demencija
BASED user! It's such a built-up place now, isn't it?
Mum said he was a lil' fucked up after coming back, because he always had to scrounge for food when walking. So he'd slap her across the fingers when she was peeling potatoes and say that she was peeling too much of the potato with the peel.
Was it worth his effort to jump off and walk back from somewhere in Rus? Or should he have stuck around and Siberia would have been nicer?
Nice Mi-2
lmao what in the fuck ?