Which 3rd world country will become 1st world in 2050

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Spain is already 1st world tho



I bet Chile if they don't become a left dictatorship

Then we will be 1ster world.

People hate the left's guts here just as much as they hate the right

Hopefully us

china and estonia.

tanzania will remain a shithole with maybe some chink controlled government thats for sure

>Spain is already 1st world tho

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Honest question to residents of bad Europe (Poles, Czechs, Balts, etc). What are the chances that you will eventually be first world?

Define first world exactly. By all metrics, Slovenia is already 1st world (HDI, GDP/capita, etc) as set by IMF, UN etc. but if you have another definition of first world you have to define it first.

t. centrist brainlet

I think some countries from South East Asia, Thailand or Malaysia, maybe even Vietnam.

They're going to be one of the least affected countries by the coronacrisis, they have hard-working, obedient population and they trade with China a lot.

Czechia is already first world, so is Slovenia and arguably Estonia
Poland will be in a few years, by 2030 at the latest depending on the definition

They do lmao

Greece, Roachland, Russia and some other eastern block countries.

>What are the chances that you will eventually be first world?

3 months ago I would certainly tell you that we would have become first world by 2030, now I'm not sure, the incoming crisis is gonna hit us hard. But since it won't spare developed countries either, maybe just 'first world standards' will go down and we'll catch up with them anyway

Rwanda is the only legitimate third world country I could see being developed in 2050. Everyone else here is mentioning second world countries. Rwanda has been consistently having one of the fastest economic growth rates every year for a couple of decades now. They've also had the largest increase in HDI over the last 30 years, and things don't seem to be slowing down for them.

what's the difference between Rwanda and let's say Uganda or Malawi

Rwanda got the genocide in the 90s so they begin their rise even lower.

But now there's already no major difference between them and other neighbors.

I suppose the genocide was succesful.

Russia, Kazakhstan, maybe Turkey, Mongolia, Malaysia, Botswana, Namibia, Balkanoids

>Botswana, Namibia

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>They've also had the largest increase in HDI over the last 30 years, and things don't seem to be slowing down for them.
Paul kagame really likes his people compared to everyone else in power in africa.
Though it is one of the poorest countries in the world it has a hdi of Nigeria and has a higher life expectancy.
Rwanda has a life expectancy of 69.06 and Nigeria has a life expectancy of 53.43
Africa needs more benevolent dictators like him desu.
The only problem is, he needs a good successor.

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This. Or somalia.

>But now there's already no major difference between them and other neighbors.
Burundi is poor as fuck and may go into a civil war
It is extremely poor even compared to African shit-holes like the DRC (DRC is extremely poor even for African standards).
The DRC is poorer than Rwanda and still has problems with terrorsists in the eastern region

>what's the difference between Rwanda and let's say Uganda or Malawi
Uganda is poorer than Rwanda

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What is the economy of Rwanda based on

>This. Or somalia.
I don't know if Somalia will ever recover, even with the diaspora coming back.
Somaliland maybe, but it will if it's lucky become ok for an African nation by 2050.

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how would their diaspora returning help them in any way? If anything they're the reason they aren't starving, since they send them billions of dollars from Canada, Sweden, America etc

>What is the economy of Rwanda based on
Its main industries are cement, agricultural products, small-scale beverages, soap, furniture, shoes, plastic goods, textiles, cigarettes

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Are we third world?

They're east-euro-tier already and if South African economy doesn't collapse it's quite possible.

Botswana is one of the only countries in the region that has been consistently developing since independence, has never seen a civil war, is the oldest democracy on the continent, and ranks higher than Slovenia and South Korea on the corruption index. I'd argue they're the best bet of any sub-Saharan African country, even beyond Rwanda also being mentioned ITT

Most of China and a good chunk of SEA if that counts.

Rwanda's economy grew by 8.6% last year, while Uganda and Malawi's economies grew by 6.1% and 3.2% respectively. While Rwanda may not be that much nicer that its neighbours today, it has been improving faster than them each year. They were the least developed country in the world in 1995, so an increase to being above average in Africa is a huge step forward.
The Rwandan economy is currently primarily based on mining and agricultural exports, though the manufacturing and tourism industries have been seeing large increase recently.

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Parts of India

South Korea looks a bit third worldish but your GDP per capita is quite impressive.

But the complexity of their economy is rather low, they only produce diamonds and nothing more, once this market collapses they're finished.



what about inequality, is the money the country makes fairly shared between the citizens or a big chunk of their income is stolen by the corrupt officials?

>how would their diaspora returning help them in any way? If anything they're the reason they aren't starving, since they send them billions of dollars from Canada, Sweden, America etc
True, but the Somalia government literally has to deal with Somali Isis, and the government is pretty incompetent at ruling the country since most of Somalia isn't ran by the official government.
It also has to deal with the increasing drought problems.
Somalia has less of a future than the DRC at this point, at least in the DRC the terrorists are getting pushed out.
Somaliland has some hope since it isn't affected by Al-Shabaab and is actually somewhat governed well.

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>somaliland maybe
Im sorry, I tought we were talking about sweden but I think those guys can recover too.

Income inequality is pretty high there, but as with other aspects of Rwanda, it's improving rapidly, and it's a lot better than most of Africa. It's gini coefficient (the most common measurement of income inequality) has dropped from a 50.8 in 2013 to a 43.7 in 2016. It's most likely even lower now in 2020.

>But the complexity of their economy is rather low, they only produce diamonds and nothing more, once this market collapses they're finished.
Botswana is trying to diversity it's economy, they want to become less reliant on diamonds

And they are trying to make a new city with western help called Kgale Lake city

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>have infinite amount of unused space
>build commieblocks and not houses

why are people like that

this based man right here

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>have infinite amount of unused space
>build commieblocks and not houses
>why are people like that

People like skyscrapers

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Jokes aside, probably Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia, maybe Brazil.

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maaybe the usa?

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Mexico and Brazil will never develop, they are basically the definitions of middle income traps
Indonesia and Thailand are very probable

I have no problem with office skyscrapers in the downtown but people shouldn't live in them

Brazil doesn't have a chance without ethnic cleansing.

All of latam except Bolivia

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If the current demographic trends remain, we will become a nature reserve by 2050

percentage of german gdp ppp per capita?

EU-12 if I remember correctly

>Jokes aside, probably Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia, maybe Brazil.
Brazil could become 1st world in 5-10 years if it's government wasn't corrupt,if all the slums got nuked and the people living there live in decent houses for extremely low costs (with free electricity and wifi and heating), an increase in the amount of jobs in the country, increase the police presence 20 fold as well as new cities.

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fun fact:

in 1990 Poland was poorer (GDP per capita) than: Egypt, Belize, Algeria, Botswana, Brazil, Mexico and on the same level with Eswatini, Tonga and Mongolia


>Poles, Czechs, Balts
They are already First World.

That's an unreasonably large list of things which to be improve in just 5 years

>lmao just remove poverty with nukes and tell people to be rich

that's like in every country

Malaysia and/or Israel. Possibly UAE or Saudi Arabia.

I just double checked and it is PPP per capita relative to EU-10
yes, but you remember what happened the year before right


you can easily tell the difference between 3rd world skyscrapers and 1st world skyscrapers though

When half of the population is in risk of poverty, a country cannot be first world

cope, brazil is 3rd world and always will be

>half of the population is in risk of poverty
which country are you talking about?

Those are not skyscrapers

>yes, but you remember what happened the year before right

yes, but it shows what level we started from

Mexico is already middle class by global standards. The bigger cities are unironically already pretty much first world apart from the crime issue. Mexicos population is far far better educated on average than they were just a single generation ago, and their birthrate has slowed drastically since the 80s. I don't think a lot of people realized how fucked Mexico is due to their rapid population growth and extremely uneducated population prior to the 80s. The MAJORITY of Mexicans who were born before the 90s didn't even finish high school and half of those didn't even make it to grade 8. It should also be noted that until the 80s it was still common for Mexican families to have 6-10 children. Once the ignorant mass of Mexican PRI voting boomers start dying off en masse, then we'll see Mexico changing positively in very sustainable ways as it's more educated younger generations raised after Mexico became multiparty take over. Mexico will likely start facing a very bad aging although markedly wealthier

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the pros are that no matter how disastrous the economic crisis after the coronavirus will be, nothing can be worse than the 1980s here so we're already prepared for that

The US, maybe...

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You are fucking delusional if you think Thailand and Indonesia will become first first. Just so pathetically wrong.