1500 deaths in ONE day

>1500 deaths in ONE day.
That's half a 9/11!
We'll be having a 9/11 everyday soon!
Are other countries even trying?

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liberal lies

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Um more people die from cancer and the flue dude

why? you are the country with the highest public spending in healthcare

>amerifats don't have paid leave
>amerifats are quite literally dying in their workplaces

Based amerigods

Big population and we did hardly anything to slow it down until a week or two ago.
Being prepared means nothing if you don't do anything.

that's just to make it more profitable for the corporate jews

>big population
but biggest public spending per capita, therefore per citizen, how is the size of population relevant here?

Because the virus scaped from Fort Detrick
It´s already in USA since august

The EU has us beat by a country league

The EU is 27 countries. The USA is 1 country.

The USA is 50 states.

it's all going according to plans

Still one country

those countries are also small in population yet many of them have more deaths than the US and nearly as many cases, when you start to add those up the differences are staggering

Most jobs have paid leave. Its shit like mcdonalds workers who dont get paid leave. And id be surprised if some immigrant whos working at mcdonalds in the netherlands has paid leave

6 million american deaths inshallah

Just look at cases per million people and compare the european countries to america. America is at 900 per million and most western european countries are sitting at 1500-3000

>more people die in country that has more people

Damn i mean its Kind of funny because of the memes
Then again even if americans are retarded for Not acting sooner they dont deserve whats coming
Still Kind of funny though

that's the thing, there are fewer deaths here than countries with not even a third of the population

What’s retarded is yuros actually think they are handling the virus better than the US.


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How is Germany Handling it worse than the USA for example?

You're a complete fucking fool, you know that?


>reporting actuall numbers
learn from the chinese, divide infected and deaths by 10 and then report

Germany is handling the virus better than NY. Germany ISN’T handling the virus better than Texas. US is handling the virus better than the EU.

You see how this works now?

pickle riiiick

>China btfo humanity
>ham over eggs

You're legitimately braindead if you trust the American figures but not the Chinese figures. The CDC has lied about the statistics for every major pandemic and in this case, the Chinese government was working with the WHO from day 0, while at the same time the the Americans were ignoring advice from the WHO and are now scrambling to get shit together while people are dropping like flies.

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The future is so bright

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>australian flag
EVERY time lmao

Nice job Trump

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you can browse the data by country for this country, much like south korea information about cases and deaths is there for anyone to see

don't be some dumb mouthpiece for chinese bullshit

>CDC figures make the US look bad
>Chinese figures make China look good

Hmm, now I wonder why people are more inclined to trust the one that doesn’t actually benefit nationalist propaganda.

loving it so much
9/11 every day
that sounds so amazing

>more people dead in new york than in the entiriety of germany
Try again lardo.

Do people seriously believe the chink numbers?

>be county of 0.5 million near NYC
>have less than ten deaths



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No, but I don't believe burger numbers either.

I suspect you also would think the earth was flat

>Arabs kill 200 people per year in France
Ooga Booga Arabs are subhumans, we must genocide them
>Chinese kill 8,000 people by now in France

no, but i dont belive american numbers either
thing is chinese are hiding actuall number of deaths and infected while americans only test people that are coughing their lungs out which mean infected without severe symptoms are not counted

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canucks don't know about Detroit? shame because it borders Windsor and I've been to both

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stay safe, homie

>mudshit is this triggered by uyghur education camps
keep seething cuck

no shit, Detroit got hit with it

look where the blacks are
>one tiny little dot

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He is no senator's son

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>The US surgeon general said this week is going to be the "hardest and the saddest" for "most Americans' lives," describing the upcoming grim period of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States as a "Pearl Harbor moment" and a "9/11 moment."
are we done ameribros

Despite Being Only 14.1 Percent of the Population...

FINALLY the imperialist pigs will die out! Listening to this rn to celebrate youtube.com/watch?v=GCOwpnQq4rg

there are basically next to no asians in states like Michigan to begin with

The age of the US of A is over, The time of the chinese has come.

we need another prediction for the apocalypse and this time the real one i swear, what are you doing america???

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“muh population” and “muh niggers” are the only responses to criticism an American flag is capable of